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Cats or dogs?

Started by jacob.ayden.averi, October 22, 2010, 09:55:12 PM

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So, I guess I'm just curious, are you a cat person or a dog person? Or puppy or kitten, whatever. I personally looove cats, but a good dog is awesome too. I have a little baby kitten named Shadow, s/he is just so adorable. Not sure about the sex yet, irony. But s/he's smart and playful and adventurous and my baby. But anyhoo, if you prefer one over the other, why? Cat-dog debates always interest me. =]



I have two cats now but I had a sweet dog named Polarbear.  I miss him a lot.


I second Janet's "Yes".

I have a wonderful dog, but I would love cat when I get a bigger place (I'm allergic so I need more room).


Another thing dogs have going for them, at least my ex's. I used to go over there a lot when I was still in the early stages of coming out and he was always fine with me but I went over recently and he was totally scared of me! He would cower and run away with his tail between his legs. I'm not even on testosterone yet, and I don't recall if I was wearing my binder. I asked her why he was scared and she was just like, "Oh, he's scared of boys." Like all nonchalantly. But seriously, the fact that he was afraid of me made me so happy. As weird as that is.


Oh the ironey! (sorry inside joke :p) I love cats over dogs. Well I like dogs to, but I absoltely hate it when they bark and will not shut up..grrr *annoyance* But I have a soft spot for guinea pigs mostly, their just too darn cute. Last one I had I taught her to play dead on command and come. I thought that was cool.


I'm slightly biased towards cats....
just a little >.>
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

Jillieann Rose

I prefer dogs over cats.
But I like most animals.

Terra Anne

I care for a beautiful 19 month old puppy named Caligo who Ive been with for 17 months. Shes absolutely brilliant and a bit of a sook, but I love her to death and dont know what Id do without her. A 6 week old tortoise shell kitty has recently found her way into my life, also. Shes an adorable little adventurous loner kitty named Ducky. (:

Im much more of a dog person & always have been but I love both of these souls with all my heart  <3


I get along with more than just cats or dogs. I don't understand the whole binary of those being just pets.
I prefer cats I suppose, but there's just different sorts of love and fun with either type.

My mate and I plan to have one cat and one dog as an addition to our family. :3 We're going to have a nice diverse specie family. (We have a cornsnake and gecko right now.)


I like animals.

I have an old cat that's more a room-mate than a pet, she "technically" belongs to my sister but she's as much "my cat" as anyone's.

And we just got a new puppy! (see my puppy-name thread for pic!)

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I would love a dog, but I need money for transition, so that's not going to happen. I'm not too adverse to cats, but I'd prefer a dog.




I love cats and big dogs (can't handle the little ones...too many bad experiences with yappy ones). 

I have two cats right now, and I'd be in a world of hell without them. My little buddy Dragon always knows when I'm down or ill, and does his feline best to cheer me up. He's crazy smart (opens cabinets, doors, blinds...I'm afraid to leave the can opener out!), and puts the cat in curious. Nothing makes my day like having him curl up next to me. Some days he's the only thing that makes everything worth it.

Our other kitty, Oreo Cookie, is a sweetheart. She's not as active or curious as Dragon, but makes up for it in hugs. Her favorite way to sit is in your lap, with her front paws wrapped around your waist.  :D She also loves belly-rubs like no cat I've met before.

If we lived in a bigger place, we'd definitely have a dog too...probably a retriever or a German shepherd, but we don't have enough room for them to really play. :(  Someday I hope to get one, and also a California king snake, but that's probably another thread...hehe.
"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."
Peter Nivio Zarlenga


Dogs. They are born to be loyal to you, and they will die being loyal to you. I've had dogs since I was very little and I can assure you they're one of the best pets you can have (next best pet: rats, they're little fat dogs, I have four now and I love them :) )

I always say that you can't have a cat a as pet. It is the cat who actually has you as a pet  :D
However I've found an exception. My girl has a persian cat who really thinks he's a dog. Really. He moves as a dog, he behaves as a dog, and he even "barks" He doesn't have cat skills but he plays with branches, sits and gives the paw. I call him "transpecies" lol The best thing is, I have an awful allergy for cats, but this one doesn't make me even sneeze. That is: I have allergy for cats, not dogs, and he's definitely a dog!!


I have a kitty...called Kitty. We met when i moved into the house i now live in after I'd just broken up with my g/f of 7 years. My first night there, my first alone for a long time, she jumped up onto my bed with a little chirp, wormed her way under the duvet (and ultimately into my heart), rested her head on my shoulder and sent me to sleep with her purring.

She did originally belong to my friend Heidi, but when Heidi moved in with her boyfriend she decided not to take Kitty with her as she had another cat who was quite old and found kitty's boisterous moods and playfulness a bit much, so I gladly inherited her. It's very rare that if i'm in the house and sat down somewhere that kitty isn't sat on my lap.

I love Kitty and she loves me.