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Sealing name change records?

Started by Dominic, January 20, 2011, 08:36:38 AM

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Hey all, I was just wondering if any of you have any experience with sealing court records of a name change. I have a few questions about the process.

1. I can't seem to find much (or any) information on how to do it. Is there a form I need to fill out and bring to my court date for the name change, or is it something I file for afterwards? (I'm in Oregon, by the way, if that helps any)

2. Does sealing the record mean that I don't have to list my birth name on job applications that ask "have you ever been known by another name"? Is it legal to not answer that even if the records aren't sealed?

3. Have you sealed your records? How did it go? What did you have to say to the judge?

Thanks for your time and help.
"In this day and age, some turn 18 and think they're a man or a woman and that's it, but that's just not true. You have to establish your manhood or your womanhood with actions."
-Orlando McGuire


It depends on where you are in Oregon.  I am up in PDX and it was easy.  I went to the clerks office and asked for the name change forms.  Then when I had them filled out properly I returned to the clerk. paid the fee $140 ( here in Multnomah country ).  You then call to get your court date, they have a phone to use there. 

You post one notice on a bulletin board they have there.  Then when you return on your date and see the judge.  Then you will go to then clerk and you post another notice and take down the first.  They mail you your copies ( get at least 10, they are cheap. ).

As far as sealing the record I don't know if you can.  It is a matter of public record.  As far as your old name.  Usually if your Social Security record does not match your new name ( Change it when you get your copied ), you will need to put your old name down.


Name changes are posted and public to deter fraud. I have never heard of anyone able to seal a name change except in cases of adoption and then usually only of small children.


Getting a name change is pretty much a pro forma deal, you fill out the papers and all that, pay the fees, publish it in a public record, and be done with it.  Sealing it would be very hard and require a lawyer, and perhaps even a good one.  And it would be just that one record, not all records, a local judge can not order a federal records change or anything like that.
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Sealing records is also used for victims of domestic abuse or other violence.

If you live somewhere that judges won't even let you skip the publication requirement (and most won't for trans name changes), then you can forget about being able to seal the records.
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I would guess witness protection programs too.


Alright then. I thought someone on an FtM livejournal community mentioned that they had gotten their record sealed, saying that he had cited "personal safety" as the reason for sealing, so I thought someone here might have also had experience with that. Just thought I'd look into it.

on a slightly related note....

Does anyone know if it's legal to not disclose former names on job applications? It's really something I'm worried about outing me once I'm done with transition.

"In this day and age, some turn 18 and think they're a man or a woman and that's it, but that's just not true. You have to establish your manhood or your womanhood with actions."
-Orlando McGuire


Most job apps will not ask, but anymore most real jobs are going to run a credit/background check before they hire you.  That form will ask for all names you have gone by.  And the amount of information available and the ability to retrieve it are staggering, limited only by how much they are willing to pay for it.  Any government job, they have access to everything.  Not disclosing is grounds for termination, and I'm sure it says that right up front and very plainly.
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