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Tell the GAY 90's you won't stand for their bathroom discrimination!!!!!

Started by jonnismith, November 03, 2010, 09:26:49 PM

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hi ladies,
if there is one thing i know about being a girl, is that girls have got to stick together!!!!! women are discriminated against every day and i cannot imagine how bad it must be for trans women.
as some of you may know, sandy  went to the Gay 90's this past thursday and was not allowed to use the ladies room. this is what she had to say about her ordeal:

"I went there last night and went the rest room. Not a big I had some guy hitting on me really hard before that (practically molested). Walked into the womens rest room to get away and used the service. Then I get out... and a securit...y guard tells me I am in the wrong bathroom that I have to use the other rest room. I told him no I am in the correct room. He wanted to debate so I ignored him and he told me he could have me thrown out. Then he walks off. Later I tried to talk to a manager about it. The manager stated that unless we have our name change and gender marker we have to use the mens room. Little does he know both are sitting at the court house. I guess what bothers me is that he wouldn't listen to me and that is not the law. What bothers me more is that this is the 90's they should be on the fore front of GLBT issues but they are not at all. So time to make some phone calls."

i have noticed that there hasn't been that much support from her own community, so i thought i's make a point of letting you all know what happened and "inviting" you to say something -




what difference does it make to them what bathroom you use.  If you are presenting as female you use the ladies room. 


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.


I agree with you ! Funny thing is that all the places I have been to straight or lgbt I have never seen anyone asked for ID to use the bathroom here in the cities TS, TG or GG. I have heard of a Perkins incident but that issue was straightened out with help from OutfrontMN.


I know this is a bit old but I figured I'd add something here. I've just recently gone full time (less than one month ago) and articles like this don't surprise me. Time and time again I'm fully accepted by people who identify as conservative Republicans, I'm treated as a female in regular bars and other regular environments, and I'm just not running into any other problems: until I go to the gay bar. The instant I'm in an environment primarily populated by or otherwise catering to "GLBT" people, someone either says something hateful to me or I'm discriminated against. I've gone to regular Denny's restaurants and used the ladies room without issue even though I've been open with some of the servers about being trans. Yet one time when I went to the "gay" Denny's I had an issue over using the women's room (which was resolved after a threat of legal action). It's really speaking volumes here when conservative Republicans accept me without issue yet gay men can't. That is why I'm done with the GLBT community. I still frequent some of their venues but I no longer identify myself with that community. Besides, it is more important for me and other trans people to be accepted by the larger community (workplaces, regular businesses, people in general, etc.) than it is to try for acceptance within a minority of that community. Blacks didn't get rights by trying to be accepted by other blacks. I think it is time that TG people move on from the GLBT community. It isn't GLBT anyway. Pick up your local GLBT magazine, get a tape measure, and measure the square footage of articles focused on each of those letters. You will find that about 75% of it is focused on just the G, about 20% on the L, and 5% (if that) on the B or the T. Such articles or adverts will be in the back of the publication as well. That isn't what I call "GLBT." It is Gay, Inc. plain and simple and I'm even getting tired of them including the "T" in their campaigns just so they can use us for their goals (and then drop us like a hot potato when they no longer need us).


I still frequent some of their venues but I no longer identify myself with that community.

1. Come over.
2. Leave all your money.
3. Leave.

That the way we've been doing business for decades now.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...