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Started by SilvermanUK, October 24, 2011, 01:08:10 PM

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Hey guys with Samhain coming up, I was wondering if any of you had anything special planned, as a Druid I do celebrate this Sabbat and plan to have my family and kids over. Us adults tend to disappear for half an hour to do a remembrance circle (not something the kids really are in to). We just remember our ancestors and tell storys of what we remember about then, fond memorys, that kind of thing. We do a feast for the family and the kids get taken out to do their thing.

I love this day, because I feel so close to my dad and my grandfather who have passed on.

So how about you guys?


We're having a celebration at my Seminary.

Then I am going to another college and celebrate there.

Going to end the night with a rather large bonfire at a friend's house.


I'll be walking the labyrinth and bowing to the Buddha. Yeah, I know, it's sounds weird. But, that's me: I'm a Buddhistic-Christo-Pagan.


I'm going to be saying goodbye to the "old me."


We'd used to come together with like 10-14 people and have a night of celebration. Some offerings, remembering and just being there for eachother on the dark night.

This year, most of us don't have a lot of money, so we have a little get-together at my boyfriends place. We'll be with 5 in total, just making a nice dinner and do the same as usual. Just a little less and a lot quieter.
Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain