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Questionnaire: did you find out while you were under age?

Started by Kev, February 10, 2011, 04:40:02 AM

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Hello everybody  :)

I'm lucky enough to write my BA thesis about under age trans* people. My professor thought it was a great idea. I was thinking maybe I was too close to the subject, but it turns out I do okay in the process.

So, I was doing a questionnaire. I had a handful of german transguys answering it, but I still need a lot more.

If you found out you were trans while you were under age, I could need your help.
Please PM me, and I will PM you the questionnaire.

Thanks a lot  :)

p.s.: oh yeah, of course this will be totally anonymous!

p.p.s.: I changed the topic, because it is not only meant for people that are under age now, but who were under age when they found out they were trans.




I guess the moment when you realize that you are trans.
I realize it is different with everybody.


i realized i was TS when i was 16 but wasnt allowed to start taking hormones untill i was 18


This definitely applies to someone like me.  I fully realized my transgenderism when I was 14.

Thank goodness for that one day I decided to Google search "I want to be seen as male".

But until that point, I was doubtful/questioning/at odds and wasn't clear about whether it was okay to feel the way I did. 


Hi everybody,

thanks for your PMs, by now I sent a questionaire to you all. Thanks for the PMs and keep em coming, the more the better.


I figured it out at age nine but it took me anouther 33 years to be able to do something about it.
I knew there was a fix even back then, but fear of the religious side of my family kept me deeply in the closet.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Well as is well recorded on the forum I not only discovered when I was "under age", as you put it, I first partially transitioned in 1965 aged just 5.

It took me until the early 80's to fully and permanently transition and get SRS but I grew up almost as a girl and so was WAY ahead of my time.

This, for me, happy outcome came about thanks to a strange combination of circumstances. First my mother was a BBC radio producer who specialised in medical topics and had by chance been involved in an early programme about the emerging science of gender identity. Second, my father died just as I was strting to express my issues and the child psychologist to whom I was taken advised that under the circumstance it was better not to make an issues out of what was likely to be "only a phase".

The consequence was that I was afforded considerable lattitude to express myself, and this even extended to choosing for me very avante-garde schools which also believed in children being free to "find themselves".

Anyway if I can be of assistance I would be happy to do so.



r e m

This applies to me as well; hopefully I'm not too late in responding..
I'm one of those kids who always 'knew' who I really was - I distinctly remember telling my mother I wanted to be a boy at about 2 or 3, and her telling me that it wasn't possible because I was a girl. My childish intuition told me she was a dead-end road at that point.

I realised what 'FtM' meant when I was 12 or 13 - when I met another transguy at work. I went home and looked it up on Google, like Hyde.




I knew I was born the wrong sex since I can remember.. Given we have nothing to compare to other than our own feelings, it's hard to say when I knew something was "wrong" if that is even the right word. Sometimes it takes a while for people to realize what exactly is going on. But anyway, my answer would be 3-4 years old.

Tesseract Allen

Around 7 or 8 I wen to bed evey night praying that I'd wake up in the morning and be a girl. I didn't actually start doing anything untill a few years ago though.
Twitter: Transmogrofied


Yeah Tesseract, I did the same thing every night. I remember also someone told me as a child "If you kiss your own elbow you will turn into a girl" and I was so disappointed that I couldn't do that..


7 - 17 - 27 :)

The first signs of dysphoria came around age 7, but I didn't realize then. I have pretty feminine pictures from age 1 month to 3,5 years at least.

First conscious announcements were at age 17. I remember opening the front door in girls clothes without any second thoughts. I just felt that whoever was on the other side I was being *real* and they just had to come to terms with it.
At that time I also told my high school class that I felt I belonged in a womens-only school.

There have been some half-conscious announcements prior to that though.

Twenty seven was the time I started full time transition. Finally going to that all-girls school I dreamed of for so long :) Prior to that I never succeeded in doing actual feminine presentation, because of lack of support and information.

Good luck


I have enough trouble concerning folks that I am the age that I say I am.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)


Moxie F.

11 or 12 was when I knew something was up with my gender, looked it up and then thought I was a MTF for years but the feeling would come and go then last years I found what seems to fit with gender fluid so I've been going with that. I do wish it would stop, hopefully on the female side . . . though that could just me being an internal girl right now.