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Came out at work!!!

Started by Samantha_Marie, October 27, 2010, 03:54:05 AM

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Ok, so I think I need to update on what happened after the party!

For those who don't know I had a halloween party on saturday at my best friends house where I dressed in full as a female vampire/demon. Everyone I didn't know at the party thought I was a gg. Guys were flirting with me and asking me to dance, had this one guy spend almost the whole night by my side even! I had a blast!!

There was a few people from my work there who didn't know about what I was doing and thought it was really weird to see me because they kept saying I honestly looked like a female and it was weirding them out.

I had the next two days off. When I came to work today I was bombarded by a ton of questions about what was going on with me, rumors were everywhere. Those who knew what was really going on kept their mouths shut so no one had it right.

After the party I knew I couldn't go back. You can read about where I'm at transition wise here.,83268.0.html

I used the open door policy of my work, sat down for over an hour with my warehouse manager, assistant warehouse managers and my front end manager and came out in full. After a ton of questions and best method to approach discussions they called a supervisor meeting and told all of the supervisors and above about what's going on with me and what to expect.

They are now going to pass it out to the entire warehouse so that way the rumors can stop and the truth will be out. I have already had a few people I never expected to be on my side come up and let me know they are 100% supportive and that if I need anything to let them know.

The most surprising was this one guy who I've never gotten along with. He has always had an issue with me and I could never figure out what was up. He had even given me trouble at the party and wound up getting himself kicked out.

Long story short he came up to me and said he had no clue this is what I was going through. He confessed he was honestly a bit intimidated by me because I always would walk up to girls and have no problem talking with them and they always invite me to hang out with them and they'd always give me a hug and even a quick peck to say hello and goodbye, and that it was beyond him how I could do it so easily. He said he finally understood, and it made him feel better because at the party he was so weirded out because he thought I looked hot and it confused him but now that he knows what's really up he can relax. He said he has my back and if anyone gives me any trouble or if I needed anything to let him know. COMPLETELY shocked me. I am not 100% sure if he is genuine or if he's just thinking I'm an in to the female employees at our company but for now I will give him the benefit of the doubt and just see what happens!

It wound up being an amazing day at work, and now I think I am going to continue with my original plan and go fulltime starting on my birthday this coming 12th!!

I honestly can't believe how amazingly well this entire transition has gone so far. I know there will still be a few issues coming up as soon as everyone finds out. Almost 500 employees in my building there has to be at least a dozen who will be against this and say something.

Oh that totally reminds me. The assistant front end manager is apparently phobic about this. Turns out he's a borderline cultist/religious type(nothing wrong with religion, I'm christian myself, he's literally borderline cultist), and he was practically holding up his fingers in a cross formation to me everytime I got to close. He also won't look at me and didn't say longer then a 1 word sentence all day. I find it extremely entertaining because he always enjoyed giving me a hard time for not being part of his "guy's club" that he's tried to create on the front end, and now he understands and is worried about everything he's said to me in regards to my eyes having a shadow from wearing mascara the day before to giving me a bad time about purple being my favorite color and even wearing pink shirts to work.

I have no desire to get him into trouble and hope he can find the courage to accept it and at least deal with it, but I fear if he continues, others will notice and the bosses will be informed and he'll be either replaced or moved to a different department and I really don't want to hurt his career.

Ok, it's almost 3 am, I have to be up in 7 hours and I'm just rambling on now.

I guess my last step is to make my announcement on facebook and then make the final transition and move forward as my true self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super excited!!!!!



    That's just amazing !!!  It's so great to hear success stories like this. Keep dancing !!! and Happy Birthday. I think this one will be your best!!! ;D

  Hugs, Erocse


Just gets better Gabby.

Recall some of the earlier posts when you were still worried. But at each stage, you've hit a homer.

So completely pleased for you pet.

Mrs Erocse

Whoo Hooooo! That is a great story! Thanks for sharing it. We are all cheering you on.  :D Erocse and I have our Pom Poms out and cheerleading skirts on. Our legs are kicked way above our head.
Yeah Yeah Sis Boom BAH!!! Ooops I think our panties are showing. He he he. ;)


I'm glad it's going well for you!

Your Front End Supervisor is technically harassing you on several different levels.   It may not bother you, but it might be intimidating others in the store that are in the closet as GLTB or possibly pagan.   

I'd talk to him and ask him to stop anyway.   There's a good chance he wouldn't be moved to a different department, but he would end up getting fired if he continues.


I think that as you get closer and then cross over your deadline for going full time, that many people will be making up their minds on how they feel about you.  Most will just accept you for you, but a few may not talk to you again or even avoid you like the plague.

They did it to me when I came out, so just be prepared for it.  And use you HR department to stop all negative actions.

Best of luck Gabby.  It will be a trip for you to finally be you at work.


Thank you all so much!!!!

Yea I can't believe how just the little changes make such a huge difference in my overall happiness level. I keep thinking about Saturday night and how for the first time everything felt right and worked.

I still wake up and wonder if I can really do all of this, but every step I take, every milestone I cross gets easier and easier and works better and better.

Truth be told, if it wasn't for this place, I am not sure if I would be where I am today. I was scared when this all started, I've faced this my whole life and so many places have said, "If you can live without transitioning, then do that."

I misunderstood what that meant I think, I always took it as if I can survive without transitioning then just survive, because truth be told, I have definitely not been living until now.

You all are such a wonderful group of men and women who have walked my path, are walking my path and are about to start.

Everyone of you have a part to play, a story to share and guidance to give.

Love each and everyone of you.



Quote from: GabbyYou all are such a wonderful group of men and women who have walked my path, are walking my path and are about to start.

Everyone of you have a part to play, a story to share and guidance to give
Thats why we say we are a family.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'

Melody Maia

Gaby, I SO agree with your last post. This place has given me the map and courage to transition. The first time I found the site, I kept reading until 7 in the morning. I found the stories so similar to mine that realized I had been lying to myself all these years. All those years of fantasizing of magical transformations or being "right" in the next life were avoidance techniques. I had been ignoring the very real way of achieving my dreams. All of you have shown me the way and for that I am more grateful than I can say. You all saved my life.

Gaby, you are very strong and I congratulate you on coming out at work. I think things are only going to get better and better for you. Keep us posted as you approach full time. That is awesome and I can't wait until I join you.   
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



Quote from: cynthialee on October 27, 2010, 11:17:14 AM
Thats why we say we are a family.
Yes we're are all family hear. In fact Mrs Erocse and I were thinking we would like to adopt you two cuties as our children. You will fit in well here, you look like you could pass as our biological children. And with the same interests, Family outings would sure be fun !!!

   Hugs, Erocse


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


OMG, I pegged you two to be in your late twenties. You look great !!!! :o



Yeap I am in my 40's and Sevan is 28.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'