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Let's stand up to the motion picture industry and ban TG discrimination.

Started by Babe, May 04, 2011, 07:11:46 PM

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I wanted to comment on the SNL estromax thread but when i tried to, i got the following message

Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

That's a good thing, actually, because i really wanted to create a new thread on the subject of how Hollywood has been discriminating against TGs pretty much since the very beginning of televisions history.
I thought to check if there was already a topic started first. Although that thread is sort of what i wanted to talk about, i see a much grimmer "picture" on the "widescreen" playing out.
It's not just one tv show, one skit or even one team of writers. It's HOLLYWOOD as a whole.
That place controls whatever we see on that tube and i think they control every other country's motion picture companies, too.

I will start my topic here with a few videos to get the ball rolling.

Please, friends, please don't start posting, yet.
I've already read that thread about SNL and i was amazed at how many people accept their fate as clowns in life. They think the system can't be beaten.
I don't really want the same people to start typing the same comments in this thread, please. Give me a chance to let unravel, in my own way,  my researched evidence showing what i've come to understand.
Most of you have already seen all of this stuff on tv, before. Maybe some of it will be new, but it's been going on for many years RIGHT under our noses.

Let's just remember that the gay community joined hands to stop Dire Straights from using the word "faggot" in Money For Nothing when played live. It's politically incorrect to do that now.

Let's begin.
Here's a guy with a Ph.d to tell us how the media controls what we think.

They even tell us what they are doing.

Proof of how tv can control what we do. Of course, it's just a movie, but if it's JUST a movie, what about advertising?...doesn't that affect what we buy? Of course it does - so really, a movie is a pretty powerful thing.

Many will point out the fact that in ancient theatrical plays, all the actors were men who also played the female roles. And it's true.
But the actors who played the female roles were not treated badly were they? They were not beaten or murdered or hatefully ridiculed in public.

This is just to get started. I have the real "meat and potato" video clips for this topic on stand-by and i will post them soon.

Please, all i ask is that no one posts just yet.





In my presentation of (mostly) M→F TG discrimination and how Hollywood promotes it, let's go back in time, long  before there were any televisions and cinemas.

It appears that in many ancient civilizations, M→F transgenders were openly accepted and oftentimes revered as powerful ones - even feared and/or highly respected in mainstream societies of those times. Every culture on the Earth all have positive histories concerning the existence and acceptance of LGB and Ts.

The cultures that historically do not approve of TGs or mainly, feminine males (M→F), are the Norse, Celtic/Welsh, Egyptians, and Zoroastrians.

All the rest have positive TG figures.

I will not display the web page which describes ancient mythology, however i will post the link for anyone to study. It's sort of like a lineage, or inheritance that's been stolen from us when we consider what's been done to us.

It's VERY interesting to learn how really SPECIAL we TGs are and how we have been documented in the historical records of time.

We are not freaks or outcasts at all. We never were.

What happened? How come everyone suddenly hates us?  Could it have been the fault of the Norse, Celtic/Welsh, Egyptians, and the Zoroastrians? They seemed to really hate what we are, historically. See the link i just posted and scroll down and read about them and form an opinion on that and just hang on to it for a while.

Before i get on with the video clips showing us being discriminated against by Hollywood, i would like to draw the attention to something called, pederasty.

Pederasty has something to do with transgenders. And i think it's important to mention because it was very acceptable in many ancient cultures.
A young-looking boy could very well be looked upon as a young t-girl, ie; with a hairless body, small frame, high voice and smooth face.

Dress him up in girls' clothes and you have a "young t-girl".   
In some other countries, the boys were really dressed as girls and did belly dances for groups of men.

This is still practiced today but they don't use boys anymore...well, at least not legally.
It was all accepted in ancient society.
What happened? All of a sudden we are called drag queens.

Look at this.

What happened to all of that? Why have we become such outcasts in society? I'll answer that a bit later.

I often wonder about Europe when the men wore powdered wigs, petticoats, tights, high heels shoes, and it was perfectly acceptable to act like an effeminate male.

Roman and Greek men wore sarongs (like mini dresses) with sandals with lace tied up on the leg. Why did that all stop?

I am not saying that Hollywood stopped all of the ancient lifestyles which i've mentioned so far. Somewhere before or around the time, or soon after Hollywood was created, something happened. I am not sure what it was or who started it, but something bad happened.

I do need sleep and i will resume this when i wake up.

I, sincerely, thank you all for not posting in this thread at this early time of this thread's development. There are so many threads in this site - this one, here, is still in the making.

