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My camping trip

Started by Melissa, July 19, 2006, 10:14:05 AM

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I had typed this up previously, but have removed names for anonymity on the internet.

Well, I went on a camping trip this past weekend with a large group of people (around 60).  My ex had come as well and so did the kids.  About half of them know I'm TS since they knew me prior to transition.  It was for a special event and there was a little party with some dancing.  I went to the event last year as male, but this year as female (I'm probably the only person to use both bathrooms :)). 

I was talking to some girls who are friends of mine and know I'm TS and I borrowed some fingernail polish from one of them and painted my nails black.  Later at the party, one of those girls had a guy ask me to dance that didn't know I was TS.  He was much younger than me (like 15 or 16) and was the boyfriend of one the other girls there.  It was fun, but I was super nervous and couldn't remember where the girl puts her hands. 

Later, I went off with a girl (a friend) and the guy and his girlfriend and we went on a little walk.  It's fun when people don't treat you any different than you want to be treated even if they know your history.  Me and the friend (she's only 14 which is about as old as I feel a lot of times) walked back and left the other 2 behind and were both just taking turns making each other laugh.

There was a little bar at the party and I did some bartending (like I did last year) and many people were happy because they like the drinks that I make.  There was another girl (she's 24) that was helping bartend that I remember from last year.  I remember feeling very jealous of her that she looked so good and was able to wear a particular outfit to the party last year (Gender Dysphoria showing), but at the same time I thought she was extremely cute, but she had a boyfriend.  I'm sure she didn't realize I was the same person as last year and figured I was GG.  We got to talk and it was fun trying to grab bottles at the same time she was and leaning over each other ;)

I remember talking to a few people about age and I had them guess my age.  Obviously a person looks older as a woman than as a man.  Well, one of them guessed 26, which is younger than I really am and that was as a girl ;D.  I always had people say I looked much younger as a guy than I really was.  I had another that said I looked right around my age.  Now I just need the hormones to make me look even younger.  :d

I stopped bartending for a while and I let the other girl take over for a while.  I went over and was talking to another woman that is a lesbian and a friend and basically has said she always thought I was hot (even as male). After a while, I had a drunk woman who started hitting on me (who had also hit on several other women that night and looked quite beautiful) and ended up kissing me.  Well, I have to say that I definitely felt something from that and was a little worried it may have be obvious if somebody had looked down.  Well, her boyfriend came over and they had a little spat and he left and she continued hitting on me and other women until she drank more and ended up vomitting and me and another girl comforted her and her boyfriend helped her back to her tent.  Oddly enough, it's didn't disgust me.  I just felt sorry for her.

After that, I went over to the fire pit and talked to the lesbian for a while and then we decided to go to bed.  As I was preparing my bedding, I heard someone calling my name.  I went over and it was somebody that had found an FTM transsexual staying at a nearby campground that was visiting ours.  So I talked with him for a while.  Well, he pretty much instantly started expressing his attraction towards me because he was also drunk.  He's 22 years ol dbye the way.  We talked for a while and eventually he said he wanted to cuddle with me.  He seemed like just an ordinary guy and he had been taking hormones for a while, but there were still some telltale signs like the smaller mouth.  I figured this kind of opportunity didn't come along very often and so I went for it.  I didn't want to go back to my tent because the kids were sleeping there and so I grabbed my sleeping bag and pillow and we walked over to his tent.

We went in and started completely making out. It was quite a different experience for me.  It certainly didn't feel wrong.  I had to keep his hands away from between my legs since I was uncomfortable with that and he kept wanting to go there.  Eventually I decided I didn't quite feel the same having a man kissing me as I do about having a woman kiss me.  We eventually went to sleep with me in his arms.  I awoke in the middle of the night when his tent buddies arrived and I had to readjust.  I went back to sleep and awoke later when it was light out and I could hear people outside the tent.  He was still sleeping and I had to go to the bathroom and do a few preparations.  I gathered up my stuff and put my bra back on and decided not to wake him since I knew how hard it is to sleep when you're camping.  Besides, he knew where I was staying and I figured he'd find me when he woke up.

So, I went back and used the bathroom and touched up my face and went back to the tent.  It turns out my ex had done the same thing with another guy last night.  I said we were so much alike and she said "Yeah, we're camp sluts." :D  Also, I wasn't drunk the whole night, unlike some of the others.

I went and had breakfast and eventually packed up, but the guy never showed up.  I was saying goodbye to people and I got to hug Tahsa and her sister (who's also cute) and that's something I would never have been able to do as a male.  I really liked her and think she's a great person.  After goodbyes, we left and I ended up giving the lesbian a ride home (she had come with my ex in a separate car) and we talked the whole way.  She's a little older than me (42) and has some bad health problems, but she basically said she sees me as a woman and would ask me out if she weren't friends with my ex.  She isn't the most attractive woman (kind of androgynous) and she has expressed some gender issues, but due to health problems doesn't feel like exploring transition would be worth it and I don't find myself attracted to her, but I think she's a great friend.  Well, I dropped her off and went back home.


Sarah Louise

It sounds like it was a good experience.  I am happy for you.  I love camping too, but not with a group.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


Sounds like you had a great time.

Can I go next year?!!?   ;D 8) >:D


Quote from: LostInTime on July 19, 2006, 02:28:59 PM
Sounds like you had a great time.

Can I go next year?!!?   ;D 8) >:D

Sure, if you want to come all the way out here. :)



I'm speechless  Melissa.  :icon_flamed:

You were very busy, weren't you.




I'm always busy Marco. ;)




       Are you just sewing oats?




Quote from: Marco on July 20, 2006, 01:48:45 PM

       Are you just sewing oats?

Enough spiro and she can apply for federal disaster relief--crop failure



Quote from: Leigh on July 20, 2006, 09:07:05 PM
Enough spiro and she can apply for federal disaster relief--crop failure


Too late Leigh.  It failed long before spiro.  I'm just exploring myself.



Not  that it matters Melissa .Your very obviously bisexual right??


Quote from: Diane on July 24, 2006, 06:38:48 PM
Not  that it matters Melissa .Your very obviously bisexual right??
I certainly hope she is. ;)

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: Diane on July 24, 2006, 06:38:48 PM
Not  that it matters Melissa .Your very obviously bisexual right??
Actually no.  I'm pretty much lesbian, but maybe bi-curious.  Currently, I don't think of men sexually and that's probably the biggest reason I don't consider myself bi.  I feel safer experimenting with an FtM, since they were born in a female body and it doesn't seem to be as big of a leap.  I personally think I wouldn't go with a genetic male at this point.  I actually told the FtM that I was pretty much lesbian, but also willing to explore.  He kept bringing that point up multiple times during the night.



Quote from: Nero on July 24, 2006, 06:47:02 PM
I certainly hope she is. ;)


Unless you get your butt out for the October meet, I'm gonna meet her first, Nero. And I'm irresistable, even for a guy :)



QuoteAnd I'm irresistable, even for a guy
So I've noticed.

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: Nero on July 24, 2006, 06:47:02 PM
I certainly hope she is. ;)


For you guys I'll be. ;)



You are too kind Melissa. :icon_tetter:


Stephanie Stephens

Sounds like you had a great time Melissa. People really can be good to each other if they want to. I love to camp/RV and dress while I do it.