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So how do I begin...

Started by Bird, October 09, 2010, 04:50:09 PM

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I am training to train my voice on my own. I don't have enough money to pay for a professional at the moment.

I downloaded a book from the internet called "Real Voicebook" and am pondering about buying the other books along with the dvd they say they have. So far it has been helpful, but I am always fearful of hurting my voice. Sadly I don't have the link with me at the moment to show it to everyone for comments. At least, the anatomy part of their book is correct heheh. Does anyone has tips to share, or places to check out?


I used two highly recommended approaches:

1) Andrea James's Finding Your Female Voice: This program helped familiarize me with the muscles and sensations involved with voice work, as well as educated me on the basics of feminine speech. Andrea's approach is very casual and comfortable; the steps involved are incremental enough to not be intimidating but effective enough to yield definitive results. I find it a great start for a slim investment considering the fullness of the package.

2) Kathe Perez's Fundamental's of Your Feminine Voice: After using various videos in her YouTube channel for training, I finally took the plunge and started ordering CDs in Kathe Perez's program. I'm currently on the second CD. Compared to Andrea James's offering, Kathe's 20+ years experience in speech pathology definitely show. The techniques and exercises in her program are designed to specifically train the mind and muscles in finding and maintaining a feminine voice. Now the basic concepts in at least the first two CDs can be found in her YouTube videos, which makes them a great option for the thrifty. But compared to the content of those CDs they lack context. For the interested, I suggest first trying the exercises in her videos for a few weeks, then buying the CDs if the videos were found helpful.

Of course, YouTube houses a great deal of information on the topic, the best sources of which others will mention. For myself, though, I like the. . .structure of an assembled program.

For a reference as to how these programs have helped me:

Me on 7/14/09
Me today

I still have a long way to go, but without those two programs I'd be much further away.  ;)


oh yea, andrea james is the one I was trying to refer to ! I am not good with book titles. I think it has helped me a lot with tone so far, but not a lot with pitch.

I will check out the second one you mentioned, it sounds promising.


Kathe's channel is great.

You know what bugs me.. some women have deep voices but sound feminine. There is a singer I really like, that has a deep voice but is unmistakable female

the song is great too ^^


Quote from: Maiara on October 10, 2010, 11:09:59 PM
Kathe's channel is great.

You know what bugs me.. some women have deep voices but sound feminine. There is a singer I really like, that has a deep voice but is unmistakable female

It is considered a "Husky" voice (i.e Cher).

As for me I ordered the CD series from Kathe, but I'm currently waiting for it to arrive. So I'm using the techniques from It is honestly my first week trying to develop my voice.



some sort of little recorder that you can record yourself and female friends on and playback to try mimic is essential.
ask friends if you can leave it on the table between you while you discuss a wide variety of topics and see how their voices change depending on what you are discussing - nicer tone when talking of boyfriends, harsher if you introduce a nasty topic like unfaithful men or child abuse, normal tone when discussing shopping and general things. etc etc.
it will also show how sentences are not finished or they interrupt each other or who tries to hog the chat.


The andrea james link has the downloadable book, and several  you-tube exerpts -it seemed
like a lot of good information - at least I know I'v e been going about it wrong


As long as you get to where you want to be in the end, no approach is wrong. :)

I've hit another "breakthrough" of sorts with my voice, though entirely by accident. A few months ago, I was sick with something for a few days, experiencing a single symptom each day. One day was a runny nose, the next extreme nasal congestion, the next a sore throat. But after that, I had a day where my throat felt closed off somehow, like around the bottom half of my throat. My throat wasn't sore and my voice didn't sound affected at all until I tried to use my feminine voice.

It came out very different, sounding more natural than anything else I'd done before it. Even cooler, I could for the first time use female resonance with lower pitches, speaking with a bit of the huskiness Moonspirited mentioned. I had difficulty in keeping my voice steady because of the weirdness in my throat, but the resonance still sounded on par. However, when I go over whatever it was I had I wound up back at where I was before. . .

. . .At least until a few weeks ago. While talking to myself at home one day, I randomly stumbled upon that husky voice and immediately recognized while doing it that the sensation in my throat and in my mouth was similar to those I felt while sick before. From there, I messed with it more until I figured out how to carry that sensation over to the average female pitches. It all came together so quickly and fluidly I wondered for a moment if I'd actually wasted my money on those voice training programs.  :laugh: I know I didn't, though, because without them I wouldn't have the muscle awareness or control needed to take advantage of the situation my being sick offered. (Now if only I could catch something that ultimately helps me with my intonation.  :laugh: )

Whatever approach you use, know that there are several, some amateur, some professional, and some just acquired from personal experimentation, and they need not be employed to the exclusion of all others for you to be successful. :)