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The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement

Started by Adabelle, November 22, 2010, 08:07:17 PM

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Quote from: Madelyn on December 22, 2010, 02:25:00 PM
For me the thing is that different foods I eat move through me at different speeds. So if I have a big dinner with rice, and then weigh myself the next morning it will look like I weight more simply because rice moves through my system really slow. If I have a lot of fruit and veggies for dinner, and then weigh the next morning that won't be the case.

For me the biggest factor in fluctuations like that is how fast the food moves through, sometimes something I eat will "slow down" things and so I end up look like I'm gaining weight, when in reality it's just that there's more food in me than normal that is being weighed as well.

(Trying not to be too gross about this topic :)

That's why it's a good idea to weigh yourself every fortnight or so, rather than every day.


Well, in my case I like to see the weight on a daily basis because it gives me feedback about the meals I had the day before too. But if you do that you really have to take your "average" daily weight to get your real weight, since some days you have extra food in you and others not.

I totally understand why people would only want to weight once a week or so though.

Robert Scott

I weighed 215.0 this morning ... so it's coming off ... slowly!


Rob that's totally awesome.

Holidays are hard for me because I really enjoy cooking (and eating!) with family. For this Christmas my sister came over and we made homemade pizzas together, which was a lot of fun. I hope to really get more healthy this week because I really don't want to gain a bunch of weight over the holidays.

I'm still going to check in here, even if I ended up gaining weight this last week though.


Hi everyone,

     I just went through a tough time emotionally but I am better now. :) And I am still at 175.6lbs! (I usually gain during a depressive period). Glad to see that all the positive attitudes are still here, it feels good to be back.



Welcome back Jennifer. That's so awesome that you didn't gain even though you went through something tough.

Here's a hug. :)


I was very surprised to weigh myself after Christmas and hadn't gained weight. So I'm still at 191.8 lbs. Would love to get down to 190 this week.

I ended up going over on calories both on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, but what I did was the day after Christmas I made sure to eat really healthy stuff, like a big salad, some lentil soup, and drank lots of water. When I weighed the next day I hadn't gained! I was really amazed.


Thanks for the hug Madelyn, I needed that. And congrats on breaking that plateau. That is what happens to me too. But I am more determined than ever now so no cookies for me. ;D I must get to the next level. Glad to see all the other positive people here too! Keep up the good work everyone.



Hi everyone,

     It's Friday check-in time for me. After losing 12 pounds in 6 weeks it seems as though I am stuck here at 176 pounds for three weeks now. Better than gaining it back and not bad for the holidays I guess. I hope to here some success stories from the rest of you. Next week I hope to post another loss. Happy New Year!



back under 200 thankgoodness. 198 yesterday, 199.5 today. However the trend seems to be back under 200.. so phew!

Anyone else here dealing with weight loss and SSRI's? I didn't gain weight till SSRI's, and before that weight loss is easy - like losing weight was almost my natural state. Now it's a battle and a half not to gain weight. Any tips?


Ah! I'm up to 215.6 this week :( I think it's from muscle growth and the hunger of starting T so I'm not too upset but geesh. Family member is considering using P90X so if they do I'll be starting that and hoping for loss.

Sorry Tad, wish I could help with advice but congrats on being below 200! :)

Gain-12 lbs


Quote from: Pat Kane on January 01, 2011, 01:56:39 AM
I would like to join in too.

Currently 5'4" and 178 pounds. I want to be around 135, maybe a bit lower depending on how I feel (no lower than 125).

My first goal is to stop giving in to pressure to eat - if people know I'm dieting I feel feminine. But I want to look awesome when I start T, so I can have a great body for my girlfriend. I also hope to reduce my asthma symptoms.

It is human, not feminine, to want to be healthy and have a long productive life. Think about it that way and ignore the idiots that give you grief. They'll die of an early heart attack brought on by a crappy diet.

Al James

Thinking of buying the kinect for my xbox this week cos i never seem to make it to the gym. Haveny weighed myself since beginning of december cos i darent but actually managed to wear a top yesterday that was too tight last time i tried it


I want to join. I'm more interested in gaining muscle though.

Jan 1
Height 5'5
Weight 155
Wrist 6.5
Forearm 10.5
Bicep 14
Neck 15.5- 16
Shoulders 45
Chest 39
Waist at belly button 40
Hips 39

Quote from: Tad on December 31, 2010, 06:20:50 PM
back under 200 thankgoodness. 198 yesterday, 199.5 today. However the trend seems to be back under 200.. so phew!

Anyone else here dealing with weight loss and SSRI's? I didn't gain weight till SSRI's, and before that weight loss is easy - like losing weight was almost my natural state. Now it's a battle and a half not to gain weight. Any tips?

