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A personal triumph.

Started by Cassandra, August 12, 2005, 12:25:06 PM

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I had a most wonderful thing happen to me this morning. My power was turned off! What? you say. How could this be wonderful? Well you see I had just put the finishing touches on my morning shaving routine when suddenly the lights went out. Then I realised what was happening. Although I had planned on stopping off at the power company on the way to work, I had waited too long and the man was there to turn me off.(Typical male) ;)

At this point I had no makeup on, no bra no wig no nothing except my robe and a pair of panties. I went running to the back door and stuck my head out to see the power guy about to tag the meter when I spoke up. "Excuse me" I said. If you had knocked on the door I would have written you a check.

Now comes the good part. He replied,

I knocked at the door three times mam.

Wow!  :icon_surprised:

I had gone to the door without even thinking about how I looked. I spoke without even thinking about how I sounded and bang there it was, Mam! there was no mistaking it. He came towards the door and I was holding my dog back so I told him I was going to slip inside and write the check and could he stay right there.

He was no no more than 5 feet in front of me. That will be fine mam, I just need a check for $xxx.xx.

There it was again! Now at first I thought nothing of it as I have become accustomed to being referred to as mam out in public but as I went to get the check it hit me. I wasn't dressed. I had barely even started to get ready for the day. I was in my most exposed state as far as what gender I am perceived as, and here was this total stranger calling me mam.

I went inside and wrote the check, had to find my glasses first as I hadn't put in my contacts yet and returned. I apologised for the time it took explaining about the glasses and as I handed it to him(he was now close enough to see my beard had I not already shaved) he said that's quite all right mam, have a nice day. and did a respectful nod of the head.

I still can't believe it. Mind you I have a receding hairline and did not have my wig on. This was absolutely spectacular to me. This was a total stranger and I was doing nothing conciously to be perceived female yet there it was without even thinking about it. I'm exstatic, I'm thrilled beyond belief. I have had 0 FFS and have been on HRT since February, yet I seem to have arrived at the other side. If I died tomorrow I would die happy. From here on out everything else in my transition is just icing on the cake.

I just wanted to share this wonderful day with all my sisters at Susan's

Great Journey,



It's day's like these that sort of validate our whole reason for trasitioning  :)

Congrats Cassie, hopefully the rest of your day was just as wonderful, but seeing as how you're feeling so great now it probably doesn't matter :)

Chat later



That must feel wonderful!!  Congratulation! *hugs*



Way to go girl.  That is a wonderful feeling.  You are trully a woman.


Congratulations Cassie:

I am so pleased  that things went well for you and the Man from the Power Company ( Hydro in our part of the country  HE HE ) .
It is just a demonstration as to the true you,  and that you are being accepted for the person you are, a true Lady.

it is happenings like this that validate your total transitioning, and I just hope that I may have the same acceptance at the time  I am able to begiin transitioning as well



Thanks for sharing Cassie and congratulations,

Hearing good things happening to people really helps put things in perspective.

Lifes pretty good and sharing makes it better.
