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Religion is created by man

Started by Jamiess, March 13, 2011, 04:44:33 PM

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I am new here and have read several post about being frustrated by Christians. It saddens me to hear of the hatred spread by fellow Christians. God has been working miracles in my life and I would love to share if you would like. God has put me exactly where he needs me as painful as it may be.

History repeats itself time and time again. Christ came and set the record straight. One thing He did was prove that the religious leaders made up rules to fit what they thought was right. Sounds just like today. The proof is that there are many different Christian religions. If man truly followed God's intent, there would only be one religion. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. If you want to know what God is like read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. These books tell us about the life of Jesus. The funny thing is, I very rarely hear anyone in the churches I have visited teaching from these books. Jesus led by example and Christian are expected to follow in His footsteps. Unfortunately that is not the case and Christians are allowing satan to win by turning souls against Christ. They are quick to condemn. Don't let that discourage you. The religious leaders hated Jesus so much that they put Him to death. He expected they would do that. He felt nothing but love for them in return and verbally forgave those that hung Him on the cross.

Gen 6:5-6 tells of God's frustration with man

kate durcal

Jesus never wrote anything. You are assuming that the people who wrote the gospels accurately wrote what Jesus said, big if.

Christianity is a religion that Paul made about Jesus; it is not the religion of Jesus.



I am not responding to your comment with malice. Paul did play a major part in the spread of Christianity. I do not believe I would be a Christian today if he did not do his works. Paul did not write the Gospels though. Those closest to Jesus wrote them. They were all from different backgrounds (Dr. fishermen, tax collector...). Each was written from a different perspective. That is why Jesus chose these individuals to follow him. Acts 1:8 tells us of their mission. That is all I have to go on. If I had inconclusive proof I would not need faith. Faith with proof is of no value. The main thing is, for us to follow Jesus's commandment to us "Love one another, as I have loved you" John 15:12. Laying down your life for someone else is the best example of this. Easier said than done. I would lay my life down for you. I am a veteran and each deployment I knew that there was a possibility that I would not return.

"Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts" FF Bosworth


I read a quote many years ago (I am that old) that sums up much of the mischief that is created in the name of Christianity, I am looking for the exact source, but I remember the man who said it was a Jew.

"Countless people kneel to Christ, very few rise and follow in His Steps."

I am very much a Christian, and I have danced with Jesus in my spirit as my true self which was known before my birth and accepted by Him long before I accepted myself. 

That said, there are holes in our religion and religious history that too many others will use to avoid the exercise of poking their own holes.  The "Church" does have a long and tumultuous history, but civilization has survived in ways that it is easy to show where and how it would have fallen apart and we would be even worse off than we are today had our current beliefs and social structure not been created.  Too many of us do not accept the fact that while the Word of Personal responsibility, Love and honor for all creation is as important today as it was even before Jesus hit the scene, the world and its people have not remained static over the 2000+ years since the day at Golgotha.  The concepts of Transgendered people or Gay or Lesbian people ARE NOT in the Bible since they are ideas of recent history, I for one can accept that with not even an eye twitch.  (Someone is still on their knees -- look around and you will see it way back behind us.)  Today, we know that we cannot be  certain which human hand actually scratched out our first Gospels. Good thoughtful "Christian" scholars  have agreed on that for over half of the Church's history.  We also know that there were many books of gospel, epsitle, actae and others written by first through fourth century people who proclaimed THEY were the true followers of Jesus that were not brought into the Bible.  We know enough about those books though to show that our current social landscape would have been terribly different were they part of the Bible.  What we know from looking at that landscape though is that it would be worse than what we have got at the minute.  (I get a chuckle out of this, and while I was laughing, I darn near tripped over someone kneeling in the street.) 

Western Christianity happened, and we do have a world to live in.  I am not always happy with how we got here, but we did (Some could day "By the Grace Of God" but He may have been flat on His Face from tripping over someone else who was kneeling in the church aisle.)  "If you have a dispute with your neighbor when you come to make your offering to God, leave the offering untouched and go and make peace with your neighbor before presenting your offering to God."  Never says that your neighbor has to worship God your way, only that YOU make peace with him.  To me that is walking in Christ's steps as a child, friend or sibling. 

I have a gentle irreverence for many things about my faith, at least I have a sense of humor, and a sense of reality that can make other Christians think of lion pits as my best reward, until I ask them what they have against the lions.  The God and Christ I know have a sense of humor too.
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!


I would sum it all up by saying that Religions are created by man, while faith comes from within each individual.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

kate durcal

"Oh, I don't reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ."



I frequently think of Gandhi's words about Christ. He was correct and that is one reason I started this post. I heard that quote a few years ago and have not forgotten it. Christians should not condemn. Judgement is for God.

Everyone gets mad and makes bad decisions during their lifetime. We are human, but it is good to recognize when you have made mistakes and ask for forgiveness. I know I cannot apologize for all Christians, but if Christians have hurt you I am sorry.

kate durcal


I know you are a sweet Lady with a good hart, and yes you should not apologize for the pain that Christians have brought to this world; as a matter of fact no christian can apologize for what the Christians have done in the name of their self-righteousness.

You said that you have ponder about the Gandhi quote, ponder the one below:

•   "The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew"
•   As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
•   I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.
•   Who says I am not under the special protection of God?
•   Always before God and the world, the stronger has the right to carry through

Adolf Hitler

6 million of my people, including some of my direct ancestors murder





Goodwin's law maybe, but Hitler is an extreme illustration of where a person's heart can go with a little scripture and a self righteous attitude. Even the devil quotes scripture (Matthew 4:6). Many Christians look down on others and judge them. But, Jesus looked up to people like when Jesus washed the apostles feet (John 13:8 ). In the Mideast the bottom of your foot is as low as you can go. I had a "Christians" heart and God smack me down to the point of suicide. I have replaced that attitude with Jesus. I posted earlier that history repeats itself and you are living proof. (Matthew 23:25) explains the where many Christian are today. Kate you seem to be someone that searches for the honest truth and I truly admire that spirit. Blessed are the poor in spirit; blessed are they that hunger for righteousness. For yours is the kingdom of heaven. I do not want to frustrate anyone, I'm just doing what God wants me to do. I have seen miracles at work in my life, and it cannot be explained.

I do feel the need to apologize for the misuse of Christianity. I am a part of the body of Christ. Christ did say if you hand offends you to cut it off, but I cannot apply that here because even the worst Christian is a soul to be loved.


Jamiess, your post is so wonderful. I am a Christian and understand where you are coming form. True, religions are man-made. When a person accepts Jesus in their heart, the dogma of religion is broken. I am saddened by what some 'Christian' say that's demeaning to people different from them.

When I came out as transgender, Matthew 3:16 was made so much clearer to me. God loves everyone regardless of who they are. I pray that many LGBT people will come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)


jainie marlena

Quote from: Jamiess on March 13, 2011, 04:44:33 PM
I am new here and have read several post about being frustrated by Christians. It saddens me to hear of the hatred spread by fellow Christians. God has been working miracles in my life and I would love to share if you would like. God has put me exactly where he needs me as painful as it may be.

History repeats itself time and time again. Christ came and set the record straight. One thing He did was prove that the religious leaders made up rules to fit what they thought was right. Sounds just like today. The proof is that there are many different Christian religions. If man truly followed God's intent, there would only be one religion. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. If you want to know what God is like read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. These books tell us about the life of Jesus. The funny thing is, I very rarely hear anyone in the churches I have visited teaching from these books. Jesus led by example and Christian are expected to follow in His footsteps. Unfortunately that is not the case and Christians are allowing satan to win by turning souls against Christ. They are quick to condemn. Don't let that discourage you. The religious leaders hated Jesus so much that they put Him to death. He expected they would do that. He felt nothing but love for them in return and verbally forgave those that hung Him on the cross.

Gen 6:5-6 tells of God's frustration with man
You are very bold in Christ thanks for building me up in love. Everything you say is true about Christ Jesus and the religious learders of his time. The true Body of Christ was scattered throughout the different dinominations just as God scattered the Jews. Most are sitting at home to day learning about Christ apart from Christianity. The religious learders of this time have crucified Christ afresh through the things that they preached to us.

ISAIAH 29:14 for the wisdom of their WISE men shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent men shall be hid.

1 CORINTHIANS 1:19 I will destroy the wisdom of the WISE, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

ECCLESIASTES 12:11 The words of the WISE are as goads and NAILS fasted by the masters of the assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.

Be thankful that you can see because God has blind them like he did the religious learders that crucified Christ.

Maddie Secutura

While I am personally unconvinced that there was a historical figure known as Jesus (which would actually be Jeshua in Aramaic), the written example does provide for a fairly good guideline for living.  Though the sermon on the mount was more like reading from Poor Richard's Almanac and less like an actual sermon, it does have some good advice.  It also has some bad advice.  On the whole it's a pretty good message. 

There is one problem I have with Christianity, and indeed pretty much all organized religion: and that is how it motivates it's followers.  It sets people up to do good things so that they may escape punishment.  That is not altruism.  That's simply racking up the Jesus points so you can hang in his sky pad when you finally kick the bucket. 

In the words of Marcus Aurelius: "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."

Personally I would rather live a good life for it's own sake regardless of any reward that may be waiting for me because of it.  I don't have to believe in Jesus as a savior in order to do what is written that he asks us to do.
