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FancyRabbit Banned

Started by Janet_Girl, January 09, 2011, 12:35:20 AM

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Many of you have read the thread that FancyRabbit posted or replied to.  Because they decided to violate no less than three of the TOS rules, they are banned. 

Let this be a warning, you signed up to be here and by doing so you agreed to the TOS.

Violations of the TOS will result in warnings and/or a ban.

Follow the rules and you will be fine.



FancyRabbit posted a really intelligent discussion and was 100% open to criticisim, sounds like the ideal forum member to me!

Really if anyone was willing to listen to his/her views without brining their own emotions to the "discussion" then it would of been fine. It was very apparent in every line of FancyRabbits posts that he/she did not mean to offend anyone.

You gave me a warning for privately saying to you that I disagreed with your actions, I find this amazing as I did not call you out publicly...

Anyway just really saddened me to see an intelligent person who cares about others opinions and did not try and offened get banned simply because an admin disagrees with the view point that they were working with the help of others to come to.

FancyRabbit probably in fact said it best in the thread that was locked:

"There is a difference between someone being "insulting" and a person being "insulted". Within the thread I was not intentionally insulting, simply some found themselves being insulted by my viewpoints. "


I find it troubling that so many are unwilling to have a calm open discussion with different points of view. I had no idea that the trans community was apparently only open to its own clique ideas on the subject.

Sincerely, a huge fan of Susans,




I do not owe you or anyone else an explanation, other than Susan or Forum Admin.  Yes I banned FancyRabbit for opening a new thread directly related to a thread that was closed.  They also crossed the line with Rules 2, 9 and 10.

I am answering you here, but you can also be banned for a violation of rules 2 and 20.  I did not banned Rabbit because I disagree with them, I banned them for violations of the rules.

I suggests you go reread the TOS Rules.  You received the warning for the violation.  You also can receive a warning for the violation of the Reputation system.

Hopefully this has answered your questions.  And I posted here to hopefully keep you from being banned yourself.


Quote from: Janet Lynn on January 09, 2011, 12:50:22 PM

I do not owe you or anyone else an explanation, other than Susan or Forum Admin.  Yes I banned FancyRabbit for opening a new thread directly related to a thread that was closed.  They also crossed the line with Rules 2, 9 and 10.

I am answering you here, but you can also be banned for a violation of rules 2 and 20.  I did not banned Rabbit because I disagree with them, I banned them for violations of the rules.

I suggests you go reread the TOS Rules.

Wow I had no idea the website was ran this way, although lots of communitys have extensive TOS I have never seen someone blindly follow them without care for the person or situation involved.

Personally, and I know this doesnt matter, but it would be nice if you judged people on a case by case basis instead of just following the TOS as a god.

Such a shame to lose a great, intelligent member like Fancy just because of some arbitrary rules.

As a good administrator I do think its your job to answer community members questions even if you think you dont, I have always loved this website and I dislike seeing good people cut out of it over what seems to be a emotional whim and/or just a blind rule following.

I also dont mean to offend but am just passionate over open discussion/censorship and hate to see people with open minds get shut down because of arbitrary rules or a persons personal opinion.

ps: Yes I could take your advice(re: TOS 2,20)and email a complaint to Susan as per the TOS about your actions but I think thats far to extreme and why bother her when I can simply ask you! Never a fan of taddelling on people anyway :P I just wanted to hear it from you why you did it, apparently your boss, Susan, is a bureaucrat when it comes to paper work ;)  Peace <3



It is within your rights to complaint to Susan.  But when you posted here in open forum you violated the TOS.

I know the outcome of that.  It has been nice knowing you.  So that you don't think I had anything to do with it.  I wash my hands.  I would suggest you stop now.



When protesting an action, it does no good to break the rules yourself. If you have a question on a moderator/admin action, you should pm me or Susan or the mod/admin in question.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Each of the TOS items have been put into place to deal with or prevent the reoccurrences of situations that happened in the past.

For example rule 2 was put into place to prevent people who got in trouble on the site from attempting to garner support for their position by making their generally inaccurate or highly modified version of the situation public.  When issues are handled privately, we generally can do so without a lot of unnecessary drama.

The TOS is mostly commonsense, and 99% of the users never create a situation that requires it to be exercised against them.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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