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I need advice immediately!

Started by rite_of_inversion, December 06, 2010, 08:09:57 PM

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(triggery stuff below)

Alright, I'm going to post this here, since this is a trans board and I might be able to get...I dunno, better feedback?

In August, my wife cursed out a customer because they called her "sir", not trying to be rude, but the customer didn't realize she was female.   The customer hit her, and my wife quit her job immediately.

I...stuffed my feelings of terror down and coped. I said nothing about this, because I didn't want her to get depressed and not go look for work.

She is starting a new job.  For the past couple of weeks, now that the pressure's off, I've felt acutely suicidal.
Last night I figured out exactly why.  I was hiding the depth of my terror from myself and from her so I could survive.  I was having anxiety attacks, I was self-injuring(cutting), I was acting anorexia-like, I've had two med increases in a month...

It's because I felt like she put me through hell in what feels like a fairly casual fashion, because she was having an awful night at work. What I need to know is how accurate a perception that is from the perspective of a person who's post-op.

And this isn't the first time she's blown off a job in whatever form or fashion... it's just the first time she's done so since a) I got sick in '02, and b) my mom bought a new house and can't really help us too much anymore.

I have really bad asthma...and I have a fear, somewhat irrational, of dying because I can't afford medicine.

Not    totally     irrational   .

I'm uninsured, and since I got chronic sinusitis, I have to take A LOT of really expensive stuff to keep me breathing...right now being supplied by the county health service.

But  because they jacked their fees sky-high before when I used to go to them back in the 90's, I don't consider them a 100% reliable source of affordable asthma medication.

So I'm afraid of the future, and I'm afraid all the time anyway. It's probably either an anxiety disorder, or part of my Post Traumtic Stress Disorder goodies...  The county does not hand out tranquilizers, unfortunately.

So to keep from being immobilized by terror and feelings of betrayal when she did this... I stuffed those feelings...not even consciously...and I did what we needed me to do.

But I feel horribly betrayed, and I think I have every right to say to her:

This is the last time you're going to put me through this for something that's anything less than dire, and the last time you're going to do it unilaterally. 

You need to have another job lined up before you quit this one, and do your best not to get fired...which if that means ass-kissing, well, I ass-kiss too to keep my job sometimes, and do incredibly boring and unpleasant things.  I need you to do your best to keep a steady job.

Because if she pulls something like this again for a reason less than dire, I'm going to ask her to move in with her Mom.

I love her and trust her more than any other person on the planet...I feel horribly betrayed...and I think being alone would be less terrifying and painful than having random crises dropped into my lap like this all the time.

We've been together for 8 years, she's been through 6 jobs, gotten fired because she stopped doing her job at some of them...another one she got fired because she told off a supervisor.

Every time I've been very anxious, but this has been just torture for me.

So she may decide she can't handle that when we talk tonight...and if that's her choice, then she's going to have to save up some money and move out as soon as she can.

And that breaks my heart.


I wish I had advice. I don't think it's wrong of you to say that to her though. I wish you the best man and if things get bad and she moves home just remember you have friends here that you can talk to. Good luck


Wow... Well, on the one hand cursing out a customer and quitting were probably rash decisions and totally uncalled for. On the other hand... she was assaulted? I can understand if in the moment being so wronged (in her mind) not once but twice she had a lapse of reason, but it seems you are affected directly by the outcome so you are owed your grievances at the very least.
I don't understand your situation any more that you've explained here but if it were me, based on this history alone, the relationship would not be working out.
I think though if she can get through her apparent anger management issues things could go very well for you both, so maybe an ultimatum is not necessary, at least not before trying some alternatives...


I love her and trust her more than any other person on the planet...I feel horribly betrayed

I don't think both of those statements can be concentrically true.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


No, I just have some serious trust issues. Rather, I take about a year to trust people, at which point I still half-expect them to do awful things to me anyway, and feel helpless to do anything about it.

One of my weird psychological wrinkles. It's a PTSD thing.
Have to finish up work and go home now. I hope this goes well.


She had grievances of her own...and had been thinking divorce might be necessary, and yes, I tend to be very screamy for stupid reasons..I hate it and don't know how to stop myself yet...
I'm worried I might not be able to stop the yelling without pharmaceutical help, and I want more medication until I get better coping skills, at the very least.
We have a LOT of communication issues.

That, and I don't think my shrink realizes that I'm really in danger of offing myself right now, whether because of the marriage or because the meds aren't working or both.

So we're still married ATM and going to get couples' counseling ASAP.
Neither of us want to end it, but both of us are demanding change at this point, and I hope I actually CAN do what she needs me to do.
I'm very afraid I can't, because I've been trying ever since I started, back when it got me hit.