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Weight Loss Suggestions?

Started by glendagladwitch, July 22, 2010, 08:38:55 PM

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Quote from: Anthrogal on July 23, 2010, 06:58:18 PM
Jerica- I have a lot of bipolar friends who are on gluten free diets and are rail thin, although I don't know if there is a connection. Does eating gluten free diets help not only people who can't tolerate it lose weight but also people who can?

Yes it does. It just takes away a TON of carbs from your diet because you can't have wheat-based things anymore. PLUS Fast Food is virtually non-existant. After a time though, you can find alternatives to everything and start gaining weight again if you eat too much.



Quote from: glendagladwitch on July 22, 2010, 08:38:55 PM
Ok, it's time for me to lose weight again.  The only time I ever lost a really large amount of weight was when I was counting calories (1200 per day allowance) and doing aerobic excercise twice per day for 45 minutes each session.  That's really time consuming and extremely inconvenient.  I really would not like to go that route again, beacuse it requires an obsessive focus, and you can't even eat out.

I also did the low carb diet once with some moderate success, but I got stuck at a weight above my goal weight.

So I'm asking people who have lost a large amount weight at some point to share what worked for them.  I'd really apreciate some suggestions.

I lost 55lbs during my transition, still losing but not at the same rate. Losing weight is simple math:  1800 calories a day for a female 5'10" @150-160lbs to maintain weight.  Every 3500 calories = 1lb of fat.  So if you eat 1000 calories a day, leaving a surplus of 800 then 800x4 = 3200, So every 5 days or so you will lose a lb of fat, however its hard to live off 1000 calories a day, so you throw exercise into the mix, if you run a 10minute mile for 1 hour it burns 750 calories.  So you can eat 750 calories more and still be on schedule to lose weight.

So it all comes down to math, eat less, exercise more, and you will lose weight.  Every other diet is BS that just loses water weight.

Also you can fill up on food even if on a diet, here is how you do it:

typical portions of a meal are: 1 protein, 1 starch, 1 veggie, 1 desert.

So for protein you can use 4oz of chicken, pork, or even steak, for starch use 1/2 cup cooked rice / mashed potato, etc, for veggie can have broccoli and cheese, roasted asparagus in garlic, whatever you like, for desert, always fruit, any fruit is ok, and maybe even sorbet if its not too caloric.

That way you feel full.  People mostly make the mistake of eating too much protein and starches, which will add weight quick, the trick is if your still hungry eat another fruit or some more veggies instead of more protein and starch.



whilst applauding your efforts, as an ample but thankfully decidedly curvy lady, I would comment that for some of us it is simply better to come to terms with how we are.

I don't eat much at all, my partner eats the same food as me and has quite literally a double sized portion to me of every single thing I eat. Yet she is still a size 14 and I am an 18/20. Sometimes it really is just metabolism and trying to fight it will only make you ill.

I can lose weight - but to do so I have to take in LESS than 1200 calories a day. And that simply isn't healthy on a prolonged basis. So I restrict myself to 1600 - 1800 and whilst I don't lose anything I do remain stable.


I would try eating 6 small healthy meals a day and do at least some exercise.  Try walking instead of driving some places.


Quote from: sonopoly on July 26, 2010, 02:36:00 PM
I would try eating 6 small healthy meals a day and do at least some exercise.  Try walking instead of driving some places.
All excellent advice indeed, although if directed at me I fear misapplied as I already walk/cycle almost everywhere and work out HARD for 30 mins on a cross trainer every other day.

As it happens I'm currently being closely monitored for hormone levels after a shock discovery of sky high estrogen, believed to be linked to my IS history. My doctor thinks my non existent T, at bloods last week it was so low it was unmeasurable, is probably my worst enemy in regard to my ability to lose weight/build muscle but strangely after surviving for nearly 30 years without any I'm not keen to get reacquainted with it.

So as I say for some of us it really is just metabolism.


You are so right, Jenny.  I don't believe the whole 3,500 calories equal a pound lost or gained, i.e., if you eat 3500 less you lose a pound or eat 3500 more (I think I've gained far more than a pound by eating this much!) or if you exercise away 3500 calories you lose a pound -- at least not for EVERYBODY.  I know people who eat a ton, but never gain, and others who eat like birds and maintain an overweight status.  The science in this subject doesn't add up and doesn't take into account genetics.

I do think that eating smaller meals during the day and doing exercise will help anyone.

