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I'd like everyone to meet Pious Augustus (picture overload)

Started by Walter, June 03, 2010, 10:15:38 PM

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Pious is my new ferret. I've had her for a month =D

But the sad news is that my ferret, Ares, died right before I got Pious. I miss her still and I feel really bad for not being able to help her in her sickness. I just got done looking at old pictures that were saved on our camera and there was some pictures of her before and after she started losing her fur. We guess it was Adrenal Disease...but she's in ferret Heaven now. She's out of her earthly pain. I'm happy though that she's out of her pain because she was suffering. I don't think a vet could have saved her anyway...But I'll see her again someday in Heaven :3

Pious Augustus is my new ferret. She is so hyper =O and she loves to chirp/bark and bite everyone's feet and hands and legs :D She is a little angel straight from Heaven. I'm so happy with her

I've had her for about a month. I fell in loves with her the first time I saw her. I picked her up and she chewed on my cross necklace and gave me kisses on the chin :3 I knew I had to get this little blessing

For a while her name was Anton (Named after Anton Chigurh from the movie "No Country For Old Men") But..for reasons I changed her name were 1. Realized Anton wasn't a good name and 2. To avoid a conflict with my dad

Her eyes aren't white like that. I think it was from the camera flash

This next picture she has like..chocolate stains on her back fur xD I dunno how they got there

Oh and I named her after this character

I call her Pious for short :3




"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


"Politics is the art of controlling your environment."



Adorable ferret! I used to have one that same color myself. Named him JJ. Never really knew why, it just fit him somehow. xD


Yeah. She's so spunky

She's getting big too (not fat just..husky)

She's the biggest ferret I've ever had. That tells me she's healthy so..I'm happy

@Miniar How come Iceland doesn't allow ferrets? California and Hawaii don't allow them because of some bird law..or something like that


She is a cutey.  I have never had one.  And everyone I know that has one, they have smelt.


She is rather cute

Someone was trying to tell me that the scientific term for ferret was "Longass Raticus"

Like I'm gonna believe that  :P
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Lots of places ban non-indigenousness plants and animals for fear of what happened in Australia with the rabbits, or the kudzu down South, or any number of examples we have of non-native species being introduced, and then taking over.  See: Parrots of Telegraph Hill.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Cameron James

She's gorgeous!

I've always wanted a ferret, but ended up settling for cats and a chinchilla instead.



She's cute!  I'd love a ferret, but I have to be careful about smell because of the I've got a dog and a rabbit.


To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.
