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when can i expect erections to stop

Started by YellowDaisy, October 07, 2010, 06:32:34 PM

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i'm curious. i'm not too crazy that i have them, but i've been on anti androgens since march, but i started estrogen sometime in august. i would assume my testosterone is female range by now, but does it take alot of estrogen to stop having erections? i don't have them spontaneously, only if i'm aroused, but i've been waking up with "morning wood" like i usually do. i have no idea why, i just do. i'd like to stop having them. i'm waiting for the day, but that probably won't be for a while.


Hi Maylene, When I came to terms with my being MTF my testosterone levels were already very low. I first started using Estrogen patches but they were too weak to do much physically-but I noticed alot of mental differences. When I started taking Spironolactone and a higher doseage of E, my testosterone levels spiked slightly then dropped significantly. After a couple of months my testicles shrank drastically and it was then that the 'woody' stopped altogether. Now I can still do it but it comes more from my mind now and takes more work to accomplish :embarrassed: Everybody is different and what works for one won't work for another. If you don't know with any certainty go have bloodwork done and get your hormone levels checked-that way you will know what is really going on.


Just be patient sister Maylene, full fill the tg woman procedure and do SRS, and done....hihi :D :D :D
Don't push yourself to hard, let it be naturally, when the SRS come, you're curious about will end.
:D :D :D
Quote from: Maylene on October 07, 2010, 06:32:34 PM
i'm curious. i'm not too crazy that i have them, but i've been on anti androgens since march, but i started estrogen sometime in august. i would assume my testosterone is female range by now, but does it take alot of estrogen to stop having erections? i don't have them spontaneously, only if i'm aroused, but i've been waking up with "morning wood" like i usually do. i have no idea why, i just do. i'd like to stop having them. i'm waiting for the day, but that probably won't be for a while.


They won't necessarily stop altogether, you may stop getting the early morning awakenings but in most cases the bits will carry on working right up to the op.

Procrastination is your worst enemy.


you don't state your age or general health or whether you work in a strip club or produce porn movies - all of which have a bearing on when your bits will stop working.

I had an argument on another forum with a person who had kept a very low level of HRT in order to continue to have male sex right up to surgery and then hoped to immediately have fully satisfying female sex once healed up. 
I've seen this from quite a few others and it always seem strange to me that male sex is so important to people who claim to be trapped in the wrong body.
If surgery is good and they all get an orgasmic vagina then they will have the last laugh on me.


I found that with spiro (if that is what you are taking) there were two general different dose levels. The lower one didn't stop such events but the higher of the two doses did. I also found that just 2-3 months of taking the higher dose everything came good and no longer was I rudely woken up! ^__^
Though everyone reacts differently... hormone levels usually readjust to the new (opposite) levels after around six months.


My Erections stoped after my op .....

No seriousley they stoped after i started Luperelin a testostorone blocker that stoped them more or lest right away


Quote from: Emmaclaireuk on October 08, 2010, 05:06:10 PM
My Erections stoped after my op .....

No seriousley they stoped after i started Luperelin a testostorone blocker that stoped them more or lest right away

Funny you say that Emma because mine went away after my op too, lol. Seriously, mine never totally went away even with a 0.2 T level, virtually no T in my body. It became really intolerable towards the end when driving particularly (involuntary) , I was glad to get the offending apparatus removed so I don't have to cope or worry about it anymore.



stardust you should have asked the surgeon to send the trimmings off for analysis as there must be a vast market for guys wishing they were priapic.


Back in the days I don't remember having many erections. They did become less but never really stopped untill of course the srs :P


Quote from: lilacwoman on October 09, 2010, 01:26:17 PM
stardust you should have asked the surgeon to send the trimmings off for analysis as there must be a vast market for guys wishing they were priapic.

A bit late for that, must be all burnt up by now