Post Merge: July 26, 2010, 04:04:23 PM

Also, I'm pretty small, though not skinny by any means especially being only 5 feet tall.  I used to be anorexic and 45-50 pounds lighter and believe me I'm much happier now.  I am still the same person no matter what my weight and the people who are most important to me and love me for the right reasons recognize that.  If I were model skinny, I don't think it would make a difference to those in my life that are important to me. It used to be all in my mind and how I felt about myself and my self-worth.  Now, I know that weight has nothing to do with it.  I'm just concerned with being a healthy weight (which I am) and being a healthy weight is far from being model skinny.


Quote from: sonopoly on July 26, 2010, 04:00:01 PM
You are so right, Jenny.  I don't believe the whole 3,500 calories equal a pound lost or gained, i.e., if you eat 3500 less you lose a pound or eat 3500 more (I think I've gained far more than a pound by eating this much!) or if you exercise away 3500 calories you lose a pound -- at least not for EVERYBODY.  I know people who eat a ton, but never gain, and others who eat like birds and maintain an overweight status.  The science in this subject doesn't add up and doesn't take into account genetics.

I do think that eating smaller meals during the day and doing exercise will help anyone.

Post Merge: July 26, 2010, 04:04:23 PM

Also, I'm pretty small, though not skinny by any means especially being only 5 feet tall.  I used to be anorexic and 45-50 pounds lighter and believe me I'm much happier now.  I am still the same person no matter what my weight and the people who are most important to me and love me for the right reasons recognize that.  If I were model skinny, I don't think it would make a difference to those in my life that are important to me. It used to be all in my mind and how I felt about myself and my self-worth.  Now, I know that weight has nothing to do with it.  I'm just concerned with being a healthy weight (which I am) and being a healthy weight is far from being model skinny.

3500 calories = 1lb of fat thats not disputed, its pretty much fact based on fat cell storage that is typical in humans.  However, that being said if your metabolism is high, it takes less effort to burn fat say the typical person burns 60 calories / per hour at rest, and you burn 90, well then you will burn more calories in a day the typical person therefor can eat more without gaining weight.  So if you eat 3500 calories of food you gain a lb, but will lose it with less effort.  The opposite is also true in weight gain.  If you burn only 30 per hour, then you will have a harder time losing, but regular exercise increases metabolism.

A lot of people assume that if you eat a lot of food you will gain weight, thats a misconception, its based on what you eat, for example eating a LB of cake will generate more fat cells then eating a lb of broccoli.  Because its the sugars that are stored as fat.  The body takes food and breaks it down, to produce ATP which your body uses as fuel, excess sugars are placed into storage, or fat.  The more sugar the more fat, if you dont use it up with exercise.

If you want to lose weight, its math, yes you have to adjust the math to your metabolism but, on average your body burns 60 calories per hour doing nothing.  Also take note that while you may not lose weight you look slimmer, the reason is muscle weighs more then fat, so if you exercise a lot you will build muscle, and the scale wont move, however, the muscle will metabolize fats more efficiently and make it easier to lose weight as you progress.

So simple answer.. diet and exercise. 


I agree with you, Izumi, regarding the metabolism thing.  I think that that has a lot more to do with things than actually calorie intake and burnoff.  I wish they'd do a really good study of calorie intake and burnoff to test this.  Metabolism seems to be a very gray area.  We are are not built and work in the same way.

Another diet tip I would suggest in addition to eating smaller meals throughout the day and exercising is to try to eat foods with higher fiber -- breads (check the fiber content), pasta (they make pastas now that have higher fiber content), rice (short-grained brown rice).

Izumi, I am Japanese, is your screen name Japanese?  How did you come to choose this?


Quote from: sonopoly on July 26, 2010, 04:36:50 PM
I agree with you, Izumi, regarding the metabolism thing.  I think that that has a lot more to do with things than actually calorie intake and burnoff.  I wish they'd do a really good study of calorie intake and burnoff to test this.  Metabolism seems to be a very gray area.  We are are not built and work in the same way.

Another diet tip I would suggest in addition to eating smaller meals throughout the day and exercising is to try to eat foods with higher fiber -- breads (check the fiber content), pasta (they make pastas now that have higher fiber content), rice (short-grained brown rice).

Izumi, I am Japanese, is your screen name Japanese?  How did you come to choose this?

As for the fiber thing your right on.  Its funny you mentioned Japanese, because in Japan their really arent a lot of people who are overweight, the simple fact attributed to this is that the food they eat dont contain as much sugars and they prefer tea to soft drinks or sweet juices.  I mean people forget that 1 cup of grape juice is 160 calories, but a cup of green tea is 0 calories.  Also, other then the diet they move around more, walking being the main form of transportation. 

