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What if we've got Jesus all wrong?

Started by Nero, October 15, 2010, 12:15:10 PM

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What if Christianity were truly separate from Judaism? Now I'm no scholar, so I do defer to those more knowledgeable, but what did Jesus have to do with the old scriptures other than being of Jewish stock? What if he was nothing more than a simple enlightened teacher that so happened to be Jewish? Of course he would tie his ideas in with his upbringing. What if he never intended to be taken this way? I don't know. The more I learn, the more he seems like a victim of mistaken identity. The way he's been built up doesn't seem to fit with the humble man who dined with whores and thieves. If he were here today, wouldn't he be walking among the homeless and taking his whip of cords to modern churches?

I don't have the education to debate with Bible/history scholars, but would welcome any answers in layman's terms.
I'm just seeing an enlightened teacher horribly maligned.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I see the same thing when it comes to Jesus, actually.  I don't see him as anything more than a teacher that people took out of context later down the line.  It's why I'd fit more of the "Arian Christan" Christianity, but the Arian Christians were all killed/wiped out because of their belief that Jesus wasn't a divine being back during the Middle Ages.


I stick with Jesus being son of God just like it says in the Bible.
I also stick with us all being descended from Adam and Eve.


I've thought about this myself.

But when I read the Gospels, I was surprised to discover that what Jesus was teaching is the 10 commandments.

More importantly, by saying that no man may judge another on behalf of God, that we don't need to attend any church as such and that we may not kill, he effectively overturned all of the subsequent Jewish laws. What was left were his clarifications of the commandments. Each of us is answerable only to God.

The problem was that he was teaching at a time when the Romans were occupying Jewish lands. The government was run by a Roman puppet and over seen by a Roman goveror. The clergy were the only means left to maintain Jewish identy. So, along comes Jesus and tells everyone that the clergy have no special status. Even that they are hypocrites.

I suggest, however, that what Jesus was actually teaching was the same as Moses. Namely, the commandments and to teach these to the world.

Things started to go wrong when the Romans realised that those, following Jesus' teachings were becoming rather strong. So they hijacked the whole organisation and sought to re-write it to suit themselves. We were prevented from reading the Gospels for over 1000 years.

Edit, Just realised i've written that we don't need to attend any church or such , whereas I meant that we don't need to attend any church as such


Even Jesus said that the old testament was no longer valid.  "I am the fulfillment of the law" means that the old testament was now over thru him.

Everything that comes after the Gospels were interpretations for them.  With makes them null and void.


In my opnion, Jesus was an mystic, and a prophit. I haven't read the bible in years so that's what I believe he was from what I can remember. No offense to anyone here.

Dana Lane

Thank god I am an atheist. As far as I am concerned no matter what jesus was reported to say his dad was one evil sob. I was actually 'born again' about 15 years ago or so and listened to the bible on cassette until I just couldn't take it anymore and suddenly realized there was no way that story is true and if it was I wanted no part in it. I would rather be in hell because the guy in charge down their isn't as mean.

Most that read the bible turn on their cherry picking machine and grab 'feel good' stuff and try to forget about all the other atrocities.
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


He said that He did not come to change the law meaning that it is still valid but men have perverted what it truly meant. He was a great teacher and so much more. His own people turned their backs on Him but did He stop loving them-NO. He lived as an example for us to follow and has given us a way to really be free from condemnation, from self-loathing, and free of dogmatic nonsense that kept people in bondage for centuries. Study what He said and not so much of the apostles. They taught a great many good things but also had much crap to overcome themselves. My 2 cents worth.


The words and actions of Jesus in the Bible seem to be at odds with those of the "apostle paul."  That Paul guy was a roman who went around burning xtians then he "converted" and started telling the christians they had to repent.  Did jesus even say the wrod "repent" one time?  I think he was all about love and forgiveness, and belief was all that was required, not this repentance bs.   I imagine that if there were some roman government agent type who wanted to subvert christianity and turn it into a tool that the roman government could use to control the people, he would have done exactly what paul did.  Screw that paul guy.


I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
I believe that most of Christianity is in err.
I thank God for salvation in Jesus' sacrifice.