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Posting Personal Information & Pictures

Started by Osiris, August 12, 2010, 09:02:53 PM

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Susan's is a support group for transgendered people and therefore deals with a lot of personal issues that many may not want known to the public. But you MUST REMEMBER that this is still a public forum. We cannot insure that any information shared on the site will be protected from public view and/or copying, reproduction.

Note our TOS-,2.0.html
Quote6. You should not give out personal information which may lead to your being identified, or contacted in person, by email or other means. If you chose to do so, then you also accept the accompanying risks. Aliases and the use of alternate email addresses are encouraged.
Photos may be used to identify the poster. Please be aware of this before uploading your photo to the internet. We care about your safety and security and do our best to protect all members of our online community. However, the Internet is not a 100% secure environment.

Do not share anything on Susan's that you do not want to be public information.
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This is a public forum so please remember when posting that The Internet Never Forgets, and the various web crawlers and archival sites out there may retain information that you post.

We cannot ensure that any information you share on the site will be protected from public view and/or copying or reproduction. This warning is also listed in the Terms of Service:

ToS 6. You should not give out personal information which may lead to you being identified, or contacted in person, by email or other means. If you chose to do so, then you also accept all accompanying risks. Aliases and the use of alternate identities, social media accounts, and email addresses are strongly encouraged.

If you give out personal information on Susan's you are responsible for any consequence.