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What is your Phobia?

Started by Janet_Girl, October 12, 2010, 11:45:27 PM

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Small spiders.

I used to never really be scared of them, but there was this spider on the ceiling and it kept climbing down on a piece of webbing and it was smaller than a dime and I about had a heart attack.  It was so scary. 


I am afraid of heights and roller coasters. The only roller coaster I can ride on is Space Mountain because its in the dark.


I'm a chicken, so I've many.

I'm afraid of ridicule, the dark, crowds, blood, injections (I'm SO going to take transdermal hormones), pain, bees and wasps, gross stuff (including, but not limited to, bugs and spiders, fattingly fat food, raw meat, too much sexual stuff),  death, death and death.

Oh, and I'm a little xenophobic, but I guess that's understandable, since where I live there's like 1% non-white people, 2% non-French speakers, 10% non-catholics, etc. But while I've some "fear of the unusual" I'll never, ever, discriminate people [at least not consciously] though.

Something I wonder about : is it racist to say I'd prefer to be Asian and would not like to be black ? (The hair looks like it's a pain to deal with and Blacks are bigger in average, I believe.)
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Michael Joseph

Hmm i have anxiety and Im a hypochondriac, so probly too much to list.


Quote from: Sharky on October 27, 2010, 04:08:43 PM
I used to be afraid of elevators and then a couple bad experiences got me over it. When I was little I pressed the button the doors opened, but there was no elevator, just dark empty shaft. My first though was that the lights were off, not that there was no elevator. So I had already lifted my foot and nearly took a step. Second time I was in an elevator and it actually dropped. It really wasn't that bad. We got to the floor, doors didn't open, then it just dropped. Turns out elevators have side breaks, you can't just go plummeting down. You just drop ~2 feet. I guess you could if the side breaks fail. They work with gravity though so chances are they wont. It was over before there was really enough time to panic. Just had to step up to my floor, which is the most dangerous part. If it drops again you could be cut in two.

Not keen on them either. But as an aside I got trapped in a lift (elevator sorry). It went to the very top floor and stopped dead. I was alone. I picked up the phone and hit the printed number. A vocie came on and said hello? I told them I was trapped in elevator number whatever. The person replied Oh I'm trapped in elevator number X. Somehow it was strangely comforting :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



Ah, fears. This has been an interesting topic to read.

-needles, but I'm getting over that. I just remind myself they don't actually hurt, just a pinch, just like the nurses say... I've even taken to pinching myself now and then, just to say, see? That wasn't so bad.
-hugs from men. I was abused by a guy who hugged me a lot, so I'm sure that's where it came from. But it gives me the shakes so bad. Women I could hug all day long, but men, no way. I can't even hug my dad without getting scared. I have only been able to hug one guy since then, someone at college. He's just the nicest person in the world. There's this other guy at college who is a big hugger, and I've explained to him that he needs to stop, that it scares me... And he still does it... He always apologizes, or shows to me that he's just like, one arm hugging me instead of fully hugging me. It's like, you idiot, don't remind me at all! I want to sock him so hard but I know he'd cry or something. Ugh.
-the dark. I sleep with my lamp on x_x I don't like not being able to see what's around me.
-Buzzing sounds that I can't find the origin of. Like, if a bee flies behind me, my whole back twinges. But, I love bees :) They're adorable. Just the buzzing.
-A weirder fear of mine is not being able to yell/losing my voice/not being able to call for help in times of desperation. That is my most frequent nightmare. I have no idea why, it's never happened to me while awake, just in my dreams.
-I have a fear of being told what to do in bed. Even if it's something simple, it's so bad I have to stop and go somewhere else.

I don't know what the terms are for these phobias, or if they have terms. They're just my fears :)

Spread the love rainbow
Like a wet cat on a windowpane


Spiders- especially when I see them one second and don't know where they are the next. Or when I walk into a web, because a web means a spider is somewhere and I don't know where.
Needles- I developed this one recently, I don't know why, but I can get a shot or blood drawn, I'm just tense as hell when the needle is inserted.


Oh god. I have plenty of small minor ones:
1.) Bees, wasps, etc - due to severe allergy
2.) My ankle being cut
3.) Public Speaking
4.) Abandonment
5.) Being surrounded by people
6.) Abuse

But my biggest one that has been there all my life and that is really strong? Emetophobia - fear of regurgitation.

