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Hey Everyone

Started by Jamie0406, January 20, 2011, 11:32:57 PM

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Hi everyone.  I going through some difficult changes but know I will come out stronger on the other side.  I've been an occasional crossdresser the past 30 years, since 21.  I had the typical acts of being young (7-8) of climbing in closet and putting on dresses when parents were out at night. Repeated dreams at night at that age of being a girl, having long hair and stuff.  Remember being told that before birth doctor said I was going to be a girl, and similar things.  But didn't start with makeup, clothing and wig until 21.  Lived pretty normal life otherwise , college, then career, and got married at 30.  Didn't really start with buying full makeup and clothing and wig until 12 years into the marriage, later when wife and children went on extended vacations with in laws while I was left home, working or some other reason.  Desires kept growing stronger, but still tried to repress.  To make a long story short a little over four months ago, my wife found pictures of my crossdressing from five years ago, and instead of confronting me, took the pictures to her parents and then proceeded to file for divorce and never talked to me or told me.  Just got papers served at work.  Was totally shocked.  Naturally purged everything, but wife would not talk.  Apparently over 20 years of marriage was over. 
Eight weeks ago the desires came back stronger than ever, and I gave in.  Realizing I will be soon starting for the most part a new life living  by myself, the desire to live as a woman and to start a transition to living as such has become very strong.  I came across Lucille's page and am doing the flattofem and have been for seven weeks and seeing results I would not have believed beforehand .  Also doing the voice feminization sessions too, and some hypnosis stuff.  As far as breast development getting to the point of wondering the best way to conceal with about another month of growth.  Just wondering what the best solutions for that is. Not something at this point I want anyone to know in my profession or those I work with or are around for 8 hours a day.  So basically I can only be female for 16 hours a day, but that is a start.  I want to be able to pass in public, and probably that would not be a problem visually if it wasn't for the fact I am about 6'4".  Yes, I know there are lots of tall women in the public, such as the Fox newsperson, Laurie who is almost 6'4".   
I want to at least tell my one of my sisters I am very close to of my desires to live as a woman, but not completely sure how supportive she would be.  She likes to shop and I see her as someone initially who would enjoy helping me out with picking out clothing and such.
Anyway, that's where I stand, and looking for support from those who have been there in similar situations.  I still love my wife, but know that it's time to move on.  I still have 3 incredible older children.  Not sure about how to deal with this with them, though I told them of the pictures and crossdressing..  They just told me they forgive me, doesn't matter what I've done, and they love me.  Couldn't ask for anymore out of the children.
Thanks all for the support and encouragement.
Jamie Leigh


Hi Jamie , :icon_wave:

Welcome to our little family. Over 5100 strong. That would be one heck of a family reunion.

Feel free to post your successes/failures, Hopes/dreams.  Ask questions and seek answers. Give and receive advice.

But remember we are family here, your family now. And it is always nice to have another sister. :icon_hug:

And be sure to check out these links ( MUST READS )

I know Lucille and her programs.  I tired the Flat-to-fem program and I went with the standard HRT.  But her other programs are excellent.  I also love your name.  And if you say your Last name is or will be Curtis, I'll scream like the queen of scream.    ;)

Hugs and Love,


Welcome to Susan's Jamie!

I am sorry to hear that your wife was unable to discuss things with you, but I am glad to see that you seem to be in good spirits. Susan's is a great place, full of wonderful people, support, compassion, and love. I look forward to reading more from you, and I hope that you enjoy your stay here.

"Love is in fact so unnatural a phenomenon that it can scarcely repeat itself, the soul being unable to become virgin again and not having energy enough to cast itself out again into the ocean of another."

~James Joyce


Hi and welcome!

   There's TONS of great information here... And lots of people who have been right where you are right now! (I came out 19 years into a marriage in 2008.) We're here for you :-)




Thank you for the welcome Janet.  And I promise, the last name is not Curtis.  Actually used a feminine version of my real name and added to my  younger sister's first name.  Hope she is going to be okay with that when I eventually tell her.  Just figured that might have been something my mother would have named me if the doctor was right with his hunches and I was born female.


Thanks Jacquelyn and Jessica for the welcome.  Funny I just realized all the names on here so far start with J.  I like those.  Jennifer is another name I always liked too.
I know my wife will eventually talk, there is too much that involves the children, especially my married oldest daughter. I may share that story later as I came into her life when she was 6 months old and she had been rejected by her biological father.  I adopted her nine months later right after the wedding.  Left it to my wife as when to tell her.  Still hasn't happened, but needs to and will soon.  Anyway that's a long story.
I am looking forward to searching through all the information here and glad to know Jessica that there are others with similar stories who have been married for long periods.  Hope to hear from others and to learn from their experiences.
I am a bit apprehensive about living alone, but looking forward to being myself.  Until financial things are worked out with divorce settlement, I have been living with parents (and really didn't have anywhere else to go) and helping them out.  Very much appreciative of them taking me in, but ready to move on and get a place of my own and have that freedom to express more fully who I am.
Again, thanks.  Look forward being here and getting to know others.