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Me stop smoking?

Started by Raven, September 13, 2010, 05:37:51 PM

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I used to think it was imposible to quit but it can be done - 7 months now!  Yep.  It is uncomfortable as hell - and even now I find myself obsesing a bit about them still. But the thing I kept in my mind was that that first cig would never satisfy the craving - that I would not get away with just 1, so I stayed away completely.

Good job so far hope you keep it up - it is so worthwhile not to be a slave to that addiction.


Thank you, I appreciate that :) I'm still trying hader now cause when I had some breakdowns from something entirly different I caved in big time as one means to soothe myself I guess that's the word I'm looking for. Not proud of it at all but just got to pick up the pieces and carry on and try harder.


And keep on trying because eventually you will be able to do it.


I know the thread is "cold" at this point, but thought: hey maybe some good news from the smoking front:

I smoked heavily (nearly 2 packs a day at the end) for 30 years (I started at the age of 12) and stopped 10 weeks ago. It was not fun and once or twice a day I still get an urge to have the flavor of a cigarette, but it subsides as quickly as it hits me.

I also realized that the most painful moments (these are the ones where it still hurts) are moments of boredom. This is something I never expected. I thought I smoked because of stress, or after dinner, or when out with friends... and it turns out that smoking for me was not more than a solution to boredom. A filler for a small gap of time.

Stopping as such was not too difficult. I took some medication (a kind of a nicotine-blocker) to get the confidence I needed and switched my life-style around a bit (I started to run to keep my mind free and confront myself with how my lungs were evolving). Mentally I switched the mindset around: I wasn't trying to stop. It was not a trial. I had quited. Full.stop. And it's strange to see people around you not understanding. They're like: "Oh I hope you can hold on" and "I hope you'll succeed" while I'm like: "I have succeeded already, there's no hope, it's a fact" It sounds strange, but it turns the tables and gave me strength. After all I wasn't a failure in the making anymore, I had succeeded from the first minute.

Anyway, 10 weeks ago I dropped out of enriching shareholders of corporations who willingly and knowingly destroy the lives of children.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
- Maria Robinson