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Started by lolli, September 26, 2006, 03:16:59 PM

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All that lovely snow around you in that pic  :)

A mate in London has asked me to join the guys skiing in southern france over the festive season.
Beats mountain biking across the moors in the snow.

Posted on: November 19, 2006, 06:00:11 AM
Well as a follow up.
Neither have I lost weight nor have I put it on  :(

Need more exercise.


Quote from: Refugee on November 18, 2006, 11:03:05 AM
Quote from: Rei Ayanami on November 17, 2006, 09:49:40 PM

Did you Try the Lemon water regime It's like a 2 day fast on only water with Lemon or another citric acid in it? Think I drank almost 7 imperial Gallons of water in 2 days(8 lemons)You would be surprised how much extra weight and waist/abdomine size change after you do it I lost almost an inch  off my waist when I did it. Every one is a bit different but if you've been eating a lot of processed foods you probably have some "build up".

For anyone that's interested I started the lemon water diet this morning.

Weight:  205
Waist:  38

Better late then never, I can tell you I lost a pound on the above regimen.  Yeah a pound.  I don't know if it was worth it for me, chances are I would have lost the pound on my own anways.  There's a couple reasons why I think it didn't work.  First off I'm already careful about the things I eat, some might call this dieting.  Its normal to drop the first 5 to 10 lbs rapidly anytime you drastically change your eating habits.  So I don't think my body had much more to give.  Second, I hadn't eaten much in the week leading up to the "water diet", and I'd lost 8 lbs already.  As an interesting aside, I gained back a couple lbs the following week when I started eating normally again.  Again, I don't think my body had much to give.

I had the means, so I made the most of the opportunity to check my blood sugar also.  It was 77 by the second night of the diet.  Had I been a patient of mine, it would have been just enough to warrant treating for low blood sugar.  As it were as the night wore on I grew incredibly hungry and gave up about 3 AM or so - I was working at the time - and ate so maybe that flawed the results.  In any case, I wouldn't reccomend this approach for anyone with any pre-existing medical problems.

I could find no legitimate basis for adding the lemon.  There is evidence it will help your complexion, but that's by putting it on your skin, not in your body.  There was no reliable evidence that it either helps or hinders weight loss.  It did seem to make the water tastier and easier to drink, but I think that's a personal preference more then anything else.

On a more positive note, the water was effecting in creating a sense of being full, without adding calories.  Always a good idea when dieting.  As it is, most people are borderline dehydrated most of the time anyways.  Based on data from the Mayo Clinic, most people should be drinking a gallon of water a day.  The easiest way to do this is fill a gallon container and drink from it throughout the day - so there's no guess work about what is and what isn't a gallon.  You'll find you actually have to make an effort to drink the entire gallon.  Especially now that I'm back to solid food, even I'm not there yet.

Rei Ayanami

    Thanks for your input Refugee, like I had mentioned not everyone is the same and will have different results. The lemon water isn't actually a weight loss program it is meant to clear out your bowels which is the reason for the lemon it's the acid in the lemon juice that "should" loosen anything that may have built up in your colon, and is recommended if you are making a diet change. Prior to me doing it I was living on fast food and simmilar quick meals eg T.V dinner type meals, after I changed to a vegan diet and most of the "flab" began to vanish. Many lifestyle(diet) type books recommend it as one type of a "body cleansing" prior to the flip to your new eating habits and while I didn't do this myself  -->they Recommend consulting a Physician and/or dietitian before starting any major changes in your diet especially if it is something someone on the internet offers up.



I have found cutting portion sizes to be very effective for me losing weight. I am down over 30 pounds from my peak weight. roughly 30 more to go.
Susan Larson
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I have found certain foods (eg pork) to be more conducive to weight gain (or at least no weight loss).  Regular meals rather than 'famine and feast' are very important, in my opinion, for a healthy, sustainable diet and weight.



I have cut down my portions size on the plate.
Also by having a semi skimmed milkshake diet drink for breakfast about 7am and some water afterwards I remain full untill about 2pm.
I then eat an energy diet snack bar and a banana.
Then I eat a small meal around 7pm.

I believe its the amount of exercise one does each day that helps.

I spent Wednesday driving around the lanes in a 33 ton tanker with another driver, and I was concentrating so much that I nearly forgot to eat or drink water.

If we are dieting to lose weight then how many would consider or have had the op to remove the lower two ribs ?
A bit drastic me thinks.


Quote from: lolli on November 30, 2006, 09:02:39 AM

If we are dieting to lose weight then how many would consider or have had the op to remove the lower two ribs ?
A bit drastic me thinks.

Its incredibly dangerous, doesn't drastically alter your figure and any reputable doctor won't do it.  Did I mention that more often then not, the ribs grow back?  That and natal females have the same number of ribs, the difference is they're not as prominent.

Of all the things that could get me "read", my ribs are the least of my worries.


I have been on the Slim fast diet, only because I could not remember the name of the one I wanted to do.
But its called the Cambridge diet.
I am seeing a counciler on sunday to discuss the diet and my weight and what she thinks would suit me.
So maybe this time I can go about it the right way.


Lolli what is your weight goal or your goal to do, lose?  I am confused? 
Do you work out or exercise?  Hey fly over here and we can rock climb together... hehe...


I need to lose 17lbs but I would love to weigh between 11 or 12 stone.  :)
Exercise Riki !!!
I ride on and off road about 600 miles a month on a mountain bike and a road racing bike though this month I am increasing that to 1000 just for the hell of it  :o
I have been going to the gym working on my tummy muscles.

Oh to put on a pair of ski's again, looks silly wearing them in the house.

Never done rock climbing before, how about paragliding ?



I weigh about 13 stone (1 stone = 14 pounds) and I've decided I'm pretty happy being around there.  I'm not a tiny girl, but I'm not huge either.



Hahuuum thanks Melissa i was afraid to ask about the stone thing, but it inspires me to make lolli a 1 stone cheesecake that is all fat free!
I would love to paraglide no places around here really to do it!  I tried para sailing once it was cool.
Jesus woman you sound like a tri-athalon junkie! WOW!
I thought i stayed active!  You blow me away easily!
I have a whole new level of respect at least 5 or 6 stones worth!
Hah!  ::)
I'm no dietition and with all the activity it does not sound like your activity in your lifestyle is an issue with weight loss....
Back to the food thing i guess...


Thanks Kiera, nothing like sites like that first thing in the morning, after some wholemeal toast and coffee.
Melissa there is nothing of you to lose weight, at least from what I can see.
Those cant be your legs Ricki !  ;) so come on whose are they ?

This new diet plan for me costs £33 pounds per week !!!
thats expensive me thinks.
Thats a large dent in money best used for something else.

Oh no I am an under taster.
And I am lonely and frustrated  ;D nothing new there
And I am jealous  ::) I blame the ex
And I could be all of the above Dr Oz  :o

My world is in tatters around me, There is no point in living ekk

My rope anyone...I must hang myself....Yeah right, and moving swiftly on.


Well a year ago I found myself from Yoga Ashtanga course  (
And for me it's seems to be a good way of doing physical training but also I feel much relaxed after training.

Not much weight lost yet, but I can still measure the difference in my waist.. Slowly it will be smaller, because most of the exercises i.e. asanas will affect to deep inner stomach muscles. My posture is better than earlier also no neck & shoulder pain is gone.

So currently I do yoga 2 times a week each about 1,5 hours and 700 kcal..
And then I run 2 times a week 1h each about 500 kcal.

And I'm using personal training assistant ( to follow my training sessions for example to keep heart rate in correct level and for calculating calories.