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Lady Gaga

Started by Karii Cloud, March 07, 2011, 06:13:26 PM

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Karii Cloud

I honestly can say, without Lady GaGa's music and support, I wouldn't have made it out of the closet until I was 40. I hope I get to thank her one day for my extra 19 years of me!


Anyone else get :liberated: by GaGa or other artists?

Lady GaGa has done more for us transgirls than any other artist, period.
Check it out

Love, peace, puppies, ponies, and glitter,

Karii = )


I have to agree I love her! I also seem to be getting very deeply into Evanescence. One for fun, one for emotional support.  However, when ever I'm at work and I hear "born this way" my spirits are immediately lifted, to the point where I realise I need to calm down, as I'm not out there yet!! ;D

Karii Cloud

Good call on the Evanescence! I have to put some on now.

I listened Doubt's "I'm Just A Girl" for the first time since I realized that I was TS. Whole new meaning...I always liked that song, and now I know why.

I suppose 90s chick rock has the same effect when listening to it after you come out to yourself.

My life is on the radio. S&M (Rhianna) and Born this Way came out so close togeather I felt like my lifestyle is becoming someone else's inspiration!
Check it out

Love, peace, puppies, ponies, and glitter,

Karii = )

Lacey Lynne

Hey, I give Lady Gaga lots of credit.  She's creative.  She's artistic.  She's hot.  She supports the LGBTQ Community.  She's many cool and interesting things; however, ...

She just does not rock.  Don't get me wrong:  She's awesome.  However, being of the elder generation, I just wanna rock out.  Now, here's a gal who ROCKS ... and how:

Sorry, folks.  Lady G. is amazing, but Joan is slam-butt rockin' ... and I love it!    8)

Peace    ;)   Lacey
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Ha! I was a little nervous before my first endo appt today and "Born This Way" came two blocks before I got there and put me in the right frame of mind.


Long before there was rock music there was pop music, and long after rock music finally goes away (which is going to be any day now, it's way past it's 'sell by' date) there is going to be pop music.  And it's not like Gaga invented the notion of Diva, or even Diva Dance Queen, but she's far and away the best thing in that field at the current time.  Who knows - MJ was the King of Pop, but there has never really been a Queen of Pop, and she has the total package - the songs, writing, fashion, live shows/videos, production - to go the distance.  She's already up there with Cher and Madonna in pretty short order, all she has to do is go beyond that for a few decades.

It's cool that after the first run of stuff (mostly written and recorded before she got famous) that what she set's out to do in her first real post-fame outing is, oh, write the hinter-to unwritten gay national anthem (It's Raining Men, being the unoffical anthem), and achieved absolute fabulousness.  That kinda even impresses me. 
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Lacey Lynne

Quote from: tekla on March 09, 2011, 08:27:51 AM
Long before there was rock music there was pop music, and long after rock music finally goes away (which is going to be any day now, it's way past it's 'sell by' date) there is going to be pop music.  And it's not like Gaga invented the notion of Diva, or even Diva Dance Queen, but she's far and away the best thing in that field at the current time.  Who knows - MJ was the King of Pop, but there has never really been a Queen of Pop, and she has the total package - the songs, writing, fashion, live shows/videos, production - to go the distance.  She's already up there with Cher and Madonna in pretty short order, all she has to do is go beyond that for a few decades.

It's cool that after the first run of stuff (mostly written and recorded before she got famous) that what she set's out to do in her first real post-fame outing is, oh, write the hinter-to unwritten gay national anthem (It's Raining Men, being the unoffical anthem), and achieved absolute fabulousness.  That kinda even impresses me.

Totally and majorly agree!

Kudos to Tekla ... who knows music way better than I do!  Sometimes, Tekla's our resident agent provocateur but the posts are ALWAYS bigtime interesting and ALWAYS majorly entertaining, informative and, 99.9 times out of 100, right on!

Hon, I'm very glad you're here on this forum ... keeping it interesting ... keeping it lively ... keeping it popping!  Left to our own devices, we'd settle into a comfortable mediocrity.  Hey, forget about THAT!  We wanna rock!  Keep us rocking!

Peace & Happiness to You

:D    8)    :D     Lacey Lynne
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Well I get to be accidentally cool from time to time and I write about that.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Karii Cloud

I do LOVE Joan Jett (Hello Dad, Hello Mom), but I just don't get the same uplifting, hope from her music.

And Yes tekla, GaGa is the Queen of PoP.

I like PolyStyrene from the X-Ray Spex as well. Blondie is great. What about Brody Armstrong from the Distillers? As far as a girl who ROCKS out, she does it pretty hard. As you can tell I'm a bit partial to punk, but Lil Kim is also an amazing independant innovative artist (Don't get me started on Nikki Menage >:() I could go on for a while...

