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If you did believe in a god any god what would he or she or even it be like?

Started by jainie marlena, June 26, 2010, 02:03:09 PM

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I have very strange beliefs in this area. Im not a christian but I do believe there is some higher force. I think that this God is nature. The power of nature. It does not grant mircles or listen to our wishes. Its is just a force that keeps the balance right. Therefore I call this "God" the "Force". Now i believe there is a good and bad aspect of it as it has to be balanced. I imagine that both sides will look how a person feels they should so the good part is whatever a person perceives to be good so could an angel for example or anything that makes them happy.
I have vast theories on this lol so i wont go into them. This is just the basics




Well I could be here for hours lol but i'll try and give a short version. I dont see it as a God like other people would. I dont think its something that just randomly happened without a logical explanation. So the big bang happened (yes i'm going this far back lol) which was like a large matter of energy. I see this energy as being the force. Earth was formed and so on and so forth and this force or energy is what keeps it going. The force is evolution, nature etc. Its how animals adapt and change and survived over the earths vast changes. The force is a very fair. I know people say "why is God doing this to me?" but I see it as it has to happen to someone and whilst something bad is happening to you, something good is happening elsewhere. This is how the Force keeps things balanced. Now the two basic opposites in life is good and evil. In religion this is angels and demons. So therefore this force is separated into good and evil. When i think of the force I dont picture anything because it is invisible but for some reason with its good and bad aspects I do invision certain things. I dont know why but I think of some sort of wolf like creature when I think of the bad side to it. Im not sure why. I think its because of a video game I like. On Tekken Tag Tournement theres a character called Unknown and all the time her moves are being copied by this wolf that follows behind her. I saw it as being controlling and manipulative so for me I see this bad force as a wolf.

But seriously dont listen to me lol. Im the one in therapy for believeing in this >-bleeped-<.


MRH , interesting theory , and sounds very reasonable to me  , like the big bang indirectly resulted in the formation of beings with self realization , desires ,hopes , fears and dreams . so what about the core of that energy , why not , maybe it formed a more superior being that has a bit of control
for what i believe though , i think you can't really prove or deny the existence of such being someway or the other , so i always state that i'm agnostic , i don't believe in God but i can't deny that it Is possible that it exists

so if it does , i think it would be of the ultimate power ,right? the one that created everything including shapes and figures , so it would not make any sense if it has a figure , because then who created it? i'd imagine that he would be an invisible energy  ( also because energy itself is invisible , but only it's effect "like light,movement,etc" is visible )


I could write on this for days. Being alone most of my life has given me a massive amount of time to reflect on alot. However I will be brief.

I think God is actually where every piece of matter connects. Each and every spirit all has a purpose in life. Be it to learn, to teach, to instigate, or to resolve an issue or issues - we all have some purpose. As God is connected to all matter, it (I do not believe God has a gender, or has a particular shape) works fluidly to guide us all to our purpose. God guides us all by our conscious, and helps us by interacting with non living matter (IE natural disasters).

I think if you had to stuff my beliefs into a box and label it something that is already out there, it would be Pantheism.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



If I thought God were like anything I could describe, define, etc., I'd think I took a wrong turn somewhere.  My understanding of God is that I don't understand God. ;)
Only the young die young.


I could not choose a single god and would have to develop a polytheistic pantheon for my gods.  Gods that represent the archetypal characteristics of humanity and nature.  Heroic gods in coordination or conflict with each other with their own personalities, needs, desires, flaws, baggage and vices as well as their struggle for nobility and greatness. 

For me my preferred pantheon is the Marvel and DC Comics universes, with each superhero as an aspect of divinity.  This also adds some fun metaphorical discussions about my comic books and the stories told therein.  I also enjoy watching movies and television with an eye for the metaphor especially where there is a "heroic" character involved.  Applying their successes and struggles in their stories to my own life is very satisfying.  I don't need a singular god who does everything - I don't really believe in any supernatural power, but to imagine those stories and incorporate their experiences into my personal narrative allows some transcendence from the mundane everyday experience and gives me a different perspective on how to approach the next few pages of my own life.   

I guess my approach to spiritiuality is kinda derived from Joseph Campbell's "Hero With A Thousand Faces."  Whatever.  It helps me to follow my bliss.
~Rayalisse~ (aka Andi)

"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again."
"Bend and snap."-Elle Woods
"Who cares if you disagree? You are not me...So you dare tell me who to be? Who died, and made you king of anything?"-Sara Bareilles


I am Wiccan.  I believe in three major deities; the Goddess, the God and the One.  There are a host of minor deities; the four watchtowers, the creatures of the forest and field, the Moon and the Sun.

I also believe in the power of magic.  The caster is solely responsible to its use. whether white or black.  But one must always bear in mind the Rule Of Three.


If there's a God, I want to have a looooooong talk with hir.

I do believe that there is a higher power.  I feel strongly that everything, including this higher power, boils down to love.  BUT I have trouble reconciling that feeling with the world we live in.  The one thing I know for sure is that I just really don't know much of anything about whatever higher power there is.


Quote from: jmaxley on September 05, 2010, 12:22:23 AMI feel strongly that everything, including this higher power, boils down to love.  BUT I have trouble reconciling that feeling with the world we live in.

I have found no evidence that love holds sway over the universe any more than any other emotion.  If love did create the universe, it seems to have skipped out the door a long time ago.
"The cake is a lie."