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Goes Potty in All the Wrong Places!

Started by Yakshini, January 27, 2011, 12:19:58 AM

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I have an adorable, sweet cat named Little Guy. He's pretty young, only about two and a half years old. But he has a major problem peeing where he shouldn't be.
He poos in the litter box, but we find him peeing on clothing, blankets, jackets, rugs... just about anything left on the floor. He has been neutered, so he is not trying to mark territory. He is both an inside and outside cat, and for the first year and a half of his life he spent most of his time outside. I've looked up numerous things to do to change the behaviour, and I was advised to try a more natural litter (like sand or loose dirt) because he spends time outside, I've also seen advice to not leave things on the floor for him to pee on or to cover them with plastic or spray with a special product to deter peeing there again. Thing is, he will even pee on plastic and leaving clothes and rugs on the floor is inevitable, we can't change that.
I love my Little Guy to death, but his going potty everywhere is extremely problematic and I'm worried that my family will consider getting rid of him. I'm hoping that someone here has dealt with a similar problem and could help me out.


Hi, I had a male cat that did that when young, he outgrew it, but he was very fussy about the litter and would sometimes pee on the outside of the box. Keep the litter very clean. Also, I have heard of giving them a spritz from a sprayer bottle of water when bad. Good luck.