BTW I love the word "fabulousness"
Check it out

Love, peace, puppies, ponies, and glitter,

Karii = )

Lacey Lynne

Quote from: tekla on March 09, 2011, 09:42:10 AM
Well I get to be accidentally cool from time to time and I write about that.

Well, I believe you are cool ALL  the time!  For one, I'm GLAD you are on this forum.  Your comments are always interesting, terse and exciting.  You keep this place jumpin' which really rocks! 


Love readin' your posts!

:D   Lacey Lynne
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Being a transman, it may seem a little odd for me to post in here.
But I adore Gaga.


Quote from: RachelH on March 07, 2011, 06:19:40 PM
However, when ever I'm at work and I hear "born this way" my spirits are immediately lifted

Same ! :D When ever that song comes on it never fails to cheer me up haha.
'Are you a moron?'
'I'm More-winning!'

Rachel Bellefountaine

Quote from: riccirules on March 25, 2011, 03:34:26 PM
Being a transman, it may seem a little odd for me to post in here.
But I adore Gaga.

Dunno why that's odd. I know quite a few guys who like Lady Gaga! :)

As for me, Lady Gaga is not only my favourite musician,  but also someone I respect and look up to as a human being. I couldn't think of a better role model. :)



Being a transman, it may seem a little odd for me to post in here.
But I adore Gaga.

That almost seems to be a disconnect.  I mean that's pretty much where she got started doing shows was having her mom take her to gay clubs to perform when she was 13.  The whole LGBTXYZ thing (particularly in New York) - and to the degree that being trans is part of that (like it or not, it's kinda like Californians are Americans even when they don't really cotton much to that idea) then that's exactly where all that (as Madonna and Bette Midler and even Brittney Spears before her) got rolling.

The Lady Gaga shows in San Francisco have been gayer and more >-bleeped-< than the parade.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I ADORE Lady Gaga. I didn't used to though. When she first came out I just thought she was sort of a gimmick and then the more I listened to her on TV and interviews the more I started liking her but I still wasn't SUPER fond of her music but then I had a friend play one of her albums for me and I started to fall in love. Everyday I gain more and more respect for her. She's smart, creative, outgoing, and supportive. I don't know what kind of struggles she's had in her life (if any) but she is an amazing person with an amazing spirit.

But that's just my two cents.


I don't know what kind of struggles she's had in her life (if any)

Pretty much none - at least until she got famous which brings a unique set of problems with it.  I mean if you are talking about being born this way, she was.  Born to be Lady Gaga.

She self-taught herself by ear to play pianio.  At age 4.  Needless to say her family, while not rich, was well off enough to have a piano at home so that could happen.  By the time she was 10 she was so good that she had been accepted at Julliard, but decided not to go and continued at the Convent of the Sacred Heart THE Catholic girls school in NYC, while starting to perform in the fringe NYC scene.

"I was onstage in a thong, with a fringe hanging over my ass thinking that had covered it, lighting hairsprays on fire, go-go dancing to Black Sabbath and singing songs about oral sex. The kids would scream and cheer and then we'd all go grab a beer. It represented freedom to me. I went to a Catholic school but it was on the New York underground that I found myself."

Reminds me of the John Waters quote: I'm glad I was raised Catholic because sex is still dirty to me.

She graduated and went to the very prestigious New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and did a year before leaving, because she said she knew what she wanted to do, and how to do it.

Here she is performing (pre-Gaga) at the Tisch School.

"I left my entire family, got the cheapest apartment I could find, and ate >-bleeped-< until somebody would listen."   She did a bit at Def Jam records, then worked with RedOne doing a kind of apprenticeship in writing pop stuff (for Brittney, New Kids on the Block and Fergie), and the marketing and media relations and all that star making machinery.

What makes her so amazing - at least to me - is that she can bring a level of production and staging that is pretty much beyond what anyone else is doing, and in doing that it only enhances her, rather than it swallowing her and the music up, which is what it does to most people.  This is where most of mainstream America first saw her on the 2010 Grammy Awards, with her sidekick Elton John.  I mean how freaking great do you have to be to get Elton John to vamp with you, using his signature hit even?  As he sings, a wonderful life is with Gaga in the world.

Chris Rock (who is one smart dude) said: "Well, she's Lady Gaga," he said. "She's not 'Lady Behave Yourself.' Do you want great behavior from a person named Gaga? Is this what you were expecting?"

And I love the quote: I left my entire family, got the cheapest apartment I could find, and ate >-bleeped-< until somebody would listen.  Success, whether it be fame or simply living the life you want takes work, lots of effort and its never easy.  So follow her advice, leave your comfort, quit taking the easy choices, get out and eat some >-bleeped-<, hell, eat a lot of >-bleeped-< and know that the way ain't easy, but it is worth it.  That's the struggle, to step out into the real world and become yourself.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


You can't fault her for doing stuff that sells.  Remember that before you sell out, you have to buy in.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...