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HRT and work

Started by rieko, April 13, 2011, 11:09:32 AM

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Background: My transition plan includes presenting as a guy at work until I'm ready for full-time, at which point I'll change jobs. I'm not particularly concerned that I'd lose my job were I to attempt transition in-place, but I've been planning to look for a sweeter deal since before deciding to transition.

The other day, my roommate pondered if there's danger of losing my job as I begin looking more like a girl from HRT. I said I don't think so, silly butt. :P They won't fire someone because of how their face looks; just possibly if they start dressing as the opposite gender. But I've been rehashing it in my mind and I'm not so sure now. I mean, people have been fired for dressing like a girl while still looking like a guy, so isn't it logical to be fired for dressing like a guy while looking like a girl?

Has anybody heard about or had any incidents with this?

umop ap!sdn

They know you as you and believe you to be a guy, so I think even with HRT changes they will still expect you to wear men's clothes. My experience (in a customer service position) was that more and more customers took me to be a girl but management didn't say anything.


I transitioned when I was in college and as a student I worked parttime as a checkout girl in a local supermarket. At first I thought transitioning at my parttime job would be a really big deal but it never got me into any trouble. When I had not disclosed about wanting to become a girl to my colleagues I was looking andryogynous already and many customers took me for a girl, I got referred to as 'young lady' by them and colleagues took up on that so when I finally made the step and disclosed about being transsexual and wanting to be a girl it suddenly made sense to my colleagues. When on HRT and being full-time I still worked there and had a good time (finally being myself)!

If they value you at work as a person regardless of your presentation I seriously doubt it would get you into any trouble. In my country it isn't even allowed to discriminate and fire people because of ethnicity, sexuality or whatever... so it would be protected by law. I'm not sure how it works in your country though.


I live in the US where I believe there is some legal recourse, depending on the state, for transgender discrimination. I really hope I never have to go down that road. I think I agree with you all now. It won't cause anything more than occasional comments from observant colleagues. Thanks everybody!


good luck on the legal recourse. as far as the job goes, it depends on how conservative the firm is. home depot surprisingly is very suportive of gender variation the denver sheriffs department not so much, (my former position). remember that until u publicly declare that you are transitioning people will pretty much take you as what you are. at some point they may ask whats going on with you, this will probably come from your closer aquaintences first. anyrate good luck on hrt
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain