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Went out again, probably got read.

Started by Melody Maia, January 21, 2011, 11:22:25 PM

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Melody Maia

Hey everyone!
I went out again tonight as me. First I went to a discount shoe warehouse and walked the aisles. Saw some absolutely to die for pumps (my weakness!), but just can't afford them right now on a whim and they aren't what I came to buy. Ended up buying some girl sneakers (trainers in the UK correct?) and some really crazy girly socks that I loved. That means from the waist down to my toes, I am full-time. Or is that part-time. Maybe half-time?  ;D

I was walking along and nobody was paying me any mind. One of the check-out girls asked me how I was doing and I said fine. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a lady with her friend checking out glance up at me quickly upon hearing my voice and I figured my voice didn't pass with her. She kind of walked away to the door as I walked by, but I looked at her and she didn't look at me. She was waiting on her friend to finish paying. No one else looked at me or said anything, but I figured that she read me. Upon checking out I had to give my phone number for the discount club and my old name is on that account (boy name in Spanish, but not a common one at all, so don't know if it is a gender marker. Probably is since it ends in O). Probably got outed there too. Anyway, the point is that the world didn't end. Nobody looked at me funny, laughed or pointed and screamed at me at the top of their lungs. I learned that being read is something I can withstand with minimal embarrassment.

After shoe shopping, I went to dinner with friends and their little daughter at a place called Dexter's in downtown Orlando. No reactions from anyone there, although I understand it is an avant garde part of town. Unfortunately, got outed all over the place there because my friends had BIG trouble remembering to use female pronouns. From the moment the waitress came and my friends wife asked her to "bring him some wine," addressing me of course, the jig was up. I quietly mouthed to her "she" and her eyes got big when she realized her mistake, but the damage was done. No big deal, but the him's and man's kept flying throughout. All I could do was groan and remind them. They did remember to call me Melody, but it seems like that is the only thing they could keep straight. One thing at a time I guess. Funny thing was their 4.5 yr old daughter addressed me correctly without error the entire night! She had seen me in boy-mode back on Tuesday, but I guess little kids are more flexible and prone to address what is directly in front of them.

So at the end of the night, everything turned out well. I didn't seriously expect to go through this whole process without some bumps, so it was to be expected it would happen at some point. I still had a good time and did express to my friend my appreciation that he wasn't embarrassed to take me somewhere to eat with his wife and little daughter. It is a transition for everyone, not just me.

Need to work on the voice more. Especially consistency I think. Baby steps.
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



You seem to be very happy, all the best of luck to ya!


Quote from: Melody Maia on January 21, 2011, 11:22:25 PM

Upon checking out I had to give my phone number for the discount club and my old name is on that account (boy name in Spanish, but not a common one at all, so don't know if it is a gender marker. Probably is since it ends in O). Probably got outed there too. Anyway, the point is that the world didn't end. Nobody looked at me funny, laughed or pointed and screamed at me at the top of their lungs. I learned that being read is something I can withstand with minimal embarrassment.

To be honest I don't think that the name necessarily outs you. Lots of households have one name or number that they keep their memberships under. For all they know it could have been your father, husband, or brother. I'm glad that you were able to keep your head up though, remember, confidence is key! :)

Quote from: Melody Maia on January 21, 2011, 11:22:25 PM
Need to work on the voice more. Especially consistency I think. Baby steps.

I'm glad that you are setting goals for yourself. It seems many people have difficulty with that, they either can't commit to them or they make unreasonable ones right off the bat. Yours are neither outlandish or unimaginable. Good luck, Melody!

I am glad that your transition to living in Florida seems to be going smoothly, you deserve it.

"Love is in fact so unnatural a phenomenon that it can scarcely repeat itself, the soul being unable to become virgin again and not having energy enough to cast itself out again into the ocean of another."

~James Joyce


Being read happens.  Wrong pronouns happens.  Both are no big deal.  How we react to them is a bigger tell than the actual problem.

If you are read, smile at that person and move on.  People don't like to be seen looking at another person.  They are afraid that it will be misinterpreted.  Most people will not get all up in your face over it.

People make pronoun mistakes all the time.  Most people just let it pass.

The voice is our biggest tell.  If they have any remote idea, the voice can make or break that idea.  I fell that eventually we get comfortable on how we sound with our new voice and quit worrying about it too.  My Neighbor, a GG, has a lot deeper voice than I ever did.  So I don't worry about my voice, unless I have a cold.  Then I might worry.