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noticed something.

Started by chunk, January 16, 2007, 11:28:22 AM

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I just wanted to post something about...something.

I used to notice that when I was trying to be a woman, I would be treated better with makeup on. When I didn't wear makeup I was almost invisible to people.

Then I came here, found out the stuff one finds out on this site.

I just spent a 2 week holiday mostly without makeup and wearing not very female clothing...and I was treated quite nicely. Differently though.

I can't help but think that people are more comfortable with you if you are more comfortable with yourself. Or maybe I wasn't feeling like a woman that wasn't trying and who 'failed' to pull it off again today but rather as a strong human being looking with warmth into other people's eyes. Yes I still drop things and am a total clutz -lol, but I just rolled with it because sometimes people are clutzy and still warm caring human beings.

I don't know exactly what I'm saying here but I thought I'd post it.



I sorta felt like I wanted to be invisible when I wasnt myself. But I do sorta feel and maybe am more observant when I am trying something new to my look. I watch them more, and maybe that in turn causes them to watch me more and react.

I also think you are right in that people are more comfortable when you are more comfortable with yourself. And they can sense when you feel something is wrong and not quite right.


Hi Y'all,

People can sense when you are unsure of yourself...whether it is how you look or how well you use a plumbing snake, people just know.  The more of ourselves we invest in the outcome of something; the more it becomes the most important thing in the world to us, the more uneasy we become (even if only at a sub-conscious level). 

Chunk, I would guess that the reason people treated you "quite nicely" was because you weren't trying to do were just being yourself.  "Differently" is normal in how people treat women and men...Women are generally nicer to men than other women (where competition and personality conflicts can pop up).  Men are generally nicer to women than other men...Mom's message of being polite to ladies may have sunk in--or they are just hoping to get lucky, who knows?  People also treat you differently depending on how you are dressed...generally the nicer the clothes, the nicer you are treated (except in lower income areas, where you are immediately distrusted--think Hillbillies and Revenuers).  I know I get treated differently when I walk into store wearing my nicer work clothes than I do when I walk in 2 hours later in cutoffs and a T-shirt.  Is it right?  Not really, but that's the way it is.

Ken (dra)/(ny)/(whatever you feel like at the moment),
Please don't make me type that again...LOL.  You are right when you say that the more you watch other people, the more they watch you...back to the uneasy thing again.  Most of us go through our chores in public on autopilot.  Our eyes see other people, but our minds only acknowledge that another person is there, and don't really pay any attention to them...UNLESS...Unless they see you looking at them.  Then you get to decide how you are going to react to them, because it is sure that now they are looking at you.

Wouldn't it be nice when they asked, "Is that makeup you are wearing?" or said, "I like your nails.  What color is that?" that you could answer them, "What? Oh, yes, I am wearing makeup...why? Do I have a smudge?", and be your true relaxed self?  Your self-confidence will win them over and they will like you, even if they think you are a little strange.  What more could you ask of someone you just met?


Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


Yeah, I think just being more calm and comfortable makes people open up more. Which is good because I was worried about losing that. I was under the impression that looking professional meant sort of fitting the stereotype of a sucessful woman and the whole point of that charade was so people would be comfortable around you. Now I notice people are comfortable while I too am comfortable. Sweet.



I just moved the joke stuff to it's own post, to bring back the real reason for this post.

You can find the moved stuff at,9546.0.html.