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question for ppl who have transitioned

Started by LilKittyCatZoey, August 30, 2011, 04:23:30 PM

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just being impatient and i know YMMV :) but i am now on the verge of 1... just a bit young to say :)  cough cough... under-age...* cough

but ok how much does your face really change ? i live in a country i wouldn't trust for Ffs so i need to know :) i mean i clearly don't pass:( ok so i have be told a ton of times i make a extremely good looking guy which i don't care about i just want to know if guy good looks and become girl passable looks :) i will be happy passing i don't need to look good just pass so how much change you girls get ? oh i am only 3 months hrt no facial change :(

ps i ask this cause i am a perfectionist and a male face for me drives me up the wall

[*pps nice try, kiddo, but thou knowest the rules ;D - Padma]


well the only facial changes I got from hormones was my face got thinner, and softer by the cheeks I got a feminine grove.....but I honestly did not nothing there until I was on them for about 7 months. I think the best thing to do is not to focus so much looking for that change to happen, but to really just let it happen. I was looking for it to change my face and I did not notice anything, but after awhile I just stopped thinking about day, I just looked, and was like.....wooooooooo.......I saw the new shape I was getting. I think it will happen for you, but it just takes time, and once day I believe you will notice it to.


That isn't a fair compairison Special as meghan has had FFS.

Your underlying bone structure won't change drastically however it will stop becoming anymore male. however the tissue on top of the skin changes quite drastically Musculature, Skin and fat deposits. The younger you are the better results you will get.

It's subtle but significant. My friends openly made the remark after 6 months about how my facial features had noticably changed and I looked different. (Sharper/Narrower/Thinner) facial composition.
However I still retained a long chin, Big nose, High cheek bones those don't change thus if you have got an enormous square jaw defined by huge bone structure then you can't expect that you will aquire a tiny cherubic face.
Before any HRT

9months HRT


At two years on HRT, if I do not have make-up on, I will get "sir'ed" almost all of the time, but have been getting the other title more often.  At 6 monthis, with make-up on, I began to get surefire female pronouns and titles applied.  My face has softened, and my skin texture has changed, I keep chickening out of Electro, but its coming soon, thus the need for foundation below my nose and down past the mouth

Fully agreed NOT to keep checking every nose pimple every hour on the half hour to see if it has feminized, but relaxing and being patient is easier for me now that I have the HRT.  The only way a mega dose of E will feminize you quickly is to up your chances for a blood clot to that of a natal womans, and give you one of those unwelcomed little gifts so please don't even for a minute think of cheating on your doseage to up your change speed.
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!


Quote from: pebbles on August 30, 2011, 05:20:12 PM
That isn't a fair compairison Special as meghan has had FFS.

I do see what you mean. It was intended, only as an example. I know there are numerous others, I happened to know where Meghan's photos were. (She's also georgous  :) )

But LilKittyCatZoey kinda suggests that it is pursuasion being looked for.


oh never mind :)

i noticed my face is actually perfect except for my more i know that won't change so once i get it done i will :) thanks for the replys by the way


Quote from: Narela on August 31, 2011, 12:57:40 PM
Don't worry, we are young ... be patient ... hormones are working :D

still won't effect my nose...


Okay, I finally found two pics of me that are somewhat at the same angle! ;D  Here's some of what hormones alone can do.  These pics are 8 years apart (August 2003 and August 2011) so you have to take some aging into consideration.  I'm the same weight in both pics, 140 pounds.  Been on HRT since last September, but we didn't get my T suppressed until the middle of March, meaning I've been under the full effect for HRT for about five months.

Also, the lighting in the second picture brings out every line in my face in a way that I hate!  Remind me not take pics in my poorly lit bathroom. :laugh:

Notice two BIG differences in fat distribution.  In the earlier picture, I had a fat deposit on the lower left side of my jaw (right side in these pictures) that's now absent.  Also?  CHEEKS!!  Of course, cheeks are more dramatically noticeable at an angle.  So here's a pic from 2004 and a pic from this past July to show the difference.  The reason I put up pictures so far apart in time is that the tendency for people is to get thinner cheeks as they age, but you can see how much bigger my cheeks are now than they were 7 years ago.

So yeah, there's an example of what hormones alone can do. :)  No surgeon has touched my face and no surgeon WILL ever touch my face.  And again, this is about 5 months under the effects of HRT with my T and E levels in appropriate ranges.

Ann Onymous

Quote from: LilKittyCatZoey on August 31, 2011, 01:52:32 PM
still won't effect my nose...

actually there is SOME impact that can come via HRT...although as with everything else, it depends on the individual.  I know through the years there has been some change to mine (never had any work done on it so I can compare to a pic from 20 years ago). 


My face changed quite a bit. I look at old pictures and can't believe I used to look like I did. My cheeks got more filled in and there are other subtle changes all over the place.


3 months is nothing... wait a year or 2 and you'll see noticeable differences.

The above ticker is meant as a joke! Laugh! Everyone knows the real zombie apocalypse isn't until 12/21/12....