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a touch of validation

Started by cynthialee, December 28, 2010, 04:05:59 PM

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Just had to share this with you...

Today I had a substitute for my home health care worker. She was a cool old lady (about 68-72 I'd guess) who had a tendency to occasionally curse and she had a ton of personality. We really hit it off and spent most of the time she was here talking. (she did get the things done that I needed done)

About 2 hours into her being here she said to me 'you have that whatever it is up here that makes a woman'. As she was saying that she was waving her hand over the back of her head. Then she said 'you think like a woman, it's' very obvious'.

I politely smiled then went on to give her the short and simple about transsexual neurology. She was interested and thought it made sense. (now if this old granny can get it why do so many other people choose to remain ignorant...)
Then she wanted to ask the standard 20 questions they always ask. I politely answered her questions. She assumed that I could just get my insurance to cover surgical expenses .... When I told her the price tag associated with transition she was shocked and obviously upset with the system. She didn't think it was right that we have to pay for our surgeries.
She was very open minded and inquisitive. Later on we had a nice time chatting about the locals and bad mouthing the company she works for after her curiosity about my transition was sated.
I hope you all have a good day and a better tomorrow,
Cynthia Lee
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


That's awesome...sometimes the most unexpected people can be the most accepting.


Sometimes people amaze me... this is one such story... congrats Cynthia  :laugh:  :icon_bunch:

Reminds me of the saying "Never judge a book by its cover" ...

one can never tell who will give you grief and who will be accepting...


Sometimes when life is a fight - we just have to fight back and say screw you - I want to live.

Sometimes we just need to believe.


We all need that from time to time.  And now Granny has gotten an education.  Good for you, Cynthia.


That's so neat, Cynthia! It's so refreshing to see older people accepting of things like this. My 90 year old great grandma raised her eyebrows and grinned at me when she saw me dressed as male at my cousins wedding, and said 'Oh you wanna be a boy, don't you..' I was like.. Why yes, grandma, how astute of you XD

I'm glad to hear all this~

Spread the love rainbow
Like a wet cat on a windowpane