I pointed out earlier that healthy dieting doesnt mean starving yourself, it means adjusting what you eat and how its prepared.  Instead of butter use pam for instance, instead of actual eggs use egg beaters, I personally can make a lot of low calorie foods that taste amazingly good, the key to is it, is that i measure using a scale to determine the exact amount of servings, and if your still hungry eat more veggies or fruits.  I am sure a banana at the end of a meal will fill you up as much as another side of fries, it does for me.  Fries are 280 calories, banana is 70.  The problem most people get into is that they estimate wrongly the amount of calories they take in.  They dont take into account cooking methods, spices, and other things.  Adding Mayo to a meal increases it by 80 calories.  Thats like a whole fruit portion for 2tbsp of mayo?  Which is more filling?

Oh my name Izumi comes from Konata Izumi from Lucky Star anime.  She is almost an exact copy of me. ^_^b so i am a manga /anime fan, but not your typical one i am very active in sports and outside activities and i am interested in Japanese culture as a whole, art / history, literature, all that stuff.  I studied Japanese for a time but let my skills slip, my reading and writing suck now, but my conversation Japanese is still ok, enough to get around by myself in Japan and hold non-complex conversations with people.  I even wrote Japanese Tanka poetry at one point in my life, someone at a bar bet me i couldn't make one up in 5 minutes, I bet him a beer i could, I won, the bartender and the people around me just said "wow, that was... profound", one guy said i was more Japanese then Japanese people LOL.  My typical night out in Japan was going to some hole in the wall and just listening to music while enjoying a drink before i went home, however, typically someone would want to talk to me and the next thing i know its 4am in the morning and i have 6 new friends and we are all a little drunk after singing karaoke and drinking.  I love Japan.  ^_^

Post Merge: July 26, 2010, 05:01:40 PM

Quote from: sonopoly on July 26, 2010, 04:36:50 PM
I agree with you, Izumi, regarding the metabolism thing.  I think that that has a lot more to do with things than actually calorie intake and burnoff.  I wish they'd do a really good study of calorie intake and burnoff to test this.  Metabolism seems to be a very gray area.  We are are not built and work in the same way.

Another diet tip I would suggest in addition to eating smaller meals throughout the day and exercising is to try to eat foods with higher fiber -- breads (check the fiber content), pasta (they make pastas now that have higher fiber content), rice (short-grained brown rice).

Izumi, I am Japanese, is your screen name Japanese?  How did you come to choose this?

I forgot to mention my IRL name change will have a Japanese middle name given to me by my JP friends, my first name given to me by my mom, otherwise i would have used my JP name as my first, but my mom accepted me, and even gave me a name she would have called me if i was born this way to start.


I totally agree with you, Izumi, about the not starving oneself.  You can really eat healthily and satisfying and either lose weight or maintain your weight.  I was brought up to eat very healthy, so I have never really been overweight in my life.  I do wish to be thinner, but it is not crucial anymore.  I just want to be healthy and look decent ;) (don't we all!).

It's so flattering that non-Asian people admire the Japanese, because when I was a kid (growing up in the U.S.), I was teased relentlessly and wished I were white.  It's weird when I see how much the Japanese are admired.  I kind of wish I were a kid now.  My parents were put in camps so they are truly amazed by this.  I notice that my little nieces and nephew are proud to be Japanese.  Honestly, I don't think being Japanese is any better than any other, but after what I and my family has experienced, this feels very good.  Thank you!!!!!


I used Weight Watchers online to lose 65 pounds (210 to 145) just prior to beginning transition. It took about 9 months. It is healthy weight loss, you eat anything you want, and exercise is important. It's about adopting a health lifestyle with healthy diet choices, and abandoning the eating habits that make us overweight in the first place. According to them, healthy weight loss is no more than 2 or 3 pounds per week to avoid health issues from losing too quickly. This is why I liked Weight Watchers because they emphasize long term maintenance, not just quick weight loss that doesn't last.
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


My problem always has been wanting to eat a lot of food at a time and wanting really bad food sometimes.  I know what I should do, but do I do it?  Sometimes, but not all the time.

I know that I could be really thin, but it would be kind of unbearable.  I'd have to exercise A LOT and not eat some things that I really like.  So, I compromise by not being really thin, but also being happy in eating "bad" things once in awhile and not being consumed emotionally by my weight.

jainie marlena

I was taking sulexa for deprestion for about a year. when from 145 to 210. I quit taking it back in Feb and now I am down between 193 to 198 back and forth.


My doctor suggested me to drink a liitle bit warm water after having a meal. It will also help to reduce the weight.