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When Are We Really Going To Get PO'd?

Started by Julie Marie, March 07, 2011, 12:10:16 PM

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Quote from: Janet Lynn on March 10, 2011, 11:08:46 AM
Vote the bastards out of office.

And their associates in the courts will overrule it and keep them in anyway. Or just bribe government officials to keep business as usual. Expensive lunches from lobbyists, cushy jobs when they leave their government posts...


Pardon my ignorance Gnawty, but what is DMT?  THC has the same meaning ;) here but I haven't heard of DMT by that name at least. 
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Quote from: justmeinoz on March 11, 2011, 03:42:10 AM
THC has the same meaning ;) here but I haven't heard of DMT by that name at least.

Dimethyltryptamine is a naturally occurring biological agent in many species of plants and animals.  It is thought to play a role in brain or nervous function.  If DMT is consumed along with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, it can produce severe psychedelic effects.  DMT became popular in part because of the notoriety of the South American entheogen brew Ayahuasca, which has long been used for religious purposes.
"The cake is a lie."


Probably a good reason for it to be prohibited then. There are enough loopy people around this neck of the woods as is! ;)
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

kate durcal

Julie Marie,

Could you elaborate as how the Republicans have convinced so man of those 155 million souls to vote for them? Your thought on the "Tea party?



Quote from: kate durcal on March 12, 2011, 08:05:37 AM
Julie Marie,

Could you elaborate as how the Republicans have convinced so man of those 155 million souls to vote for them? Your thought on the "Tea party?

I'm Julie's other Julie, and will take a stab at it. I believe it's at least a 3 part progression.

First, some of it lies in the optimistic message put forth by Ronald Reagan, and is delivered in daily doses by Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity and the Glen Beck's of the world.

Reagan told the country that it's now, "morning in America". (thank you speechwriter Peggy Noonan) Carter and his energy crisis and recession were supposedly slain by tax cuts. What working man likes taxes? No one likes taxes, of course. As unions diminished in power and influence, and the working man's paycheck shrunk, taxes were framed as the culprit. Not corporate profits and wage stagnation.

Secondly, corporations wanted tariff free trade. They won that argument (donation toting lobbyists), and went on to become international global merchants. Meanwhile, they promoted their friends in Congress and the White House to revamp corporate income taxes. (thank you George W. Bush & Newt Gingrich) Giant companies like GE and Exxon Mobil were paying less in taxes than many individuals. Open trade has promoted globalized wages, as more and more jobs have been outsourced. Why pay someone in America $25/hour when it can be done for $3/hour overseas?

Again, the Limbaugh's of the world were selling people on the idea of the American dream where anybody with enough drive and ambition can become a millionaire. It was the Democrats and liberals who wanted to crush your dream and tax you to death. (can you say, diversion?) Our country shifted after WWII and the 50/60's belief that every American should own a home, a car, and succeed. In the 80's, 90's and to present it's become a 'me first' country. My neighbor can only have the American dream After I get it. Sadly, fewer and fewer American's are middle class as a result.

The third component, I believe, is both racial and class oriented. I do think that race plays a factor in the Tea Party Movement, though I know many people will disagree.

What is mind boggling has been the success in those suffering in the current economy feeling closer to Warren Buffett and the Koch Brothers than fellow working people or progressives. I might be a cook now, but I'll really be the next Ray Kroc someday. (Mcdonald's founder)
It's this tightly held belief in the American dream which people cling to. 
"I don't need your acceptance, just your love"

kate durcal

Hi Juliekins,

Thank you for your narrative, all good points. You see I was not born in the USA, and I have always been perplexed as why low class white people (and by law class I do not mind an insult but just as an economic indicator) are so rabidly Republican.

I think you hit it in the nail when you mention the raze factor. I have spoken with a number of low class white Americans, and if you get them "juice" sooner or later they star in a rant about how minorities are getting "freebies" from their hard earned taxes. Al thought that may be it, and it is debatable, they all fail to see how the republicans do nothing for them and exploit them just as they do the rest of us.

You have all my love,



Quote from: Helena on March 07, 2011, 12:41:28 PM
My money is on New York becoming the DMZ when it does.

If anyone gets that....High Five!



QuoteIt's this tightly held belief in the American dream which people cling to.

Marketing has turned the American dream into a consumer nightmare. The dream was to buy American. Support the American way of life, clean, healthy living with hard work. The nightmare is multiculturalism and world trade. Buying things made by slaves getting 80 cents an hour. The Internationally controlled corporate media makes having no morals, ethics or virtue into the hip new thing.  Do what ever you please and buy happiness? We have to start with our own behavior before we can live better lives. We need people willing to work for their own business not big corporate jobs, and it can be done with select buying not buying the cheapest.