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And YOUR favorite BAND of all time IS?

Started by Lacey Lynne, April 11, 2011, 12:40:25 AM

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Tammy Hope

Quote from: JessicaR on April 11, 2011, 09:35:27 PM
The Beatles

  There is no acceptable argument to the contrary.

Point of order:

if the question is "Which was the BEST?" then one may, perhaps, insist there is only one right answer.

if the question is "who is your FAVORITE?" as here, then there is no logic to the claim everyone MUST have the same favorite band.

Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.

Tammy Hope

I always make a distinction when answering this question that might be a bit of a cheat - I list Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band as an individual artist - Bob Seger (who happened to have a band with a famous name) not unlike Springsteen being considered an individual despite everyone knowing the name of his band.

with that caveat made, my favorite all time band is U2

They have a lot of deep album stuff i don't get into, but the good stuff is so VERY good to my ears no one can top them.

Very close behind is ELO, and I'd put Queen in the top five on any list.

The Beatles?

Yeah, they were the most popular and all that, but I don't get 90% of the arguments for them. The one who sells the most records is not necessarily the BEST at anything.

But still, this is not a thread about "best" but "favorite" and the Beatles probably are not in my top 20 favorites, let alone #1
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


For tonight and tonight only it's Arcade Fire. Such an awesome, awesome show at Coachella. Arcade Fire, you rocked my socks off and for that I thank you! Good night.


I was so fortunate to be in the UK University system when it was a testing ground for 'new' bands. Led Zep, Who, Wings, B Sabbath etc etc. every Saturday night for next to nothing.

Led Zep as a live band were fantastic, studio terrible. The Who possibly one of the best live bands ever (IMO). But I still move to Pink Floyd as the best live and studio band, their technique was so flawless that  you just got excellent music always.

But comparing bands and music is one of the challenges that can never be solved. Queen, so totally stunning with Freddie burning the emotions of your soul. The Beatles, a revolution. David Bowie, an innovator. Alan Parsons, taught how to direct an album. Mike Oldfield, how to be too clever and a genius at the same time. Steppenwolf, possible\y wrote and played the song of a generation. Hendrix, say no more.

Interesting topic, making me think and enjoy the past. Thanks Lacey Lynn



Now that's funny, I ran into - or did they run into me? - Duran Duran just the other day.  They were going to the art gallery/space that in the same building as the theater.  So their jumbo SUV LUXXURY LIMO thing pull into the parking area that I have reserved (we pay for it) for running the show (Scissors Sisters, sold out, with two opening acts, so we were busy) and load out, and I start moving toward the limo wham, bam shouting like a Southern diplomat when Mister Manager emerges and starts to manage me.

Mister Manager told me who they were, and open the door a bit so I could see them.  So I thought - "OK, professional courtesey and all, and besides I kinda liked that whole I miss the rains down in Africa deal."  OK, yeah I know it Toto - I'm not that dumb, but I wasn't going to miss that little opportunity because lets just say the look on Mister Managers face was priceless and a half. So I let it sit on him for a few beats before I say "Hey, what would I know I spend the 80s following the Dead around."

The Beatles thing deserves a longer reply, so I'll do that tomorrow.

But hey, I live for people to say to me "Do you know who I am?!" Because my reply of "No, up to this moment I was quite happy in that ignorance, but your going to ruin that for me now aren't you?"  And yes, I do say that to people, and in my line of work I get that chance once a month or so.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...



I'm guessing that I'm probably the only one in this thread who actually knows who that is.  For reference, here is his music page on soundclick:

I think I have a permanent obsession with his album The Inevitability of Pain (and the stupidity of those who don't expect it)
"The cake is a lie."

Just Kate

Ill no longer be defined by my condition. From now on, I'm just, Kate.


ATB, Tiesto, or Kent (the Swedish band), depending on the day

Amazon D

My favorite band is THE BAND  and the last time i saw them in person was with over 600,000 at watkins glen NY raceway with the allman brothers and the greatful dead. They had that wonderful country rock sound which i loved. I also loved cooking with the hog farm women from vermont and it rained hard that weekend and i saw 6 giant amazon women rolling together in a giant mud puddle and well that was like they had found each other out of 600,000 and felt a bond and went for a roll in the mud which was so quaint.

I also liked silver apples, hendrix, janis,  and lothar and the hand people and firesign theatre, frank zappa  and the moody blues of course.. and cream did some great stuff

the beatles were like teen kid stuff kinda like the monkeys were pre teen stuff  the rolling stones were toooo well too much like beatles competition for me.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Music from Big Pink makes my 'you're stranded on a desert island and can only have 10 records' list.  They were Americana a good 30 years before anyone even thought up the term.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Lacey Lynne

Quote from: tekla on April 17, 2011, 08:59:54 PM
Music from Big Pink makes my 'you're stranded on a desert island and can only have 10 records' list.  They were Americana a good 30 years before anyone even thought up the term.


