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Inappropriate Joke on Phoenix, AZ Radio

Started by Britney_413, July 07, 2010, 02:45:28 AM

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Quote from: Britney_413 on July 13, 2010, 03:19:39 AM
Well I wanted to see what everyone thought. It sounds like it isn't a big deal. I'm aware that Lady Gaga doesn't care because if she did she would not be encouraging all the publicity in the first place. My concern was the part where the host used the term "it." While Gaga may not care, it could have derisive connotations to other less popular/famous people who cross gender lines. In any case, I'm not going to worry about it unless it keeps happening.

On the other hand, does every thread about Arizona have to turn into BS about SB 1070? We don't want illegals here and they don't have a right to be here. Period. People who do the smart thing and watch less TV and read more critically will understand that the actual version of the law is very different than what the media portrays. The media wants you to think that the police are going to stereotype everyone of Latino descent and interrogate them about their immigration status. The truth is that the bill prohibits racial profiling and requires double probable cause for an arrest for immigration violation. First, they have to have probable cause you have actually done something illegal (traffic violation, criminal conduct) to stop and interrogate you in the first place. Then they have to have further probable cause to believe you are here illegally (if you can't identify yourself accurately, no record is found, mis-matches, no ID while driving, etc.). This applies to all illegals including those from Europe who are white. But some people choose to believe what the TV tells them rather than read actual facts. I don't even care if the illegal is a trans person. Get them out of here. The good news is that many of these illegals are leaving Arizona and going to your states where soon you'll agree with me and get your own similar law passed.

Likewise, if you don't have an intelligent response to a thread topic, maybe you shouldn't post. I'm tired of all the state stereotyping which is of zero use to anyone asking a question. If someone mentions a problem in Phoenix, it becomes the "racist Arizona" crap. If it is a problem in Dallas, stupid posts arise about "Texas should just secede from the union." Or if it is in Mississippi, it is because "look at the history of the South." Honestly if you can't answer a question without bashing where someone lives or has grown up (which is not exactly a choice), maybe you should just shut it.

OK I can totally see Britney's point of view. She did post the original question out of concern that 'on air' people were taking cheap and nasty shots at TG people. I support her concerns, although in this instance  I think we can decide that Lady Ga Ga has instigated some of the publicity.

I also agree that joking about where people live in a disparaging way can become tiresome. Hy one comment may be a joke, a list of them is a tirade.

I think this thread has run its course and I will close it.

However Britney if you want it reopened or think I am being unfair please pm me for the former and Nero or Susan for the later.
I would like to thank you for bringing a potentially insulting comment to the board for discussion.