It used to be so bad that if someone said the "TH***-UP", V-word, B-word, or P-word I would go into a severe panic attack right then and there and start scratching at my face and jabbing myself with the nearest sharp object, including my nails. Or I would run and attempt to jump off heights or into traffic.
If the action near me? I would literally start having seizures.

And people would tease me into these states.

Back when the words really affected me, about 5 therapists... all I went to, would say the word and almost even laugh at me that I was that afraid (one actually did laugh, called me a wimp and I got her fired).

I've always wanted help with this. It was getting better as I grew up. But then Hurricane Katrina happened, and my mate and I had a fight in which she threatened to regurgitate on me and I had my very first seizure... as I mentioned above I started to get them. She would continue to use that as a weapon on me the first year I was with her, so it really got bad. That and it just seemed to happen EVERYWHERE. It was mentioned all the time, it happened in the house, it would be present...
I was starting to get scared of going outside, watching movies, reading books, or anything. I wanted to hide. Each time I was faced with it, I was so close to suicide.

No therapist I have gone to as taken me seriously, they are more concerned with my father molesting me then something that is PRESENTLY making it to where I couldn't go to school, work, or even was unwilling to eat.

I still don't know what to do. I'm presented with it almost all the time. Just recently there was TWICE in elevators in the past month. I don't go to clubs, bars or even anywhere NEAR them. I feel like my life is surrounded by it, and that I'll always live in such fear.

I get flashbacks from what started my entire phobia each time. I had gotten food poisoning from a buffet. My father locked me into the bathroom (he put his heavy chair out the door) for 6 days, sliding only minimal food under the door, and I had water from the faucet to drink. I was heavily in anxiety that it had high amounts of blood and started to be pure black. I passed out quite a few times. I didn't have anything to do in there, and it's when I started cutting myself because I wanted to die. I was 7 at the time.

Apologies that I got this in detailed. I feel really weak as it is right now, and this might be the only chance that I could even vaguely appropriately even mention it.


Quote from: Fencesitter on October 13, 2010, 06:07:30 AM
Crowds and driving (myself) in a car.

Driving for sure. I'm really lucky I live in the city.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

Ashley Allison

Hmm.... The fear of this for rest of my life! Good topic by the way, pretty self explanatory... Sorry for being depressing on myself, just feeling it because I am building up the courage to be who I want to be :(
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free


Falling, I think. Not heights exactly... I can be 40 stories up and leaning against a window, or mesh higher than me and looking out and  I'll be fine, but anything over 3 stories and a guardrail lower than my chest and I freak


I think I have an actual phobia - deep water. Specifically, being out on water deep enough that I can't see the bottom in a very small boat, or swimming. I get all panicky and it keeps getting worse until I get out. Luckily, it doesn't come up often.


Heights.  Heights.  Heights!

Alyssa M.

Jen, me too. I'll take you climbing if you want. ;D
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France


Quote from: Alyssa M. on November 26, 2010, 08:22:45 PM
Jen, me too. I'll take you climbing if you want. ;D
Not a chance in hell lol.

Seriously, you have a fear of heights and you do that crazy rock climbing, Alyssa?  Way to conquer your fears, my goodness! :)




I had a fear of heights but it went away when I did bungee jumping (yes, you can survive it, and yes, after it, you can get over it!  ;D) - it's so awesome I want to do it again!
My current phobias are two: menstruating through my pants (that's why I own 40 pairs of underwear and use 3 every time that time of the month comes) and adolescent boys. The latter is the worse one. The kind of teasing they do terrifies me to death and if I see that I have to pass a group of 15-year-old boys, I don't go. I can go only if I have music in my ears so I'm sure I won't hear anything through it.


I have two phobias, and they're both weird. One of them is so weird that it doesn't even have a scientific name. XD

The first: Trypophobia. Fear of clusters or holes. If you're curious about it, google image search it. Most of the pictures that show give me the willies.
Second: Candles. Not fire. I can attend a bonfire no problem, but the minute you light a measly little birthday candle, I freak out and have to go as far away as possible. I honestly have no idea why I have this fear, because I haven't always had it...
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Quote from: Espenoah on December 02, 2010, 08:21:06 PM
The first: Trypophobia. Fear of clusters or holes. If you're curious about it, google image search it. Most of the pictures that show give me the willies.

I looked up the pictures. I guess I have more phobias than I knew about. Those pictures freaked me out too


Never heard of Trypophobia before.  At least it seems like something that wouldn't come up much in day-to-day life.
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

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