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crualty free diets

Started by angiejuly, March 27, 2011, 10:00:14 PM

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U Down?
Go non corporate and organic.
We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,



i went Vegan and unless there is some hidden cruelty to cucumbers waiting to be exposed in news of the world i guess i am okay :P


I went off plants when Prince Charles spoke to them.


Quote from: CindyJames on March 28, 2011, 04:47:45 AM
I went off plants when Prince Charles spoke to them.

its in the breeding :P


Hee Hee,

I went off whiskey when I heard Prince Phillip drank it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
BTW I'm in Australia and was born in Liverpool UK. Where are you. No need to tell me if you don't want to :-*





i would avoid anything that may of cause plant talking too :P

im Colombian Cindy and i live just out side of Dover now, when we all jump out of the back of the truck, it seemed like a nice place  >:-)


I've some cute Brazilian friends, and no I'm not talking about their pubic hair :laugh: Colombia sounds a viscous place to escape from. Hope you are OK




it is all good ty hun "hug
i have a decent job and life, an amazing GF and i am living as the person i was meant to be. is hard to ask for anything else.

is it still barbie season?


We have had the wettest and coolest summer on record. We usually get peaks of 35-45C but nothing this year. It is now down to about 20C, I bought a winter coat on Sunday, yea 20C and needing a coat :laugh:, But it's cold to me (hugs herself and thinks of a hot water bottle, it's going down to 15C tonight, Brrr) but it is a nice place to live. People are friendly and tolerant. I can just imagine Colombian skin tones, you have such gorgeous skin shades.  How is the UK for you. I haven't been there for 20+ years and have no desire to go again. 





20 degrees and a winter coat, i laugh but i really can relate to that i am sitting here now with a scarf still and my hands are freezing, everyone say i have no internal thermostat, noo your country is just freaking cold  :laugh:

funny though i came back form thailand in january and they were also complaining it was cold, not that far form Oz i guess, well there was a footie team on the plane, all red blooded Ozzie guys with more muscles then a night of Van dam repeats :)


plants feel pain...they're like photo-synthisising kittens.


A cruel diet is one where you sneak up on some poor unsuspecting cucumber or pepper that has no defenses and eat it. At least cows, pigs, and chickens have legs and a chance to escape! Who's down with that?


I threw a pumpkin once. I dont know how I will ever live with myself. :(
We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,


Quote from: angiejuly on March 29, 2011, 12:16:20 AM
I threw a pumpkin once. I dont know how I will ever live with myself. :(
does that mean you are dead beet? :laugh:


We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,


I made the jump to vegan last month. I'd kicked red meat about a year ago and I've never particularly cared for chicken. I do miss turkey sandwiches now and then, but then I'll have a sandwich chock full of veggies and I get over it pretty fast. =D

I find now three major differences about my life:

1. I have WAY more variety with what I eat than I ever did as a carnivore. Why should I stick with meatloaf Tuesdays and chicken Fridays when I can have Morrocan roasted squash with cous-cous, or stuffed grape leaves, or a number of other 500 recipe I have? Which by the way 80% of them I've never heard of before going vegan. 2. I lose about a pound a week without even trying and get my nutrients effortlessly simply by having a balanced diet and that includes proteins without needing unnessary proteins (and bad cholesterol!) from meat.
3. I have way more energy than ever before.

Here's a bonus one....

4. I've discovered a joy in cooking that can only be experienced by smelling the aromas from the various herbs and spices that I cook with.

As Albert Einstein said, and I am loosely quoting him here: nothing will benefit the survival of humanity better than the evolutionary switch to a vegetarian diet.

So why vegan and not vegetarian? There is nothing found in eggs or milk nutritionally speaking that cannot be found in other sources. Additionally, chickens and cows who can no longer be productive are slaughtered unnecessarily. I could literally talk all day about the merits of a cruelty free diet, but sometimes people just don't care because they like that meat "tastes good." Well, I'll enjoy my "tofu loaf" - it tastes just like meat pie! =P

kate durcal

Quote from: Vanna on March 28, 2011, 05:07:04 AM

i would avoid anything that may of cause plant talking too :P

im Colombian Cindy and i live just out side of Dover now, when we all jump out of the back of the truck, it seemed like a nice place  >:-)

A Colombian in Dover! Yo vivi en Venezuela y Chile, y pase por Colombia varias veces De donde heres chica?


Kate D

PS Las mujeres de Colombia son mas bonitas que el sol...
