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Personality question.

Started by Lunartiger, January 11, 2007, 01:52:12 AM

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       Ok, for me is a bit confusing. I identify myself as genderless and prefer to be called by genderless pronouns(zie/zir) and other genderless nouns. My personality by those who have spoke to me online by IMs or in game have said I seemed to have a slight "female" mind. So online I tend to play as female character or use anime females as my avatar picture on IM/forums. Since it seems to match with personality, I don't mind  being called a she/her, though I rather go with zie/zir, just seems like alot to give everyone I meet the talk. I like having female friends over male friend, so I rather be thought of anything but a male. I just wonder if I'm the only one that kind of thinks like that.


Does this only apply to in game and instant message?

How do you want to be refered to in real life by friends, family , parents, relatives, associates?

What I am getting at is what do you want in real life, even when you step away from the keyboard, go outside, to the mall, work , school, or whatever.

My gaming experience has been a bit different.


      Online mostly for now.
      I would like for people to refer to me as zie/zir if I was sure they would all understand it.
      I work in a clothing store, with alot of female co-workers and I kind of feel very comfortable there, really can't come out with being androgynous at work since family works there too and I'm not quite ready to being this out with thim yet.^^;;;
      I do go shopping with my sister and I go shopping by myself sometimes too.
      I plan to start college soon too.


Right after I introduced my GF to the girl side of me (as in showed her me dressed in girl mode) things did sorta lean towards the feminine side a lot. We talked a lot about it. It was back then that she asked me if I wanted to become a female fully. Back then, was before this androgyne section even existed. And I didnt have any website that I visitted. I did explain to her about how I only desired partial feminization, which at first she questioned having only heard of transsexuals. I explained how I felt more half and half.

She asked if I called myself anything. I had to explain that I had never used a name, I dont talk to myself. I had only talked to a councilor that helped me figure out myself in college, and a few past girlfriends. Her and I tried several variations of Ken feminine names. The Kendra came out of those small talks. We dont really use  gender pronouns since she only talks to me, and uses "you".

In game she has used 'she' when we play referring to me to other players if I play female characters. And 'he' if I play a male character.

I dont know what gender of mind others think I am. Certainly quiet, thoughtful, kind, and collective.

Its good that your sister and you seem to have a good relationship where you are working through your gender with others. Especially also in college. I dont think your alone in how you feel. I prefer friends also female over male also.

Vanessa V.

I don't really care too much about being called a he/him.... thats never really bothered me before....

Though its funny, a group of my female friends have a running joke where they refer to me as a woman, and they use the female pronouns, and I can totally run with that too w/o a problem...

Definitely links back to my bigendered nature as I feel I have both a he and she inside of me...

As to playing woman on RPing sites, I totally do both. I try to keep an interesting balance b/w the two. Though I have received compliments on my female characters, esp. since I go as a male on those sites...

So no... you're not alone... :P



Is there anyway that you kitties can post a link and/or the different types of genderless pronouns so that the rest of our members (including myself) can learn them?

tinkerbell :icon_chick:

