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How do you define Christianity?

Started by gennee, February 09, 2007, 05:32:53 PM

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Quote from: Cindi Jones on February 12, 2007, 08:57:21 PM
But I need to accept those who are sincere in their beliefs.  I would hope that we all can.  To be clear, I can not condone intolerance, bigotry, and hatred in any form. But those who can follow the tenants of their faith and walk the path of peace.... I'll gladly accept with open arms.

Thank you Cindi.  It is a sad commentary on the human species that most people have a need to feel superior to another person or group, to condemn their beliefs, actions or lifestyle and we see it every day from the "Religious Right" (they are neither).  The problem is, as some posts reflect, that need to feel superior is not limited to those being condemned here.  Yes, many TG people have been badly hurt by, so called, Christians but many others have been accepted with love and understanding.  I've known of people who, after coming out as TG, were asked to leave their church; in many cases the church they had grown up in.  I've also known of people who, after coming out as TG, were baptized with their new name and welcomed. 

And just to show you that it happens within our own community, let me relate this story.  At a transgender conference, a large group of people were sitting around talking and the subject of one girls upcoming surgery came up.  Another person tried to ask a question and was told disdainfully, "You're just a crossdresser, you wouldn't understand."  A third person, who was also going soon for surgery read the riot act to the first girl, then turned and answered all the questions the second girl had. 

Just as the attitude of that one person did not make me feel that all TS's feel superior to CD's; just as being spit on in 1969 while walking through an airport in uniform did not make me feel that all peace activists against the Viet Nam war were idiots, so shouldn't the actions of some hiding behind a cloak of religion make you think that all Christians are war-mongering bigots.  We're not.

I respect the beliefs of anyone, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, atheist, etc. and support your right to express those beliefs.  But please don't spit on me just because I wear the uniform.

Peace be with you,

Cindi Jones

I've seen great discrimination in our own ranks (not here in the forum... we are very civil here)..... very similar to what you have seen Bev.  I don't tolerate that either.  It's not always a religious thing that raises my feathers.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Any TS that would claim that they are superior to a TV would indeed be a giant jerk. I think that a basic thing most TSs learn is that equality is very important.

I do think there is a lot about being a woman that TSs understand that TVs don't, though. For instance, it's really stunning to have men talk over you and dismiss your opinion on the job.


PS- Were you really spit on in returning from Vietnam? I've read books on this subject, and I've come to the conclusion those stories are apocraphal. I can't imagine any citizen doing this. It seems more likely to me that these soldiers were projecting their frustration at having lost the war.


Quote from: Brianna on February 13, 2007, 04:20:45 PM
I do think there is a lot about being a woman that TSs understand that TVs don't, though. For instance, it's really stunning to have men talk over you and dismiss your opinion on the job.

ROFL  Bri, would you believe when I was part of our management team, I had women do the same thing to me in our reservations office before I retired from my airline? 

Quote from: Brianna on February 13, 2007, 04:20:45 PM
PS- Were you really spit on in returning from Vietnam? I've read books on this subject, and I've come to the conclusion those stories are apocraphal. I can't imagine any citizen doing this. It seems more likely to me that these soldiers were projecting their frustration at having lost the war.

Yes and I wasn't even returning from Nam.  I was coming home on leave from Aviation Electronics school in Memphis.  It didn't matter to that idiot.  He just saw someone in uniform and did it.  It did happen to a lot of military and this was long before the war was lost. 



 My ideal for being a christian is to do what I beleave God and Jeasus wanted us christians to do and not go out and convert en masse, but to be beacons of hope that drew converts to they because they could see God in our lives.

Problem is, alot of christians beleive that you must point out the follies in others. Wasn't it Jesus who said, "He who has not sinned, cast the first stone?" People act with the best of intentions, which is how I can forgive the idiots in the world. However,  we all know what the path to hell is paved with. :-\
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother

Cindi Jones

Quote from: Brianna on February 13, 2007, 04:20:45 PM
Any TS that would claim that they are superior to a TV would indeed be a giant jerk. I think that a basic thing most TSs learn is that equality is very important.

I do think there is a lot about being a woman that TSs understand that TVs don't, though. For instance, it's really stunning to have men talk over you and dismiss your opinion on the job.


PS- Were you really spit on in returning from Vietnam? I've read books on this subject, and I've come to the conclusion those stories are apocraphal. I can't imagine any citizen doing this. It seems more likely to me that these soldiers were projecting their frustration at having lost the war.

Yup.... there are things that only the experience will teach you, to be sure.

Yes Bri, our soldiers were spit on when they came home. That sort of thing was on the news nearly every night.  I was in my early teens when I saw it.  Back then, the [younger than thirties] couldn't separate the soldiers from the holes that sent them over there. It was all part of the protest against the war. There were times when it got quite violent.