Well, I'm trying NOT to comment much on this thread because people will get tired of that, but I have to answer you with this one.

YES!  Darned straight!  Back in The Day, we played the grooves off of that album.  Personally, I'd majorly like to know your "Stranded on a Desert Island" top-ten list!  I totally hand it to you.  You know A LOT more about music than me, and I salute you ... and I learn a lot from your comments.  Thanks!


All of you are teaching me a lot too!  Admittedly, I'm out of date.  Thanks for teaching me about these new tunes (anything from 1990 on).  Appreciate it a lot.

;)   Lacey
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Just off the top of my head, because if I though too much about it I'd never be able to do it...

Beethoven's 9th Symphony
Beethoven's Late String Quartets
Chopin's Piano Music
The 36 Robert Johnson songs
Music from Big Pink - The Band
Blood on the Tracks - Bob Dylan
Reckoning - The Grateful Dead
Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
A Love Supreme - John Coltrane
How The West Was Won - Led Zeppelin

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


The Beatles?
Yeah, they were the most popular and all that, but I don't get 90% of the arguments for them. The one who sells the most records is not necessarily the BEST at anything.

Wow, you must be the reincarnation of Dick Rowe.

I could go on almost forever about this at length (and don't worry, I will) but for those who don't want a huge argument, just the best one, here it is...

I think quite simply that the biggest reason that the Beatles get that title (Best Rock Band Ever) is because they pretty much invented it.  Before the Beatles the pop charts were dominated by Andy Williams, Pat Boone and Connie Francis.  What rock and roll there was (and there was very little at that) was not widely played as it was considered race music and black folk didn't get played on white stations.  And, at that, it was individual performers, Little Richard, Elvis, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley and the Comets and not just The Comets, Buddy Holly and the Crickets, not just The Crickets that ruled the charts and pop music.  There was a surf deal going down largely in LA, but back in the day those musical units were referred to as 'groups' and 'combos' far more than they were called 'bands'.  It was about one huge star and a bunch of autonomous back up musicians.  But The Beatles were 'a band' - it wasn't just one of them, it was John, Paul, George & Ringo doing that most awesome of human activities, combining their efforts to create true synergy (something that is greater than a mere sum of the parts).

Pop music can be (and was almost from the start of their career) as Pre-Beatles and Post Beatles.  It's hard to imagine, even for those of us who remember it and all but impossible for those that don't what a clear break they were from what had gone before.  They were a new era.  So much so that program directors like Rick Sklar of New York's WABC went so far as to forbid DJs from playing any "pre-Beatles" music, and that was in 1964.

Those four guys shattered constraints and limitations of their time and invented/created something that was both unique and original. "In the form that they worked in, in the form of popular music, no one will ever be more revolutionary, more creative and more distinctive."

Before The Beatles rock and roll was a very small part of the pop music scene.  After The Beatles Rock was totally culturally dominant and would remain so for over half a century.

Quote from Rolling Stone associate editor Robert Greenfield.

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Tammy Hope

still seems like an argument from popularity - "they were biggerthan anyone else so they were better"

If they had been "John Lennon and the Beatles"  would that have taken away any of the distinction between them and "Buddy Holly and the Crickets"?

I'll grant that they legitimized, or rather magnified, the combination of vocal harmony with instrumentation (i.e.. bands like the Crickets tend to feature one primary voice, and harmony-heavy groups tended to not play their own instruments) which wasn't seen in the most popular acts prior to 1964.

But a LOT of what undisputed "rock and roll" since falls outside that pattern. Obvious examples - Stones, Zep, AC/DC, Foreigner, Journey, U2, ELO...all of them hung on the vocals one the singular lead singer.

so the "form" that the Beatles "invented" isn't even a form typical of most of the rock music which has come after them. In that sense, the idea that they "invented" modern rock music doesn't hold water to me.

The POPULARIZED it - which is the original argument: more popular = better

Which I respectfully disagree with.
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


To pick a favorite and/or greatest band of all time is impossible for me... I love several of them

To me it doesn't really matter the configuration of each band, but the fact that these various elements (Band members) somehow came together and BANG!!! the chemistry was/is undeniable

But if I were to list my top five BANDS it would probably go...

Beatles, Stones, Doors, Led Zep and...  :eusa_think:
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M




The Beatles, no, Cream, no, ELP, no, Ah I remember now-Trapeze! Nobody has a voice like Glenn Hughes and he can still play a mean bass guitar at the same time!



Way too much great music to say for sure. I don't think that there was anyone to top the Rolling Stones in the 60s. 70's and it's Iggy, Bowie The Sex Pistols and Joy Division, 80's Metallica and The Pet Shop Boys (yeah, I know, but both kept me sane in my own weird way) 90's Nirvana, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins and Throwing Muses. The last decade or so? There hasn't been much to thrill me tbh, maybe Boards of Canada, The Distillers and Pink.

If I had to pick one? Give me another decade or so!