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Medical Risk

Started by Terri-Gene, July 20, 2005, 12:07:45 AM

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 :)  Hello Terri-Gene

You certainly have a very different outlook on life, it's refreshing to read, and I just wanted to add that I think your picture is wonderful.  On that yard full of trains... you have one advantage, at least you can try and dodge them as they take a run at you.  But, be careful and make sure you're not riding one into a train wreck  :) :) :)

Take care,



Terri, presuing
Quote from: Terri-Gene on July 26, 2005, 10:23:40 PM... I got no significant source of my own hormones anymore, I need that crap, development or no development and no, I won't take testosterone suppliments which may or may not be safer as a hormone source. ...

Terri, presuming you haven't already, make sure they know that.


Thanks Steph.  I took that one after getting home from work the other day, still in Kaiser Fleet Uniform, and having run a comb through my hair to clear out the out and about tangles.  The one immediately prior was taken when I got home from the SF Pride Dyke march before I came back to Susans after leaving to address some problems with my feelings and psychology. 

Like I said, hassle free being Butch.  No makeup or special lighting or angles to fuss with, in fact it appears I got a light glare on my forehead and face which I didn't notice until putting it up.  The older one, in the white top showing the cleavage and the other one I occasionally used in the black jumpsuit were examples of complete makeup and specifically angled shots, they were taken in the late 90's, back when I had a more fem presentation which hasn't been the case for several years at least now.

I still do that game on occassion though when some of my str8 girl friends want to pretty me up and take me out.  I go along with it in respect for their feelings and they would rather I pass in total without notice when out with them in their own hangouts where a Dyke, or Butch would not exactly fit in.  In my own hangouts, people would fall over sideways if I were seen like that and they like me just as I am and is what you really see in the early morning.  No surprises, or where'd she go?.

As to the Trains, what the heck.  Occassionally one does run over me, but I take pleasure in the fact that they get bent wheels and derailed when they do....

And 4years, ..... They do realize that,  Every doctor that has anything to do with me for anything or problem has seen my chart and knows everything there is to know about me in a medical sense, even their MA's and nursing staff.  I'm kind of an after hours discussion topic.  One of their very own.  I'd be surprised to find a Kaiser Medical Employee in Roseville area who hasn't seen that chart, officially or out of curiosity because someone had it out.  If you believe in medical confidentuality in regards to anything other then public official practice, then I might be able to dig up a few bridges you can buy real cheap.

The problem with it is simple.  If I were a natural born woman, in menapause, I would not have been allowed to take estrogen back at the time I started on it because of Hepititus C and associated Liver Problems.  With the Blood clot problems and whatever it was last year, again, a natural born woman would not be medically allowed to take estrogen, My female partner that I work with is post menapausal and is not allowed to take estrogen for it because her mother has chronic heart problems and so there is a history of heart problems in her family and that is enough to prevent her from taking it, and there are other risks in my case.  In fact I have several things going on which would prevent a female person from being eligible for estrogen.  My female partner and I are a special case.  She is a highly senior Kaiser employee and while well liked and thought of, she was never able to get along with any other employyes, male or female, in a close working relationship because of her constant PMS dealings with working partners, yet we have been working together for almost 3 years now and have an excellent working relationship and are always fighting like cats on the prowl and hugging to make up afterwards.  No one else has been able to survive more then a few months working with her before I was stationed with her.  It seems we have a understanding of each other on deep levels and can allow for each others attitudes and stresses.

In short, if not for the years long relationship with these doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and their realization of what this means to me, their affection and personal interest in me, I would not be a canidate for hormones at all period.  The medical risk to my health and or life is simply to great.  The odds are overwhelmingly against me, even without it. 

It is a Privialage for them to even consider me as a canidate for HRT from the beginning and has only been allowed to continue at all because they do recognize that I am not much into life purely for the sake of life itself, It must have meaning for me to live it and I have always done exceptionally well on hormones, despite the problems until this more recent problems.  In short, they Believe in me.

In actuality, they are battleing their medical ethics in a desire to weigh in my "quality of life".  No gatekeepers here.




hahaaaaaaaa! ..... Did my physical today and the Blood test reports were in.  Passed the physical and still no sirosses (sp?) of the liver showing, only some swelling and ALT in blood test show back down to a little more then double max high range, which in the past has proved "normal" for me.  It is about what it was when I first started HRT High Dose.  Heart, lungs, colesterol, blood counts, Blood pressure etc. etc.... all excellent for 30 years younger then I am, normal.  Since we are now talking low dose rather then High dose, my doctor is putting me back on Estrodiol at 50% higher then I was started back on after the orchie.  Still rather low, but should be sufficient because of the orchie.

