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feminization of body after GRS

Started by kristie, June 22, 2006, 01:27:06 PM

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Hi girls..Kristie here...
     I posted a topic in another category relating to HRT.  It seems without ever trying to appear feminine, I'm very often mistaken as a woman, by store clerks, waiters/waitresses, etc.  It was glad to hear that HRT isn't necessarily necessary on the road to transition and finally GRS.  I simply need some breast implants and some hair removal to begin with.  However, I'm wondering how much additional feminization of the body occurs AFTER the surgery.  Do breasts normally increase??  Other changes to the body just based on post-op experience?  I don't want to have breast implants and then have my breasts to grow additionally after SRS.  Also if any one can provide additional links to doctors/surgeons they have used would be most welcomed.  I'm in the US, and would prefer to have the procedure done in the US or Canada.  So anyone with links to reputable (duh) surgeons would be appreciated, thanks everyone,


First of all, you will most likely experience additional feminization.  The removal of testosterone producing organs will allow the natural estrogen levels in your body to flourish.

Here's some links to reputable surgeons:

Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul, Phuket Thailand
Dr. Sanguan Kunaporn, Thailand
Dr. Preecha Tiewtranon, Thailand
Dr. Marci Bowers, Trinidad CO, USA
Toby R. Meltzer, Scotsdale AZ, USA
Dr. Harold Reed, Miami FL, USA
Drs. Pierre BRASSARD and Yvon MENARD, Montreal, Canada


Melissa, thank you so much, you're a font of knowledge.  I have visited the Website for Dr. Reed in Miama, although someone on here said that his reputation was questionable...any comments from you, Melissa, or anyone else concerning Dr. Reed's practice, or the addition of other available surgeons are very welcomed.



I haven't researched Dr. Reed much.  The person I'm personally looking into is Dr. Suporn, but not everyone likes to go out of the country.  I think he does superb work and his prices are reasonable.  However, this is just one girl's opinion. 



I went to DR. Preecha and I think he did a very good job. I know of two girls who went to Suporn and they both like him very much. When I was researching a surgeon, I looked for the surgeons who could do it all in one surgery, as I don't want to go back, more money. I also was interested in the price. Most surgeons in the US are very expensive. I would have gone to Marci Bowers, but at the time she was still doing two stage surgeries. Check out all the surgeons and ask questions about them for your own good. I found that Preecha was very good, not really good at talking to you, but I had all the staff there and really didn't need him to answer any of my questions. The hospital was very top notch and I have been in a few hospitals here in the US. I heard Suporn was the same.


When I first mentioned breast enhancement to my docs it was suggested that I wait for a year or two after surgery as, in their experience, T gals tended to pick up half of a cup to a full cup size after GRS.  I am not sure if that is still the thought on that though, YMMV.


THank you Sheila and "lost in time" for the additional comments and information.  I would rather have onely one surgery instead of the typically American "two" that I find is the case here.  I would like to ask you Sheila, did you have to bring along anyone with you, or did you go it alone?  Dr. Preecha is sounding better all the time, even though flying scares the "you know what" out of me, but I can handle I suppose for the purpose of going there, I've always been interested in Thailand anyway as I have practiced Buddism for some time.  I think I have a website for Preecha.  And like most, I ain't got a whole lotta money, so Thailand may be the best route for me.  Again, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the post, it is very much appreciated.


You are welcome.  :)

As for Thailand, ask around some of your friends.  I have three that ended up being interested in going on over.  One who would be with me the entire time (and studying to be a boxer and is looking for a recommendation on a gym over there) and two others who would visit for a short time, like a week.


Hi Lost in Time, how long did you have to stay in Thailand?  I'm very much interested in learning as much as i can about it.  Thanks,


   I didn't have to bring anyone along with me as I could have stayed at the hospital. They have rooms that you can rent really cheap a couple of floors down, I think on the 4th floor. They do all their surgeries on the 7th floor. I took my wife along with me actually she said I wasn't going without her. I had a great time, a little sore most of the time, but had fun anyway. I took it really easy after getting out of the hospital. It was very hot there and humid. Now, I'm a wuss went it comes to heat. I didn't like Hawaii either. Way too hot for me. I survived though. The flight over was fine, but if I had to do it over again I would up grade my tickets when I came home. We sat in the cheap seats and it was very uncomfortable for me when I wanted to go pee. I was told to drink lots of water to keep my urethra open so it doesn't close. I had a urethra that wanted to close on me and so the doctor told me to drink lots of water. Well, water in water out. Other than that it was fine.
Love Sheila


Unfortunately I cannot yet afford to have surgery anywhere but may put off paying some large bills in order to go next year.  I still have not decided.  While it would be nice to have surgery, it would be nice to be just about free of all of the bills I have generated in the last few years.

I am planning on staying over there for about a month total.  With it being a 21-28 hour plane ride for me I want to be as healed up as reasonably possible before leaving the country.  Plus I figure it would be nice to do touristy stuff and to be close in case anything happens to go wrong.  I am currently looking at Dr Chettawut who has a special rate worked out with one of the local hotels.  I am leaning towards a bungalow for each one of the days that I am there.


Quote from: Sheila on June 23, 2006, 11:10:39 AMWhen I was researching a surgeon, I looked for the surgeons who could do it all in one surgery, as I don't want to go back, more money. I also was interested in the price.
Dear Sheila,

My thoughts is the same; I want to get everything done within the month that I am in Thailand. Price is 1 of my major concern as well but I am not sure if I can go through all that surgery together. I am very interested in a particular 'package' I had found. Sweet deal. Full FFS treatment + SRS + Implants at USD25,000 with Dr. Somsak Kunachakr:

Did you get tested before applying for surgery? I will assume I am in good health and I would rather save the money for surgery instead going for more test. What are the more essential test I should go for? thoughts anyone?