You know, it is the only time in my life when I've seen young people en masse working to make a change in the way the world works.  Fortunately, spitting at soldiers didn't last long.... We soon figured out that they were people too. And they all protested together.  I remember my dad condoned the shootings at Kent State saying "they should shoot them all".  Believe it or not, I believe that the hippie generation made more advances in human rights than any other in history. It's really sad that they grew up to be such right wing bigots! 

Author of Squirrel Cage


I keep saying it us people are going to be our own demise........

Lilly 4 Life

I think religions are just something to control people in their beleifs, all religions actually are based on bloody wars exept for the asian ones such as Buddhism and Hinduism. I think it's funny how they tell you "Don't fight or kill it's a sin"... read between the lines "Don't fight or kill it's a sin, but if the other person isn't of the same religion then kill him he doesn't have rights" I mean at what amount of people does a "sect"(don't know if that's the right word) become a religion? I mean we can't say that about scientology, which is a freaky enough one, but they would say the same thing about other "religions" so basically every religion is a kind of "sect" (still don't know if it's the right word :D)


Quote from: Lilly 4 Life on February 17, 2007, 07:38:01 AM
so basically every religion is a kind of "sect" (still don't know if it's the right word :D)

The word you are looking for is cult.  That is not to be confused with the occult, which is another thing entirely.
"The cake is a lie."

Lilly 4 Life

Quote from: VeryGnawty on February 18, 2007, 08:59:08 PM
Quote from: Lilly 4 Life on February 17, 2007, 07:38:01 AM
so basically every religion is a kind of "sect" (still don't know if it's the right word :D)

The word you are looking for is cult.  That is not to be confused with the occult, which is another thing entirely.
Thanks, i looked it up and it said "Sect" or "Cult" so Cult confused me because we have another word in germany called the samee and written the same but used in a different meaning as in Culture.

David W. Shelton

There are a lot of people who would love to complicate the definition of what Christianity is. There is evangelical Christianity, fundamental Christianity, liturgical Christianity, etc., etc. etc. You've got Catholic, protestant, and about 30,000 or so other groups out there. So naturally, there's not a lot of agreement as to what "Christianity" is.

Here's my opinion:

A Christian is someone who is a follower of Christ and the teachings of Christ. Period.

And what were his teachings? We don't even have to sum it up: Love God, love people.

IMO, anyone who clutters it up with anything beyond that is just wasting their breath and their time. We've institutionalized it, made it into an enemy, made it into a friend, made it into a bunch of self-righteous bastards...

And the simplicity of it has gotten lost. As a result, countless people have been hurt. Maybe it's time for those of us who are Christian to start shaking off the religious bull>-bleeped-< and getting back to the basics:

Love God, love people.

Cindi Jones

Quote from: David W. Shelton on February 27, 2007, 06:36:41 PM
And the simplicity of it has gotten lost. As a result, countless people have been hurt. Maybe it's time for those of us who are Christian to start shaking off the religious bull>-bleeped-< and getting back to the basics:

Love God, love people.

AMEN.  I've been saying this for years. 

Author of Squirrel Cage


time for a chefly quote:
"you cannot make apple pies without apples"

Cindi Jones

And... you can't ride a horse down main street without apples!

Author of Squirrel Cage


you are too good! :o
smiling like a hungry dog at a butcher shop window!

David W. Shelton

Damn! I'm fresh out of horses and apples.

How about a box of chocolates?


Quote from: Cindi Jones on February 27, 2007, 07:26:49 PM
And... you can't ride a horse down main street without apples!

And don't forget my favorite:  You can lead a horse to drink, but you can't make him water.

Thank you David.  I agree very much with your definition of a Christian.  And by the same token, "gospel" (euaggelion) simply means good news.  I am moved to anger over those who would turn it into bad news.  May God have mercy.

From another burned out Pharisee,


michael 19 jones

Quote from: Elissa on February 15, 2007, 07:28:10 AM
My ideal for being a christian is to do what I beleave God and Jeasus wanted us christians to do and not go out and convert en masse :-\

that is what i believe too. most of my Christian friends call me a private Christian because i dont go around and spread the word like they do and also i dont go to church. i just follow the his teachings to the best of my abilities.  :angel:


Ahhhh David chocolates.. You devil  >:D  you know the ladies love chocolate!
I have to abstain, can trigger migraine headaches..
But chocolates work for 95% of the population! hehe :-*
But i must announce the chef was busy tonight she has a nice dense NY style cheese cake cooling in the oven racks while we speak and it will be clasically topped with cherries (me thinks-cause that's all i have in the pantry at this time) for me and my hunny, and Tara, and Maddy!
Must exercise patience i want this baby to refrigerate over night to allow the flavors to continue to merry... even better! :o
You're all invited for some if you can find me before its gone! :P