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to everyone that feels alone

Started by jainie marlena, June 28, 2010, 11:36:29 PM

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jainie marlena

If God is omnipresent he has to be with you and in you and all around you for this statement to be true. everyone feels alone at one time or another, even Jesus on the cross felt like he was alone. " my God, My God why hast thou forsaken me." were the words spoken by Christ, yet three days later the same God that had forsaken Christ raised him from the dead.

sometimes we just feel alone even though God is with us.


If there is a god, s/he has forsaken me long ago.  But I thought there is a god.


I'm not sure what I believe in but I do believe in a higher power. My best friend was raised Christian and she is lesbian/bisexual (still a bit confused) but we believe that, if there is a god, that he/she made us this way, me trans and her gay, to teach others around us to be more tolerant. I like that idea, but I don't believe in the Christian god. I just believe in a sort of higher power in a way. I'm not really sure but I like to believe in stuff like that.

jainie marlena

Quote from: andthenwekisss on June 29, 2010, 05:09:17 AM
I'm not sure what I believe in but I do believe in a higher power. My best friend was raised Christian and she is lesbian/bisexual (still a bit confused) but we believe that, if there is a god, that he/she made us this way, me trans and her gay, to teach others around us to be more tolerant. I like that idea, but I don't believe in the Christian god. I just believe in a sort of higher power in a way. I'm not really sure but I like to believe in stuff like that.
I have said in other forums that God knows how it feels to have a body (churches) that does not show how s/he feels about his or her creation. God did make me this way I am learning to except who I am.

the Spirit of God is referred to as he/she and it in the bible. I have been looking for ways to tell people what I know that others seem to leave out. there is a verse that says that "God has dealt to every man the measure of faith." It is like a seed in everyone's heart that will be taken care of by God. Christianity makes God look worser than Hitler there are verse in the old testament that says it was never in the heart of God to burn his children with fire. the Jews were sacrificing there kids to a false god name Mailok by burning them. If it was not in God's heart then it is not in God's heart now. the verse about hell have been mistranslated.


Sometimes when we feel alone, I believe that God has abandoned us cause he is testing us to see if we can overcome this by ourselves. Sometimes we can and sometimes we don't.


Quote from: laineyjain on June 29, 2010, 04:00:34 AM
what leads you to think that God has forsaken you?

All my life, despite my best efforts to keep them, most of the happiness that was in my life has been taken.  Good jobs, family, friends, even the littlest things.  But what finally was the straw that let me know that I have been forsaken was when one of His appointed leaders here on earth beat me with the beloved book they hold so dear.

"God will give no more than you can bear" is total BS.  I finally came to the conclusion that God does not care, and maybe does not even exist.

Thus I have forsaken God and return to my spiritual roots.  Keep your bible and keep your God.

jainie marlena

Quote from: Janet Lynn on June 29, 2010, 10:23:37 AM
All my life, despite my best efforts to keep them, most of the happiness that was in my life has been taken.  Good jobs, family, friends, even the littlest things.  But what finally was the straw that let me know that I have been forsaken was when one of His appointed leaders here on earth beat me with the beloved book they hold so dear.

"God will give no more than you can bear" is total BS.  I finally came to the conclusion that God does not care, and maybe does not even exist.

Thus I have forsaken God and return to my spiritual roots.  Keep your bible and keep your God.
I can respect how you feel. If someone beat me with something (book) I would not want anything to do with them or what they stand for.

I could not bear it the way that they told me too. It was them that I overcame the things that they were telling me to do and not to do. they were the oppressors that verbally slapped me with miss used bible verses. what ever you believe is better than what they do. even if it is nothing at all.

I realized that each church ( religion) has its own image of God that is worshiped. Some people don't want anything to do with this stuff that is cool, but some do and that is why I am posting.

I am sorry that you have gone through so much crap, but the one thing that I see you doing is you are telling people how you feel and what you think about things. that is what you are supposed to do I would think. so keep  it up and thanks for letting me know how you feel.


When I feel alone/lonely I want a hug, god can't do that :(


I feel alone and I feel that God has left me, but it's mostly my fault that I feel that way. I haven't made an effort to pray and talk to God


In either Psalms or proverbs it says the eyelids of the Lord try his saints.
In another place we see where Jesus was asleep in the boat while the storm raged.
I personally feels there are times when the Lord closes his eyes and allows us to be tried. At those times we feel alone even though the angels of the Lord compass around those who fear him.
In other words, I feel he allows us to be tried but does not forsake us.


