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Sorry but I need to vent

Started by xAndrewx, February 05, 2011, 06:41:00 PM

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Been sick the past half a week or so but was okay. Then yesterday I had a work thing in a place I wasn't familiar with so I missed my first bus, finally got close to where I needed to be, and then got lost while sick in the cold damp fog. When I asked for directions I got twenty different answers and after taking a few city buses I finally remembered that I had my managers number so they called someone to get me. I was an 1 1/2 late. Then after work I was told the wrong way to get to my bus I didn't get home until 8 when I had gotten off at 4:30.

So last night I went to bed feeling worse after having a major fever and almost passing out at work. But I've never been to the ER on my own before so I was trying to hold off until my mom got home this afternoon. Woke up at 6 am feeling really hot, took my temperature and it was 102.8 degrees so I knew I couldn't hold off. Got there alone I'm really really afraid of needles so I managed to avoid an IV because I promised them I would drink plenty of water (I kept good on that promise because even though I hate water I drank about 150 oz and nope that isn't a missprint 150) Got everything cleared and all that was left was blood draw. I told them I was scared and would try to stay calm. The nurse was nice but I ended up getting someone from the lab instead.

Well I went through with two sticks but they couldn't get blood. I know some of you are thinking I'm a baby about that and I admit I am. I had mono as a kid and no one could figure out what it was so I ended up getting blood drawn every two weeks for over 4 months before they figured it out. That and being strapped down one of those times for my blood draw that is what caused my fear of getting blood drawn. So now I'm home on a very strong anti-biotic. He said it was either viral or bacterial. I promised the doc since I wouldn't do blood that I would see my doctor in ten days if I don't feel better. Got my fingers crossed so hopefully I won't have to go back there until my 3 month mark.

Thank you for reading my short novel and giving me a place to vent. You all are incredible and are all very special to me :)

The good news is that my friend came and stayed with me for six hours then took me to get soup and took me to pick up my meds and my mom is home now so I'm feeling a lot better. I'm a bit of a mama's boy I admit it.


heh, never mind.... friend of mine has the same panic, and it too derived from childhood medical stuff. when he was in hospital a few years ago he literally squeaked every time the nurse came in ;D one time he was even like "omg, what do you want???" when the poor thing came in. it was kinda cute in a weird way.
hope you feel better soon :)
Putting the "fun" in "dysfunctional"


One of the reasons I don't fear needles is because I've had my blood drawn too many times to count since I was 3 (also due to a medical condition)...Now I just don't like it because where they draw blood is now insanely painful whenever they try.  It's nifty to see how similar experiences manifest in different ways depending on the individual--you don't like needles, while I don't care one way or the other about them.

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!


that sucks, and i hope you keep feeling better!
If you're going through hell, keep going.   Winston Churchill


Hey thanks everyone :) I'm doing a lot better now. Still not 100% healed but safe to say the anti-biotic is working :)

Clay: That is pretty cute. Poor guy

Gabriel: It is weird to see because my mom has also had to deal with a lot of needles and hospital visits. Now she just tosses her arm out and doesn't even blink. I'm sorry that it's so painful :(