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Redistribution of Fat and getting Curves

Started by Jess07, February 23, 2007, 04:02:17 PM

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I'm an 18 year old MTF who just started transitioning, and I, of course, still have a male body shape.  I'm not really fat (normal size for a male, I'd say), but I definitely need to lose some weight off my stomach and around the abs, as well as the thighs to start being able to pass for a female.  Is there any way I can possibly shape my hips into looking more feminine, while flattening my stomach and making my thighs much less flabby?  I'd love be able to have some curves, and be skinny in a more feminine manner.

Also, are there any exercises or ways I can make my chest larger and more feminine?  I'm so sick of looking down and seeing total flatness!  I never really expected these problems when first starting to transition!

Thanks in advance.


Surgery surgery and yet more surgery.........
I would not recommend getting on one of those cloud nine gravity rides and staying on it for like 30 days until things redristribute, not a good plan!
And i do not think those breast enlarging creams advertised for 12.95 a jar on channel 33 work either...


Yeah, hopefully I'll have enough money to get a surgery in a few years.  I do want to live at least a year as a female before really going for anything permanent and/or drastic though, which is why I sort of want to change my body gradually through exercise and diet first, then start going for surgeries.

Those breast enlargement creams never work!  I had a friend that must have blown over $500 on them (they had to be at least $20 per bottle), and they were a total fraud.  I really do hope there's exercises or other natural ways of breast enlargement - I've been searching all over for ideas, and can't find any. 


Look harder, there are a ton of internet searches that will yield results for places that offer advice, tips, and so forth.


no matter what you do, unless you start HRT your never going to have the "Proper" fat redistrobtion to look more feminen...  Here are a few tips though that dont require seeing a theripist and doctor quite yet.

first off, Swim, avoid excersizes that build muscle, Try to leave alittle fat everywhere...  You can run allot too but again careful not to gain muscle... Testostrone which is allready in your system is a catalyst for muscle growth and women dont have the same bulk that men do...  Staying in shape though is a key to transitioning sucessfuly... and just liveing a longer better life overall...  Eat healthy and watch what you do... Try yoga and palities<sp?>  to limber up and strech and tone rather than build muscle... I really dont know where else to go with this so......... there you go LoL   hope it helps


Quote from: LynnER on February 28, 2007, 04:46:11 AM
no matter what you do, unless you start HRT your never going to have the "Proper" fat redistrobtion to look more feminen...  Here are a few tips though that dont require seeing a theripist and doctor quite yet.

first off, Swim, avoid excersizes that build muscle, Try to leave alittle fat everywhere...  You can run allot too but again careful not to gain muscle... Testostrone which is allready in your system is a catalyst for muscle growth and women dont have the same bulk that men do...  Staying in shape though is a key to transitioning sucessfuly... and just liveing a longer better life overall...  Eat healthy and watch what you do... Try yoga and palities<sp?>  to limber up and strech and tone rather than build muscle... I really dont know where else to go with this so......... there you go LoL   hope it helps

Thanks.  I'm probably going to start HRT within the next few months, luckily.  I'm trying to do everything I can to avoid gaining muscle while still losing fat.  I never even thought to start swimming, that is a good idea.  I'm starting to run a half mile to a mile everyday on the treadmill (don't want to push it far beyond that, since I don't want muscle), and I'm also starting to eat smaller portions (which is so hard to do!  I'm used to larger, more "masculine" portions).  I think I'm going to sign up for some yoga classes, hopefully that'll work too.

Thanks for the help.


If you should happen to find the magic exercise, please let us know!  Since I have been on an exercise program, I've lost most of my posterior "padding" and would like to be shaped better.


Cindi Jones

Even HRT will not give you everything you want. Most males have a very male skeleton. Males typically will have a shorter neck, narrow hips, a larger skull, and a larger chest cavity.  I'm also blessed with wider shoulders.

Thin down is my best suggestion. That is the very best thing you can do. For passing, I believe getting rid of the facial hair is the most important thing.

Author of Squirrel Cage


I agree Cindi. You have to thin down. Eat right. I do palities, and restiance training on my bow-flex. When you see that 52 year old woman that looks fabulous on the comercial for bow-flex it does give you some incentative to work out. HRT will help some
