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Rough Night

Started by Jillary Woolen Xσx, October 25, 2010, 11:10:09 AM

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Jillary Woolen Xσx

Hey Everybody :)

This weekend was kind of a rough one for me to swallow.
on Saturday night I went to my friends body paint blacklight party in her co-op which ended up being packed from butt to back with people
and during the night a couple of the guys I went to school with, approached me and gave me a hug and were telling me I was looking good which felt nice because I was feeling pretty good, until they started to talk about how they would "F :icon_censored: me" if I wasn't "Born a Man"
I was pretty Disgusted with them telling me that for multiple reasons, but I just kind of walked away without saying anything because I didn't feel the need to respond.

So later on that night when one of my guy friends were walking down the street to subway before we left, some guys on the corner of the street approached us and said to my friend "Hey Man Your Bitch Looks Good, How Much for Her"
My Jaw kind of dropped for a minute but My friend jokingly said back "You can't afford her buddy" and laughed
and one guy said back "Your Bitch can't do anything I can't afford" and he told me to give him a hug.
I told him he screwed any chance of me touching him the second he called me a hooker
and then after going back and forth with each other for a minute they started laughing and jumping around crossing a busy road pointing and screaming at me that I'm a man................
Like a Freaking Sugar High 12 Year olds.....
Even worse people that were driving past started sticking there heads out of there cars and yelling "That's a Man" at me like I'm an Monster or something.....

I'm no stranger to being called out like that, in fact being that I started transitioning at the beginning of high school, my whole high school journey was built around this kind of harassment, but i think it hit me hard because I was feeling pretty good. I was feeling confident until the situation with the guys from high school before I left, and the second situation was a "hit me while I'm down" kind of moment, and had I not been with my friend I would have had a really bad breakdown in the middle of the street.

I don't care if these people think I'm Dateable, Doable, or if I'm a guy or a girl
but I wanna know if there Mother's taught them to do unto others as they shall do unto you.

Gah Just wanted to let that out cause its been bugging me
Thanks for reading :)

xσX                                                                Xσx



Damn that's really rude, sorry they said that to you. I think it's good that you just walked away, I hope it made them feel like idiots.


How did they know you were a man? Especially when they said you were hot before?

sorry it happened, hugs.

Mrs Erocse

Wow. What a night. I am sorry people are so screwed up. You are right to suggest thier mother's didn't teach them manners. If you read my posts you will see I am the biggest believer in treating others as I would like to be treated. The Golden Rule is just that, Golden. Nobody is perfect and that includes me. It would be a magnificent world if people could just really try that out for size everyday.  Your picture looks good and you are pretty. You should feel good about yourself. These other people should be the ones who feel like crap. I believe they do. They know what crappy people they are. I also believe what goes around comes around and they will run into thier own set of issues because of their bad attitudes. Thier bad attitudes were with them when they left you. They had them before they saw you. They went home with the bad attitude and shared it with other unfortunate people too. It had nothing to do with you. You innocently happened to cross thier path and they spewed forth thier vile selves because that is who they are. PIGS!!! (putting it nicely.)(Sorry pigs are cute I should not have used that example  :)) I hope you have an awesome day. Open yourself up to the good person you are and smile. You deserve to feel good and confident everyday all of the time.

pretty pauline

What a horrible night to have, anything that knocks your confidence is horrible, I lived in stealth for many years and was always excepted and given respect as a woman, the way a woman should be respected, anything else is not very nice, you deserved better, transition is not an easy journey, rude stuff makes it even harder, take care and best wishes.
If your going thru hell, just keep going.


I think you look great Joc. Hopefully you will build up your confidence again


Jillary Woolen Xσx

Quote from: Hurtfulsplash on October 25, 2010, 11:42:42 AM
I hope it made them feel like idiots.

I sure hope so too. or at least realize what a jackass thing it was to say  :-\

Quote from: Izumi on October 25, 2010, 11:49:47 AM
How did they know you were a man? Especially when they said you were hot before?
sorry it happened, hugs.

I have no clue :( I think that's why it really got to me because usually i'm not the kind of person to pay mind to they sort of crap ::sighhh::

Quote from: Mrs Erocse on October 25, 2010, 12:12:03 PM
Wow. What a night. I am sorry people are so screwed up. You are right to suggest thier mother's didn't teach them manners. If you read my posts you will see I am the biggest believer in treating others as I would like to be treated. The Golden Rule is just that, Golden. Nobody is perfect and that includes me. It would be a magnificent world if people could just really try that out for size everyday.  Your picture looks good and you are pretty. You should feel good about yourself. These other people should be the ones who feel like crap. I believe they do. They know what crappy people they are. I also believe what goes around comes around and they will run into thier own set of issues because of their bad attitudes. Thier bad attitudes were with them when they left you. They had them before they saw you. They went home with the bad attitude and shared it with other unfortunate people too. It had nothing to do with you. You innocently happened to cross thier path and they spewed forth thier vile selves because that is who they are. PIGS!!! (putting it nicely.)(Sorry pigs are cute I should not have used that example  :)) I hope you have an awesome day. Open yourself up to the good person you are and smile. You deserve to feel good and confident everyday all of the time.

I Absolutely agree Mrs. Erocse. there is no excuse for going out of your way to hurt someone for no reason other than being miserable yourself
Thank you :)
your words have really helped me to put this whole situation to rest
There's no reason I should let a child acting "Man" take me away from myself

Thank you Pretty Pauline.
It is a terrible feeling to lose the confidence that's been building up for so long
but maybe sometimes it takes these little bullying moments to really help keeps us in the fight

xσX                                                                Xσx



Jocelyn, Im so sorry you had to endure that. Ive been through that, in my eyes you are very passable as a woman. Perhaps your voice gave you away, not sure how youre voice is, just saying it might be a possibility.


I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you too Jocelyn. It doesn't sound to me like those high school friends are really friends at all. :(


Like everyone else here, I can really understand your pain.

If you think about it, what they did says more about them than you.

I always think, that in these situations, when we are made to feel so self conscious, it really does feel like the whole world is watching. In reality, most people there will remember the boys and completely forget about you. At best they will remember those boys who made fun of that girl.

I say this simply because that is what you look like. A girl. And if you think back, that is what quite a few at the party thought as well.


Wow JoC... That was really messed up stuff... Sorry you had to go through that... Some folks are just  jerks

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Dana Lane

Should have told him "So, you think I am a guy and you said you found me hot". hmmmm "Want my number?"  :)

Sorry you had a bad time. Sometimes when we are feeling our best the worst is just one step away. Sucks.

Mega Hugs!
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


Were they drunk? They're just mad that you won't have them, so they make it look like they don't want you for any reason they can think of. I know guys who do that to bio girls at school.
Push it baby, push it baby, out of control, I got my gun cocked tight and I'm ready to blow. ;)

Jillary Woolen Xσx

I wouldn't doubt they were drunk.
Usually most of my more creative of insults come from Drunk People lol

and I was really tempted to say "Hey Idiot You were Into Me 5 minutes ago, so the jokes on you"
but I probably would have felt more crappy having insulted myself lol

I told my therapist about it and she replied with
"Times Up. we'll Talk about this some other time"
so maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is :-/

Thanks everybody for being so kind :)

xσX                                                                Xσx



This song came on as I was reading this, and it seems very appropriate.
>-bleeped-< You - Lily Allen Official Music Video
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html

Jillary Woolen Xσx

Quote from: Lee on December 03, 2010, 01:39:47 PM
This song came on as I was reading this, and it seems very appropriate.

Definitely Brightened My Night :)
xσX                                                                Xσx



Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html