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Do you think it will be ever possible to get children? MtF

Started by Little_Cherry, April 09, 2011, 04:08:07 AM

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Im wondering if it will be ever possible ^maybe to get ovaries and uterus?
that you can get children too like a biological woman.


To be honest. I seriously doubt that. There are so many things hindering it from happening.

To further display to you what I'm talking about... Do you think that a FtM will ever be able to impregnate a woman? I just don't think that it can scientifically be done.

But if it does happen. Then good for you.


Speaking as someone who enjoys reading the scientific papers coming out of the genetic and microscopic medicine area I can tell you for certain that there are teams in at least ten countries around the world working on things which could one day lead to this happening.

In scientific terms we are surprisingly and tantalizingly close to making it at least theoretically possible, because for example a gene has been discovered that actively and reversibly causes mammalian ovary tissue to change into testes tissue. You activate it and you get one thing, you methylate it and deactivate it and the tissue becomes the reverse, and this has actually been successfully done in laboratory mice. So in theory at least, tissue regeneration into a different form has been demonstrated.

HOWEVER - and it is a whopping great big however, this is just a tiny first step and if you think abut all the other issues involved like for example altering all the internal plumbing and nerve wiring there are huge obstacles still to overcome before this exciting theoretical discovery could become a working gene therapy.

Then of course you will have to overcome all the moral objections form the religious lobbies so while this is exciting it almost certainly wont actually happen within our lifetimes.

Bottom line yes it is already proven as theoretically possible - but no don't hold your breath - because you'll be dead before it actually arrives.


I asked myself the same question and came across this site;
it has lots of information on the subject.
I wish one day we can have children as MtF's :)


never say never... with stem cell research who knows what will be possible a few years down the road? ?They can grow human shaped ears on mice and now they're talking about growing whole new human eyeballs.  I don't know if in our lifetimes (some of us are younger than others lol), but eventually yeah, I think they'll pretty much be able to grow anything on anybody.

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Yes I think it'll be possible someday but probably not within our lifetime.

Which really sucks...I really want to be pregnant someday. =(



What we need is an exchange program, trade in your unwanted parts....


Quote from: nickikim on April 15, 2011, 02:21:08 PM
What we need is an exchange program, trade in your unwanted parts....

Oh, if that were possible, this site would be an eBay for unwanted penises, testicles, breasts and vaginas! We could have some serious business going on!  :)



pretty pauline

Quote from: sweetie87 on April 09, 2011, 07:14:23 AM
I asked myself the same question and came across this site;
it has lots of information on the subject.
I wish one day we can have children as MtF's :)
A very fascinating read, thank you for posting, but I found it depressing, yes its the only part of my femininity thats missing, I found it depressing to be reminded that my neo vagina which is indistinguishable from genetic women, yes I have a normal vulva in appearance complete with clitoris and its hood and the opening to my vagina and its lips, however I don't have a cervix, uterus, ovaries, fimbria and fallopian tubes, sadly I never will, if I was a younger woman I love to adopt, I don't think it will be possible in my lifetime, if it was I definitely sign up for it, Im now a fulltime housewife, I think Motherhood would suit me perfect, oh well, a girl can dream.

If your going thru hell, just keep going.