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The weekly weight loss check-in and encouragement

Started by Adabelle, November 22, 2010, 08:07:17 PM

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The biggest piece of advice that I can give anyone looking to loose weight and improve their health is clean, study,plan and eat.

1.) Clean-Clean out your pantry and fridge- Get rid of EVERYTHING that is going to sabotoge your plan or tempt you when you are week. Box it up and give to a needy friend or throw it away. Get rid of the cookies, cakes, chips, sugary sodas, white breads, high calorie soups and sauces and all those snacks made of processed white flower and sugar.

2.) Study- Study food labels and learn what is best for achieving your goal. Fats are good for you and necessary for health and even weightloss but keep it to HEALTHY fats and try and keep it so that less than 20% of the calories you eat is fat. Fat is calorie dense so you get a lot less volume for the same amount of calories. Starting the day off with a higher fat breakfast can be good though as it cranks your metabolism up and primes it for metabolizing fat, all day. Avoid hydrogenated oils, trans fats and and high fructose corn syrup as well. Honey is high fructose and is metabolized different so dont try using it as a sugar substitution and limit it's use.

Increasing fiber is good for so many reasons. It's lower in calories, fills you up, cleans you out and lowers colesterol. Soluble fibers help your lipid profiles wher insoluble cleans out your intestinal tract. You can buy low calorie/ high fiber bread that has about 3-5 grams of fiber per serving and is only 35 calories per slice. You can get good powdered fiber that you can mix with milk or juice as a way to get extra fiber as well. Just watch out as some people get gassy and bloated with more fiber but you can used supplements to relieve that. Gas is also not as much of a problem when you cut out the sugars and white flour.

3.) Plan- Know what you are eating for your next meal or you will find yourself too hungry to make a healthy choice. Keep food at the job so that you don't have to go out for lunch. You have to keep healthy foods and snacks around you because getting too hungry is a recipe for disaster. I keep caned soups, raisin bran, fat free milk, lean lunch meats at my work and home so that I always have something. I buy a high fiber pasta at walmart that looks and taste like regular white pasta (SmartTaste) and it is a GREAT alternative. I have cooked spaghetti at work that is incredibly high in fiber and low in fat (use ground chicken). The rednecks, I mean "guys" in the shop beg me to make it now and then even after I told them it was "healthy". Ask me and I'll give you my recipe. I have one for Salmon that my friends love so much that people who normally hate Salmon beg me to cook mine for them. It's really easy too!

4.) Eat- You have to eat enough to keep your metabolism in gear. Eat too little and your metabolism will just slow even more which is why so many people gain more than they lost after dieting. Eat more times per day and smaller meals. Avoid going out to eat as it is too expensive and you will always eat more calories than you think. Eating out has gone from a "treat" in America to almost a daily standard. If I eat on the road, I go by Taco Bell and order from the "Drive Through Diet Menu" or you can order it "Fresco" style. It's much healthier and less calories and doesn't taste too bad. I myself, like it! Make sure you don't go below about 1200 calories a day or you will have no energy and your metabolism will slow. You didn't put all the weight on overnight so don't try and take it off overnight. A reasonable goal would be 2-3 lbs a week.

If you are still having problems, you may want to look into a medical weight loss program. I know people who have lost a lot of weight on them and some docs will prescribe ADHD meds to help.


Sure Jennifer! Do you need directions to my place? lol


Ok, here's a challenge. For everyone participating in the thread, let's do a weekly check in with weight along with measurements on chest, arms, neck, waist, hips and thighs! It's a good record for you and gives a much better indicator of your progress. It may help motivate you on that week that you dont get anywhere but your hips get a little bigger and your waist a little smaller.

I will do this as soon as I get a hold of my mesuring tape. If you don't have one, they are only a dollar or two so no excuses! lol BTW, Good job Jennifer! I can't wait to be where you are at now. I haven't been able to weigh in for a few weeks fut I will be able to this weekend and I will post all the stats as soon as I can.

Robert Scott

Well crap...this has been a crappy week for me -- dang depression ...

weight 218.8
left calf 16in
right calf 15 1/2 in
left thigh 22in
right thigh 22in
waist 45in
chest 47 1/2
left arm 14 1/2
right arm 14 3/4


I'm sorry you are feeling down, Rob. Are you staying on top of your hormone levels? It would also be a good idea to make sure they are checking your thyroid levels as well as that can dramatically affect your mood and weight. I know how hard it is to get motivated when depression hits but physical activity is better than ANY anti-depressant for most people and it has other great benefits. A brisk half hour walk can do wonders for the body and soul and if you can work up to something that pushes your body to the max limits is even better.

Humans developed over time to move all day in search of food and other necessities. Our bodies didn't evolve to sit at a computer all day so our modern lives are harder on us than if we had to scavenge for food all day and run from predators. Good luck hon and I hope you feel better soon.

Robert Scott

I am currently not taking I doubt it's that.  Plus I just had a visit with my doctor and everything check out good except I had low sodium.

I go to the gym 5xa week ... I am really trying to get my body in shape so I can have surgery. 

It's been cold & snowy and my arthritis has been acting up so ... ya


That's great, Jennifer! That's good progress for just a week! Keeps me inspired. :) And to Rob...I'm sorry you were off this week...But don't get too discouraged. I know when I'm feeling down it always helps to talk to people I trust, and if that's not an option, finding a creative outlet does wonders.
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Quote from: Rob on December 03, 2010, 10:24:32 AM
I am currently not taking I doubt it's that.  Plus I just had a visit with my doctor and everything check out good except I had low sodium.

