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I don't know...

Started by nerdyshygirl, May 13, 2011, 05:02:42 AM

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Hi everyone!

I'm 28 and have known transgendered people most of my life.  I've only recently discovered that the label probably refers to me.  I've always felt anti-label, but I feel like if something describes me pretty well and I feel a certain way, I should Identify that way; at least so other's can understand who I am and how I think of myself.  Right now I'm still just trying to bring everything in and learn as much as I can.  I've recently discovered that I'm a women and I don't know what to do with that in my life.  Although everyone I know sees me as a really famine man, I don't know how to have them just see me as a women.  My girlfriend, somehow, understands where I am coming from as well as my best friends.  I'm just really confused and don't know where to go or how to tell people or anything.  I'm trying to be more like how I want and that is making me feel really happy, but I feel like maybe there is a way that other people have discovered that would make things easier?  I just feel crazy and don't know what to do!  How do I tell my girlfriend that I don't want body hair, or tell my family that I want to be called "she", or how do I go out in public as I want to?  :S  Am I in the right place?  Am I transgendered?


It's a bit confusing isn't it.   I'd start with your girlfriend and take things slowly, there is a wide spectrum of options so don't feel daunted by the enormity of the whole thing. Lots of good info and helpful people here.  The Wiki is really helpful too.
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"

Sabriel Facrin

Of course you're in the right place! ^.^ This is where we come to help each other over these kinds of questions! ^^'s my thoughts...
Ok, so, your girlfriend kind of knows, kind of doesn't...?  It might be best to try to bring her onto the same page.  The family is a very tough one everyone has trouble with, but I personally tried to establish it with the parent I trusted to be rational and open minded about it.  Either way, be careful that revealing will be on your own terms, (don't let them find something and freak out D: ) and be confident.  If they seem to not be taking it well, things that might be worth explaining are 'I'm still me, always will be', and 'It's not some mistake in growing up, (or 'being with you' as relevant) it's just that I was born this way and I'm finally coming to terms with it'. (it's helpful to read into what the brain/body bit's about to understand it better) I had a third one in mind, but forgot it. -.-;
Anyway, at the same time, don't try to bash them over the head with it if they're not comfortable with it, because this is something pretty big to take in.  Don't expect them to be entirely ignorant of transgenders just because they're cisgenders: I noticed a transexual friend of mine does that, and I don't think it's right that she discredits groups like that. :\

Finally, this is a big thing for you, not entirely them.  It is something that impacts the people you know, but the person this ultimately matters to is you.  It's good to establish people you know will stand behind you, but it's also important to not lag yourself excessively simply on the account to getting everyone with you.

I hope that helps ^^