When I was trying to loose weight the thing that helped me the most was drinking a ton of water and the calorie counter app on my droid.

Robert Scott

I am totally up in weight...I have been so depressed over the holidays!

I haven't been to the gym in over 2 weeks & I have eatten like total crap.  I am in a downward spiral and just don't care about much these days.  I need to find myself again.


Quote from: Sharky on January 01, 2011, 11:07:18 PM
I want to join. I'm more interested in gaining muscle though.

Jan 1
Height 5'5
Weight 155
Wrist 6.5
Forearm 10.5
Bicep 14
Neck 15.5- 16
Shoulders 45
Chest 39
Waist at belly button 40
Hips 39

When I was trying to loose weight the thing that helped me the most was drinking a ton of water and the calorie counter app on my droid.

Calorie Counting doesn't work for me. I can continually eat 500 to 700 less then what I NEED to maintain weight according to reliable calculators based on BMI, weight, sex, activity level, inputing all specific activities done throughout the day and still no loss. :/

But Ima try the water thing. Been trying to include more anyways.


Quote from: Rob on January 03, 2011, 11:25:35 AM
I am totally up in weight...I have been so depressed over the holidays!

I haven't been to the gym in over 2 weeks & I have eatten like total crap.  I am in a downward spiral and just don't care about much these days.  I need to find myself again.

Pretty much everyone gains weight around the holidays. All the baked goods around and the encouraged over eating.

Quote from: Tad on January 03, 2011, 06:30:29 PM
Calorie Counting doesn't work for me. I can continually eat 500 to 700 less then what I NEED to maintain weight according to reliable calculators based on BMI, weight, sex, activity level, inputing all specific activities done throughout the day and still no loss. :/

But Ima try the water thing. Been trying to include more anyways.
I used to think that, but with the counter app I would scan the barcode of the item or pick it from a list. The count was exact. Being really strict with serving sizes made all the difference for me. You know a serving of pasta is only about the size of a deck of cards? Being a little liberal with how much cereal you put in your bowl, and what not  really adds up. You really have to pick between loosing fat and gaining muscle. Be drinking water before you feel thirsty. Thats how I lost 70 pounds of fat.


I mostly eat things that are.. pre sized? I don't cook.. so my options of going over serving size are next to nil. So I can be very sure I'm only eating 1800 calories or whatever a day. Plus have a break down of all my vitamins, grams, etc.

i've lost 30 pounds before in the matter of a month and a bit.. just by getting back to my regular diet/exercise reegime, and if i ever strayed before and would gain a few pounds, getting back to normal would lose that weight in a matter of days. My body had a very status quo that it wanted to sit at.  If I lost a few pounds below the status quo - it would go back to that. It was a good weight for me at around 173ish.

Since SSRI's.. none of that works for the 173.. it's status qou has moved up about 25 pounds. If I gain weight, it will drop back to it once I get back to normal, if I lose weight it will rise back to it. It's driving me crazy. And I know this is a very normal side effect of this medication. Many people report gaining 50 on it.. then they can only lose it once off the drug.

However, Ima chug even more water then I do now, and try that out. Thanks for that suggestion.


I was on  antidepressants for years. At first it worked great, but after awhile I couldn't take the side effects. I did find that weight came off easier after I finally stopped taking them. Stopped getting the brain zaps too.


I'd like to join in on this as well, if that's fine with everyone.  I started on Dec. 3rd at 320 pounds.  I joined the gym across the street (Mucho Conviencioso!) and so far after 4 weeks, I've lost 7 pounds.  My goal is to be at 211 by the end of 2011, so I'm well on my way.  However, I do have one MAJOR obstacle.

I have really low testosterone, to the point where I would normally drop 20 pounds, I'd drop 7.  So, my doctor is going to refer me to an endocrinologist and more than likely, I'll be taking testosterone shots to help correct my hormonal imbalance.  I hope this helps out my body and helps to get me back to some form of normal.


Well, I can't believe another week has gone by. We had family visiting for the last week (a kind of late Christmas gathering) and so that meant lots of really delicious family favorites (food) around, and of course eating out together. All this meant that as of this morning it looks like I'm 4lbs up from my lowest point a little over a week ago :(

Granted, I know some of this is probably due to increased sodium intake with eating out, and probably a little extra just from the more frequent eating in general. When I stabilize in another day or two I'll probably see I've gained a couple pounds this last week I'm thinking.

So I'm back on the band wagon again! I entered in my food items this morning into LiveStrong and am going to aggressively track and try and stay within my calorie target.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and the inspiration.

Even when you gain weight it still is great to post here, because other people are in the same boat - it's good to know I'm not the only one that had a hard week. :)