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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Started by The Passage, November 10, 2011, 09:11:48 PM

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The Passage

Is anyone planning on getting into the Old Republic?

I was just invited to the weekend beta!! While it's only three days, I will at least get a chance to play this a little. So excited!!

I just hope I won't ask the same question at the end of the movie Fanboys: "What if it sucks?" XD
"Magic is just science we don't understand yet." - Arthur C. Clarke


yeah... literally everyone around me is obsessing about it for months-years now. just over a month now and it consumes like 80% of our communication ;D
Putting the "fun" in "dysfunctional"


A guy I work with got into it and he said it really was a WoW clone like some people are saying, though all the NPC's are fully voiced. He also said it was buggy, but at this point that's to be expected. I think I'll be giving it a try at some point, but I might decide to hold off for a few patches to be released and the game to be more stable. MMO's at launch are usually mighty buggy.


A friend of mine is playing the beta and is all excited about it... 
All MMO's are 'wow clones'.  The formula for MMO games are almost identical.   Can't see the old republic being any different.
Perhaps that is why I get bored of them before my first month is up.

Then the beautiful eyes of the fair woman open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss – and man is weak.


I've played beta for about a day. So far, here's where I stand on things:

Combat: 4/10 (WoW-style, nothing I haven't seen before.)
Bounty Hunter's tutorial story: 6/10
Inquisitor's tutorial story: 9/10
Voice Acting: 9/10
Graphics: 5/10
Armor's Visual Appeal: 2/10 (they went with the overly flashy, big shoulders WoW style, ugh...)
Stability: 7/10 (no crashes, occasional lag but the region I was in was VERY populated so I'll be generous here)

The story portions feel a lot like Mass Effect, even down to their using the same voice actors. (which isn't a bad thing, they do a good job) The dialogue itself varies in quality. Some of it is decent, some not so much. One thing I like a lot is how almost every quest offers you a good/evil choice which affects the outcome of the quest and sometimes will branch off into new quests depending on your choices. Some of the evil options are amusing, and you can betray all your friends and allies if you wish.

Combat isn't much, unfortunately. I'm seeing this as a game I'll mainly RP in. I rarely get excited about gameplay anyway, it's all about story and plot and creativity to me, which is why RP is so awesome. :)


Thank you for the review, Lily. Everyone I know that plays MMOs has purchased this game, and migrated to it. I have thought off and on about doing the same... However, I really just can't stand Star Wars.

I've enjoyed All Points Bulletin and Rift, but everyone has left those. I guess I may have to cave in, to join my friends.

How is the character customization? It doesn't seem much the game to care about aesthetics. Is it?


Quote from: MADI! on December 18, 2011, 06:52:52 PM
Thank you for the review, Lily. Everyone I know that plays MMOs has purchased this game, and migrated to it. I have thought off and on about doing the same... However, I really just can't stand Star Wars.

I've enjoyed All Points Bulletin and Rift, but everyone has left those. I guess I may have to cave in, to join my friends.

How is the character customization? It doesn't seem much the game to care about aesthetics. Is it?

Character customization: 1/10, it's like they didn't even try.

I am very much looking forward to Guild Wars 2, which seems to be breaking away from the EQ/WoW mold.


Ooooo, mmm, that's no good. I ended up purchasing it anyways, but I think I may cancel the order. Which they were supposed to get me in early access anyways, but didn't happen!

Yeppers, I'll just wait for Guildwars 2 or Dust 514.