Elizabeth, I had to get some blood work done. Dr. Preecha sent me, via e-mail, what he wanted in the blood work up. I had that done and faxed it over to him, along with my letters from all the other doctors. He stays within the boundaries of the HBSOC. So when I got there I was ready to go. He told me to wait about a day before surgery so I can get used to the time and climate. If you have everything you are suppose to have, it will be easy. I have heard that from other Thai doctors who are good. By the way, your breast will grow more after surgery. I don't know why, but they do. I had an orchi. two years before my surgery and my breast grew, but you would think that they would have stopped. NO they grew more. I'm only a B-cup, but I'm happy with them. I would have liked more but I don't want implants. Especially when I heard what Cindi had to say about them.


Quote from: Elizabeth_Pile on October 11, 2006, 03:28:13 PM
Quote from: Sheila on June 23, 2006, 11:10:39 AMWhen I was researching a surgeon, I looked for the surgeons who could do it all in one surgery, as I don't want to go back, more money. I also was interested in the price.
Dear Sheila,

My thoughts is the same; I want to get everything done within the month that I am in Thailand. Price is 1 of my major concern as well but I am not sure if I can go through all that surgery together. I am very interested in a particular 'package' I had found. Sweet deal. Full FFS treatment + SRS + Implants at USD25,000 with Dr. Somsak Kunachakr:

Did you get tested before applying for surgery? I will assume I am in good health and I would rather save the money for surgery instead going for more test. What are the more essential test I should go for? thoughts anyone?

Hi Girls,
Does anyone have any knowledge of Dr Somsak and his work ?



I think most of the SRS related web sites will indicate which tests need to be done ahead of surgory. In most cases if they are not done then they will be done at the hospital usually for an additional sum. The basics required I think are Chest X-Ray,HIV, and standard blood panel.

From what I have read and personal experience I would advise against getting implants for several years after having either an Orchie or FULL SRS as further breast developement is almost assured with the removal of the testes produced Testosterone.


Julie Marie

Kristie, a friend of mine is having difficulty keeping her estradiol low enough to achieve normal levels.  This occurred only after SRS. 

I was on transdermals and spiro for almost a year before moving to injections.  I had good physical development while on the patch yet my estradiol level dropped to half of what it was before I began HRT.  My testosterone however was only a fraction of it's original level.  My doctor couldn't say for sure why I developed so well with almost no estradiol but there was a school of thought that the virtual absence of testosterone played a part.

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.



  Several things to be addressed before hand. One SRS without an orhcie before hand is a sex change operation due to having the testes removed at that time and then the cosmetic work done. SRS post orchie is simply cosmetic as the testes have already been removed and the endocrine system has permanently been altered ie natal female levels of Testosterone being produced by the body. Two the testosterone produced by the testes is much stronger then that produced by the adrenal glands.
  I have had my blood work done quarterly since begining HRT, partly due to my age and partly due to a keen interest in the levels so that my various dosages could be fine tuned if need be.

  My original T levels were about 16 nmol / L or pretty much in the middle of the acceptable range for an adult male. According to my lab acceptable ranges for adult females were 0.5 nmol / L to 2.5 nmol / L. I used Spironolactone xxx mg per day as my anti-androgen. At about 5 1/2  months my T levels had dropped to 2.0 nmol / L. 3 months later they were down to 1.5 nmol / L. At this point I kept my Spiro at the same dosage but had tripled my Estradiol. My T levels basically flat lined at 1.5 nmol / L. There were minor fluctuations of a tenth of a point or so up or down. My Estradiol levels had gradually been climbing during this time by about 55 pmol / L. The lab sheet showed that natal adult females in the ovulation phase would normally have 400 pmol / L to 1300 pmol / L. 15 months into HRT my E level had spiked at 561 pmol / L. 3 months later just after my orchie (like a week) it had dropped to 355 pmol / L ( I was quite ill with nausea and vommiting and many days didn't take my mones at all ). My T level was now down to 0.8 nmol / L. The last blood work done about 2 months ago now showed my E had climbed to 852 pmol / L and T was down again not much at 0.7 nmol / L. The important thing here to note is that My E level had rebounded and increased and at the same time my Dosage had been decreased by 1/3, I also was NO longer having to take an anti-androgen ie Spironolactone. At about 7 months into HRT any really noticable changes had slowed down considerably and pretty much stayed that way. HRT was working but just seemed quite slowly.
I am now 6 months post orchie and there has been a big difference. My breasts are now quite rounded and filling out and expanding with some noticable cleavage in the nude. The biggest change though seems to be in my fat distribution as the fat around my waist is deffinately migrating to my hips and buttocks and the love handles I had are slowly melting away, although I suppose they will never fully disappear without doing pilates. My BODY hair (not facial) is now slow in growing and is even finer then before. My face is somewhat fuller (rounded??) then before as well. My labido is slightly enhanced lol intensely horny 4 to 8 times a month. I have blood work to be done in about 2 or 3 weeks and I think that my E levels may be over the 1000 pmol / L level in which case I will probably reduce my Estradiol by 25%. My endo is of the opinion that during feminization a transexuals E levels should be in the range of 400 to 600 pmol / L although I persuaded her that my target level of 800 or so was OK for me :).
  In short since having had the orchie and removal of testes produced Testosterone I HAVE noticed significant physical changes taking place. The first 3 months post my body was in a bit of chaos as it had to reprogram itself to a new hormanal state of being.
  I don't know if this will help you or not, we are all different and our bodies behave slightly differently, but this has been my experience. I am 55 years young and in average to better then average physical health. My work is quite physical and keeps the blood and oxygen flowing at a pretty good rate thru out my body during the day.
