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Deleting Account from Susan's?

Started by Vince1995, December 30, 2010, 10:36:05 PM

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I was wondering how to delete my account from this website completely?


I would ask why?  It someone here offend you?  Or are you at a point you need a break?  But if you must remember that your posts will last forever, it is up to you to delete them.  Then under your profile, under actions you will find "delete account".

I t would be better to just leave for a while so that when you return you are already here.


A couple users made me feel unwelcome here, and I just don't wanna be where I am not welcome.

I guess I will leave for a while, that's a better idea. Thank you.


Please don't leave, Vince.  Don't let one person do this to you.  There are a lot of wonderful people here who will support you relentlessly.


Well, it was a Global Moderator, and another user. If everyone wishes to discuss this with me, just email me. My email should be in my profile. I don't want to fill up this with off topic/other things.


Vince at the bottom of every post is a "report to moderator" button.  If the post is bad or you fell it is against you, click it.  Or just PM any moderator or administrator.

I would ask you to stay, and just let someone know if there is a problem.


I deleted the thread anyway because the users made me cry. I don't feel like I should be where even a staff member will get annoyed/frustrated with a post and tell me not to ask questions.


Yeah, I know, but it was only one other person who is HUMAN.  This is a great place.  I'm surprised that happened actually.  Everyone has bad days.  Just forget about it.  You can't control what other people do or say.  Don't let other people control your happiness.  I'm sure you have a lot to offer and a lot to gain here.


Vince we just couldn't answer your question :( Neither I nor the moderator meant to upset you. We just can't tell you whether or not you are trans. I'm sorry that what I said upset you, it was not meant to upset you at all. I'm very sorry for that. I very much hope you stay.


I know, but I felt like you both were going after me for it, and felt you both snapped at me for it. I don't want to ask questions or participate anymore, because I don't want it happening again.


And it will not.  Remember people we are first and foremost a support group.  Yes we are human, but that does not give us the excuse to act like the rest of the world towards each other.

Vince is our brother and we will support him. or you will have to deal with his big Sister.  Me.  :police:


I guess I will stay, but I think I will take a break from here for a bit. Thanks Janet, and Andrew, I accept the apology.


You will find that there will be way more people supporting you here than attacking you, Vince.  Let the rest roll off your back.  You will need to learn this if you are going down this road.  The world (internet and real life) is tough, but Susan's is one of the gentlest and most supportive places you will find.  So stay, be strong and get stronger.


Well I didn't really expect it from this site. But okay.


Hey vince, I dont know you, but I think you should stay, everyone is welcome here, some people just need to watch what they say on these forums, I think all of the dysphoria and frustration could cause some users to just lash out without really intending to hurt


I didn't mean to shove you off.
It wasn't intended in any hostile manner, but more in a "matter of fact" manner.

Shouldn't add tone of voice to text on the net.

The truth is that the only person on the face of the planet that can answer the question "who am I?" is the person who asks it. 4
That's all I really meant by it.

I was not going "after" you in any way.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Hi Vince,

I haven't seen the thread in question. I'll look it up later. But please know that the goal of moderators here is to give objective advice and persuade users to explore their own feelings with the help of a therapist. We cannot determine whether a user is transsexual. That is for the user and therapist. I hope you'll stick around.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


No one's trying to put you down or make you feel unwelcome. I think the point that they were trying to make is that we can't give you the answers you're looking for.

Being trans is for the most part a self diagnosed issue. There are gender therapists who can help you determine if you are trans, but only you can really say "yes I am trans." I know how difficult this is for you, it's difficult for all of us. There are many would like someone to be able to do an exam take our pulse, check our reflexes and be able to say "Ok well I think it's safe to say that you are Transgender, here's a referral." But this just can't happen.

Remember, only you can really know who you are. We're here to help you in any way we can but we can't diagnose you or tell you who you are.

As said above, I hope you stick around. I remember being confused when I first got here and having trouble figuring myself out. But being here has helped me a lot. I hope we can help you too.
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Mostly the question I had wanted answered was:

Did any of you discover you were the wrong sex at a later age like me?

Nothing else. But eh. I'm locking the topic.


Many do Vince.  And that is OK.  I have known most of my life.

Oh And Yes I can add to it because I have that power.   ;D