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2 Career Choices; and 1 Back-Up

Started by Megan, November 07, 2010, 11:10:23 AM

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I am coming to a point were there are two career routes I am willing to take.

Option 1

Pros; 200k immediately, and the possibility of it branching off into more career options.
Cons; it will through me out by time I am 30, family will be disgraced.

Option 2 (Option 1 may help on this; or ruin it completely, but it may open doors)

Pros: millions if success, but the probability is 1 to millions. But it's little more prophetic than anything else
Cons; there's none

Option 3 (Back Up; through the usage of Option 1);
After a year or 3, try to get a more stable job through education.


May I ask what line of work these are in?

Personally I'd rather have $200k now, than a chance at $1M


I would go with option 1.
Good luck in picking a career. I'm in the same boat. I've switched my major so many times. I have to just pick something so I can finally become financially independent and be able to transition. I hate the idea of transitioning on the job though. Right now I'm considering occupational therapy.You can make ~30-50k with just an associates degree.


I made the decision, two reasons. Option A and see how it goes.

Last night I went to a gay club since about 8 months, and when I was there the videos were on and the gay people stop and stared when Madonna appeared. She had this power over them.... and I know why.

Then last night I dreamt like a Holocaust-Asian-Fantasy dream, and I was in this dream. (cutting the dream to the ending) I was in a room with about 5 people, and it was my turn to face this gas thing. The last woman who done it, died and her bones and flesh shriveled away. Then for me to get protected my group put this blanket and hide me in the corner. I was breathing this awful stench, but it was fine since I was surviving it. Then they assumed I was dead after repeating this twice.

Two members of our group died, her and some innocent person believing they weren't going to harm them after all. So all together now it was just me, another person, and an old lady. I found a passage to get out of the building, and we left and jumped about three areas to get to the river to safety.

And then there was a security guard at the wall, and he asked us, "Are you on probation" And we nodded, and he helped us get over the wall.

The reason why we stood so long in that building because we perceived it was going to help us in life, society, and be better. But we didn't know that being on probation means you can leave at any moment as well.

Cool dream all together.

So then I woke up, and realized that dream meant I shouldn't listen to society at all or else I will die along with the rest. Or end up being old like the old woman when it is too late. Or die in innocence thinking all is going to be alright like that one person did.

During the dream we were just working at this factory like place, and one guy I used to know came by and told me "Blah blah blah I'm making 100 k after years of education', and I was like, "What would you do with 200k or more", and I felt this societal difference between us. So I know I wasn't pursuing option A, because I was thinking of doing it. But then I must be just doing Option B or C, since I was following society's rules.