Part of the results of the blood work showed Testosterone and free estrogen levels, Testosterone is officially showing Dead as Stone and free estrogen levels amazingly enough are showing at 188 pg/mL with average normal female range falling between 30 and 300 and mean average at about 130 so Doctor tells me I'm at excellent free estrogen levels for a normal female.  The slight increase in estrodiol should be enough to kick me back over the top into development phase again, with minimal risk to my system.  She said no cigarrettes though or she'll pull me like a 4x hooked to a volkswagon, and I believe her.  Looks like my spirits were with me again, I should never have doubted.  Life is good again.

Anyway, all else aside, I'm to be allowed to continue on a low dose HRT program and even get what is believed to be enough of an increase to push me back into development phase, so I'm happy and wiser.   

Excuse me, I gotta go listen to the fat drop.



That is such good news Terri-Gene.  I'm so happy for you, and do I detect that the smile you are wearing in your avatar is a little wider now  :-*  You certainly sound like you are back to normal and I don't have to tell you that a girl as commited as you doesn't need the cigarettes to get through life, your comitment and determination will do that for you. 

Take care



Cigarrets?   Excuse me, I gotta go puke, doctors orders ......



Teri-Gene, I just read your post about your test results. What great news. The tone seems a lot happier and why not you're back on top. Hurray!! I'm grinning from ear to ear I'm so happy for you. ;D

Way to go!





Thanks all, but it remains to be seen if things will hold, only has to for another 6 months or so to pretty much do the job I want it to, hopefully.



Terri, don't take this wrong, I know you're a lesbian and I'm a guy, but really, you are beautiful as is. I hope you get what you want, but I hope you also appreciate what you have.



Believe me Dennis, I do appreciate what I have and if I have to, I'll go to table with nothing more then I have and consider myself privialaged.  I'm not deeply into looks but I want to complete the distributation and slough off some neck, and upper body.  I get tired of being approached all the time and being asked if I'm into body building.  Not that I'm all that buff any more, and I never was massive in any way, but I guess if thought of as female, it kind of makes sense.  And I get a little irritated at all the men who are into that "Tomboy" appeal.  I get hit on so much at times I feel like a punching bag and i'm only beginning to learn to handle such things without first cracking my neck and limbering out my arms.  I think I've mentioned it before, but I have a kind of "homophobia", and I'm a little ashamed of that considering the circumstances, but there it is.

No Dennis, I guess I may be what some people consider attractive in a mature sort of way, but I'm long past any ego tripping days.  I just want to be nothing to look at or pay attention to.

Iit's not so much about "passing" as it is just being left alone and not bothered, blending into the woodwork as it is.  Even when perfectly accepted as female, I tend to turn heads, not so much in shock and awe of my awesome beauty, but simply because I am somewhat visually different from the average female.  I tend to stand out, not only visually but in my carrage and attitude.  I draw attention.  I just want to be nothing special, not be noticed.  Something different.

I suppose it's the Stealth wish, but unless I leave my job and move out of state, no chance as I simply have been to public around here.  I can't really believe Stealth could ever happen for me, but I'd just like to kind of disappear in a crowd once in a while.  I've always had a kind of dislike for sub culture communities but more and more such things seem attractive, just to live without being different for a change.  I been different for half a centry, I'd just like a vacation.



I totally empathize with that position Terri. Blending in seems like so much less stress.

Going from a woman who was taken to be male a significant amount of the time to a short, kinda nerdy, straight guy will give me that same kind of anonymity in crowds, I hope. It won't be stealth with my job in my small town, but at least I won't have strangers staring any more.

From your picture, I wouldn't take you as anything but a GG. But I'm coming from a place WAY butcher than you appear :)

Anyway, it is good news that your tests all turned out well.



Dennis, My turn to tell you I hope you don't take this wrong, but I don't have a feeling of caution and suspicion about you that I normally have for males.  It's like, your not the average guy and I don't have to treat you like I would normally would treat a guy.

Thank you for the appearance compliment, you put a smile on my face.  I feel I am far short of your assessment, but I guess that is natural.  Thank you very much Sir ... Would you take me for coffee some day?

How is your T going for you?



Thanks Terri, I appreciate that. I'd like to think I retained some benefits from living in a female body. One of which is a keen sense of inappropriate male behaviour, having been on the receiving end of it enough times. My father was a gentleman, so I don't think it's any less masculine to be respectful.

I would be delighted to take you for coffee someday :)

T is going not badly. Starting to pass a fair bit of the time, but I suspect that's mostly my voice. I don't think I look much different from before. I'll post an avatar when I get back from chest surgery (as soon as I can lift a camera).

I am in the throes of nicotine withdrawal again. Started again briefly, which means withdrawing again. Gah.



Yes Dennis, I would say you have, and there is a difference in a gentleman and the average male, a lot of difference.  And no, it does not detract from masculinity, it in fact makes masculinity very attractive, and takes the mistrust and suspicion out of the equasion.
