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I Wish My Daughter Would Come Round

Started by stephanie_craxford, August 28, 2005, 07:48:23 PM

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My Daughter came for a visit today, with her husband.  It was a great visit, company was good, super was good, we got our own copies of the wedding photos, and that was good too.  The only part that wasn't so good was me not being able to be Stephanie.  It's been a few months since I came out to her, but she will not discuss my transsexualism. My wife and I don't want to push the issue with her, as we have such a great times.  But at her request she wants me to dress as her dad until she came sort this out.

I know i should listen to my own advice and be patient, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttt.



Hon....I know it is. My family is 'accepting' as long as theyt don't have to see me enfemm....see me as me.

I have anger.....but mostly I cut them slack...but I will admite I feel burned.


PS they say...just let me know you as I have known you....right,  like they ever really knew me.



My heart goes out to both of you gurls. I came out to my youngest daughter two months ago and she was real supportive, but my other daughters I dont think they will be as such thats why I'm dragging my feet, at this time I dont want to loose them. Some day prehaps



Hi Steph,

Someimes people can be real accepting in theory but the reality just freaks them out. Maybe there is another way to help her get her mind around the idea. A picture of you enfemme maybe, for starters. Maybe her husband can help come up with an idea for a venue ya'll could get together in that would be short in duration so she could begin to get to know the real you. Just a couple of possibilities. Good luck, here's hoping she comes around soon.

Big Hugs sis,




Is she seeing a therapist at all? That might help her to come round.

I'm sorry you have to go through this Steph, it's frustrating waiting for people to deal with it sometimes.



I think your right there Cassie,

That is exactly where my wife is. I know you do this and I'm fine with that just don't show me.

To look on the bright side Steph at least she hasn't rejected you totally.

Take a hug out petty cash and maybe with time this will change. (Someone really wise suggested patience to me and it worked :))

I still hope she will talk to the girls and guys here.



Thanks everyone,

I'm very lucky that she hasn't rejected me, we still have fun together, I just have to be dressed as her dad right now.  Thanks Shelley you're a peach.  We were thinking of the picture thing as well, but she has seen me dressed before although I was in the mall and didn't know she was there.  I just have to give her time, give her time, give her time.

Thanks again