Yes, I also believe everyone has a guardian angel ^^ Just thinking about having a powerful angelic being watching out for me makes me feel much less lonely!


You talk of God but what you meant was Christian God. God knows what it's like to have a body because she has my body, "churches" have nothing to do with it and God is not something separate from who I am. God knows what it's like to suffer dysphoria and GID because God has seen the world through my eyes every day of my life. That means God also knows the joy and peace of finally having her body corrected. Hallelujah.

We can choose to feel like life's victim and hey, God knows how that feels too. Everything Is Connected. God can't "leave you" anymore than a turtle can walk out of its shell. You and no other are the exact way in which God experiences reality from your unique point of view. Some desert bandit tribe's high and mighty esoteric version of a vengeful and exacting god outside the real world and outside my experience doesn't apply to me. I prefer my God more down to earth where I am, dealing with practical matters, not sitting on a cloud constantly pulling the wings off flies just to see if they survive it. Grace is not the sole purview of the saints. Grace belongs to everyone equally, no matter who you are, no matter what you've done. "Not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these." Amen.

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


I'm pretty sure that the way to cure loneliness is to make the effort (yes, it takes effort, everything in real life does) to find a bunch of people to be social with.  There are all sorts of people in the world, if you make an effort you can find some you share a bunch of stuff with.

I do feel connection, the Web of Life as Rachel Carson called it, I know that to be real.  There is a very real connection between me, and the animals, and the plants and the water, the earth and all of that.  My understanding of that, in both a spiritual sense as well as in a scientific understanding (plants produce what I breath, and use what I exhale) leads me to think that connection is very deep and far more profound then we understand.  Yet, that does not mean there is a divinity shaping and affecting our ends.

Why is it that most forms of spirituality require some degree of isolation - meditating, some solitary focusing activity - while religions feel compelled to make everyone else go along with their imagination?

And why is it always this?  Always trying to find those who suffering being alone, or desperate in some way?  The Morman missionaries and Jehovah's Witness never want to find someone like me, hanging out in the sun, digging on Bob Marley and puffin' - someone happy with life to discuss god with, but are really out to find the sad, the desperate, the lonely and to prey upon them.  It's kinda twisted really.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on July 19, 2010, 09:12:27 AMAnd why is it always this?  Always trying to find those who suffering being alone, or desperate in some way?  The Morman missionaries and Jehovah's Witness never want to find someone like me, hanging out in the sun, digging on Bob Marley and puffin' - someone happy with life to discuss god with, but are really out to find the sad, the desperate, the lonely and to prey upon them.  It's kinda twisted really.

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.

jainie marlena

Quote from: tekla on July 19, 2010, 09:12:27 AM

And why is it always this?  Always trying to find those who suffering being alone, or desperate in some way?  The Morman missionaries and Jehovah's Witness never want to find someone like me, hanging out in the sun, digging on Bob Marley and puffin' - someone happy with life to discuss god with, but are really out to find the sad, the desperate, the lonely and to prey upon them.  It's kinda twisted really.
that is what this is about I would pull up a beach with you to talk about God. what about life that makes you happy. share that with the sad. maybe that would lighten everyones day and make them pull up a beach with you. some people don't know how to shake that alone feeling and need help. Look at me, I need people too or I would not have come to this forum to meet new people.


I am Wiccan with a an tendacy of dark pagan. Even though I know I'm not alone a lot of times I honestly do it's depressing. I do try my best to obey the Wiccan Rede, there are honestly times when my depression becomes too much to bear and I just want to cut and at times just die. I've only gave in once and cut myself. But it only tempory relives my pain and I still feel like I am alone in this world and no one cares and the pain also comes from my phsical body Idk anymore but I try to hang in there and do the best I can one day at a time.


God isn't here to give me a hug when I'm alone.  God isn't here for me to snuggle with or to pet my hair or do anything physical that I want/need when I feel alone...I can't cry on his shoulder and have my back rubbed. 

I believe that all of the gods of every religion are real, but I only follow one or two out of personal choice.  I believe in guardian angels due to an experience when I was a kid, but the thought of having someone watching out for me when I'm alone doesn't give me comfort.  They can't do any of the physical requirements I want/need when I'm feeling alone.