I go to the gym 5xa week ... I am really trying to get my body in shape so I can have surgery. 

It's been cold & snowy and my arthritis has been acting up so ... ya

Low sodium can be dangerous and the reson for it should be investigated. You could have an adrenal disorder causing low alsosteron levels which is going to cause your kidneys to pull too much sodium out of your system. It can cause low energy and other symptoms.

Robert Scott

Thanks ... it's not terribly low & it's the first time I have had ... I am almost in the normal range.  My doctor is going to re-check it in Jan.


Well today while out grocery shopping, I made a decent effort to get two cases of slim fast, milk chocolatte and one of vanilla, and a thing of special k bars strawberry. Got shocked though because I also planned on getting another box of super dieters tea (it's an 100% natural herbal tea that's suppose to help promote weight loss and it does something else cant't remember what though). I still have some bags of it, just wanted to get another box even though the stuff taste nasty :/ I was just so shocked that I didn't see any of it and a little bummed. But at least I got my walk in overtime today XD I feel kinda bad though because when we got home we had pizza and I had two slices and kinda raided the chips ahoy :( and had my favorite soda to a offbrand of sprite. But tomorrow is another day so bring it on!


Wow, this is an awesome thread and everyone's weight loss is really inspiring! Anyone mind if I join in?
Weighed myself the other day & I am under 200 lbs for the first time in a year! I'm officially off of the obese chart but at the very top of overweight. Got another 55 lbs to go. I can afford ramen and that's about it so it's all gotta be done by working out.

Starting weight- 197


Wow, that's awesome Michael. I remember breaking 200 the first time a few weeks back and I was so happy. I'm so happy seeing everyone sharing their goals. It really gives me courage.

As for me I'm staying right at around 194.2 right now. I've been good over the weekend so I know my body is just holding out here for a few days until I drop again. Since I haven't been going over my calorie target this week I'm confident eventually I'll see another little dip.

Healthy boy weight target: ~170 (-24lbs)
Healthy girl weight target: ~150 (-44lbs)


Al James

Haven't weighed myself this week but my jeans now need a belt to stay up so ive either lost some weight or theyve stretchexd with wear. Or maybe its all the walking Ive had to do because of the snow. Tried running a little bit but am still far too unfit for that


I forgot to post yesterday, so I'll do it now. In my first week I've lost two pounds, which isn't bad since all I did was cut down on sugar/caffeine and drank the recommended 8 glasses of water...I'm having trouble finding fun ways to exercise when it's so snowy and yucky outside. :P

So to continue in my baby steps, I'm going to try to eliminate soda altogether. My caffeine addiction is ridiculous, giving me debilitating migraines if I don't at least have a can a day. I won't go cold turkey because of that, but I'll wean myself off it at least.

I guess for a work out I can use my exercise bike, but that's not very fun and I'm afraid I won't stick to it... But I will sure try.
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Great job Jennifer! I hope to be where you are in two months! I will weigh in and report this weekend.


But if I did that, you would make me cook the salmon for you! lol We could have a blast! No snow here, we had a high of 71 degrees amd it was mice and sunny!!! Sure you dont want to come here?


Well. I have FINALLY broken through this plateau it seems. I had been stuck at 193.6lb for the last month or so and just couldn't get below that. This morning I woke up and weighed myself and I am 191.6! I'm so happy to finally see a lower number on the scale. I've really tried to eat more healthy the last few weeks, but it's also been a bit harder after having a minor surgery on my foot which makes it so I can't do too much walking or standing. But it's healing up nicely I think and hopefully in another few days I can pick up the pace a bit.

Anyway, I just wanted to share here. It's so frustrating when you hit some weight and just can't seem to break through. I was counting calories and eating more healthy for several weeks and just wasn't seeing the weight come off. It's hard not to get discouraged when you are working, but not seeing the results right away. Anyway, I hope I'm back on track with the new lower number.

I am really going to try and be as healthy as I can over the holidays too. Hopefully it won't throw me off base too much. Thanks everyone for your support, and good luck to everyone! I'll check in again soon.


Congrats on the break through Madelyn! I totally forgot about this thread. Oops...

Well, currently I'm 203.6 so I've gone up in weight but I noticed a lot of muscle gain over the past two weeks so I'm not too worried about it. :)


Goal is 180.

Last week, loss of 4.5 pounds down to 196.5.
This week.. up to 202. Gain of 5.5.

Donno what's going on. But my weight tends to flucuate in a range of 7 pounds and can jump that much in a day or two and it's not cuz I'm eating mega calories or anything.  If I looked at the last week, I ate enough calories to gain maybe 2 extra pounds.. ??? Damn Christmas cookies


For me the thing is that different foods I eat move through me at different speeds. So if I have a big dinner with rice, and then weigh myself the next morning it will look like I weight more simply because rice moves through my system really slow. If I have a lot of fruit and veggies for dinner, and then weigh the next morning that won't be the case.

For me the biggest factor in fluctuations like that is how fast the food moves through, sometimes something I eat will "slow down" things and so I end up look like I'm gaining weight, when in reality it's just that there's more food in me than normal that is being weighed as well.

(Trying not to be too gross about this topic :)